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will there be archives about every character?

except for the licensed ones? or how does it work?


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  • Member Posts: 110

    I’m assuming that’s their goal, seeing as they upped the characters per tome from 2 to 4. Time will tell wether or not they are successful with that goal. I hope they at least get to Legion and Yui,

  • Member Posts: 662

    ikr. i'd really like to know more about their lore, and other characters' as well. i really hope feng min and jake gets an archive

  • Member Posts: 110

    Yeah, it’ll be pretty disappointing if they skip anyone, even though I doubt they will. I imagine Feng and Jake’s archives could be pretty interesting too.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    It hasn't been officially confirmed that there definitely will be, but I think it's safe to assume that's their goal. The only thing that's been confirmed is that there won't be Tomes for any of the licensed characters.

  • Member Posts: 496

    As long as there's no archive missions for the nurse id be happy. Any others would be fine. Nurse is just to annoying to play on console

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Licensed characters don't need fluff by tomes, they have their movies for more "background" info :P

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    They will probably do achieves for every character that is not licensed. As they are not their property so they can't invent a back story for them without asking permission. Also people would feel like it's a dirty trick to get them to buy the dlc. BHVR already caught hate when this achieve had spirit and doc challenges. Trapper was in the game by default so you could do his challenges at anytime. If your a new player, bought the battle pass then find out you need to spend hours of playing to unlock doc+spirit with shards just to do their challenges. People would be upset,

    I thought this achieve would include Billy or Wraith challenges since they are the other 2 that were in the game when it launched. It just feels odd they chose Doc and Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 662

    That's why i said "except for the licensed ones" i don't assume they will get anything

  • Member Posts: 3,627
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    As long as I get Feng Min and Legion archives along with plushies for them I'm fine.

    But I really do hope when the Legion and Feng Min can get there are caves they get the little charm dolls as well as purple tier cosmetics.

    It seems like whilst they are doing four characters only two will get the doll charm and purple cosmetic the other get a green outfit. Unless they release a doll for Jane and doctor within the next Rift as well as including all four characters in that one.

    There are definitely some people who are disappointed that Jane and doctor didn't get theirs. Don't do that to my Feng or Legion.

    It is kind of sad that my two other mains killer wise are licensed so I probably won't see anything from them.

    However the saw licence and the Stranger Things licence do seem to be very good when it comes to providing cosmetics so who knows maybe we might see an archive for them

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    David and Meg are my survivor mains and I loved the new cosmetics we got from David’s archive. Here’s to hoping that Meg’s is just as good, if not better. #TeamSportySpice

  • Member Posts: 558

    Doc was getting his rework, but idk why they picked Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Dweet for the next tome please.

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