Killers there is no “rulebook”

Hey killer mains, remember at the end of the day you are the killer use WHATEVER is in your arsenal or by any means necessary to end the survivors game in the most miserable way possible. If they get ousted from the game 2 minutes in and they are dead, ignore their pain. Their game experience isn’t our problem nor is it our responsibility stop playing to their imaginary rulebook and make their game experience miserable just like every single one of their crutch no skill perks are made to make our experience miserable.
same goes the other way, survivors can genrush and teabag if they want to.
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I play both sides.
I agree there is no rule book. You are 100% free to play this game as you like.
But there is fun and boring game play.
Tunneling/camping a survivor out of a game quickly so you can have 4-5 gens left with just 3 survivors left doesn't feel like much of a win to me. Camping and tunneling is boring for me. I personally don't give a crap about "winning".I don't need to "4K" to have fun any more than I have to "escape" to be happy playing survivor. I just need to have fun and earn BP. I attempt to allow other's to gain BP even if I dominate them. If I get shite on as a killer, I simply was the lesser player and I move on. Maybe it was the map, the SWF, or anything else you care to use to blame it one. Doesn't matter. I lost, let's move on to the next one.
My gripe is super sweaty "must win" killers that do crap tactics and disrespectful survivors who's obvious goal is to try and troll you. If you are good killer, kill them all. If you are a good survivor, do your gens and GTFO. Just don't be a douche when you dominate. And no salty comments unless they are deserved.
If I tunneled, or camped you, you are welcome to shite talk me. If I sandbagged a fellow survivor, you can shite talk me. If I was a disrespectful survivor, you can shite talk me. These people who dominate and then proceed with a tirade of what "trash" you were, those people need to learn some manners. Most likely in their real world life as well. A game is just that, a game. Games to me are for fun. Sour people and their abhorrent comments are what tilts me.
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I mean, you try to play as best as possible. It is a thing in every single game, not just video games. MTG players try to build the best decks, football and nba teams (and all other sports) strive to have the best team and strategy. Whining after a game about a particular perk or playstyle is childish. You don't see any players crying after a basketball game that the opposing team had a player who shot perfect 3 pointers the whole time, or after a football match that the goalkeeper has the speed and agility to not let the other team score a goal.
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best thing you can use is ebony mori and an add-on build like insta hatchets
but even THEN survivors have the upperhand
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I dont believe either side needs to follow any specific "rulebook".
The only thing I wish both sides would remember is that youre playing with real people and to treat them as you would like to be treated. Toxicity breeds toxicity. Kindness breeds kindness. If we all start to be nicer to eachother I would hope this game and community would become friendlier and more welcoming overall.
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Rip and tear until it is done, my Killers. Whatever it takes.
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I don’t understand this post. Everyone already knew this.
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Lots of us do, for sure, but then there are those dozens of end game chats with people who are jerks unnecessarily---you know how it is.
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That's when you close post game chat so you don't have to see it.
Posting on here isn't going to stop them from doing it.
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it can be a tactic, such as distracting the killer or getting his attention on you from some other survivor. same goes for flashlight clicking.
honestly the butt dance usually only happens at the exit gates but yeah.
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No, of course not. I just didn't want to dismiss the OP's post out-of-hand. It seemed to me there were valid reasons for them to post about it.
Have a good day & many escapes, @Johnny_XMan!
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Sure, but then don't go complaining about getting gen rushed every game, as survivors bring in the best toolboxes, the best sabo builds, and DS.
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Jesus another one of these posts? Dude nobody cares. Play like an ######### to you're hearts content.
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I just did two Trapper slug rounds. No hooking at all. Was pretty fun 😁
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I honestly just go by the most vintage unwritten rule of them all: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
While I'm not exactly a fan of it, tilting your opponent is totally a tactic that's perfectly legal as long as it's not done in rulebreaking ways. A killer might hard camp someone for tbagging and flashlight clicking, and the other 3 might finish the gens and escape as a result. Someone might give up on the hook if the killer makes it seem like they'll hardcamp/tunnel them even if they're not actually intending to.