I can't loop.

I'm extremely good at using my perks to avoid the Killer so I'm awesome at getting saves and doing gens. But I can't loop for crap.
In high rank games, this rarely matters because there are usually plenty of people who can take the agro plus gens go fast, so the fact I avoid the Killer at all costs doesn't matter. However, when I get teammates in worse ranks because of the incredibly balanced matchmaking, the fact the game slows down and I'm not taking hook states starts to cause issues.
I don't know what to do. I've even started using Dead Hard to help with my chases. I can time it pretty reliably, but it basically just delays the inevitable. The only times I "win" a chase and have the Killer leave me are usually because they went to someone else or they got confused. If I have a halfway decent game I get the silver evader medal, but I never get the gold or red one unless its a baby Killer
My main issue is pallet timing and looping with vaults. When I try to turn around and slam the pallet in the Killer's face I usually end up on the wrong side of the pallet or get hit instead of pulling it down (basically if I wait at a pallet to try to get a stun I usually take a hit instead of getting the stun). Also, with vault loops, like T-Walls I can never make the vault safely... maybe thats normal but I feel like I've seen people do it before.
Do you play console or pc?
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@Nickeleye PC lol
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Dont worry about hitting the killer with pallets. Pretty silly thing to get hit over.
Just drop the pallet and continue on.
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You aren't the only one. In fact, I would say that you are in the vast majority of players. People on these forums like to make it sound like it is ridiculously easy to loop the killer around the map for infinity. I would give you advice to improve but I'm not particularly good at it myself.
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hiding isnt an option at higher ranks lol
looping is literally the most fun part, the only other thing you can do is hold M1. ive been watching Zubat for a long time and just do what he does and it gets me to Reds every time, though nowadays that doesn't mean much anymore
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The... state of matchmaking at the moment might actually be useful to you if you have a mindset where you want to improve more than anything then.
Play killer as no matter what your rank is you'll probably run into strong survivors. Pay attention to how they play, especially if they're proving hard to catch even while running mindgameable tiles, but pay attention to less exciting stuff like how close they let you get before they drop pallets and the like as well. You can learn a surprising amount this way, when I started playing it really helped me out.
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I suck at looping and juking too. I suffer carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands which consults that my fingertips usually feel kind of numb and I just can´t move and look back over my shoulder... I tried it hundred times I just can´t do it. Therefore I am usually a welcome victim for the most Killers.
I get cursed out alot from other players at the end of a match (1K Hours and still a noob... stuff like this)
So... you´re not the only one
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Sorry I'm on console so I cant help you. I had a red rank killer who was kind enough to spend time with me in KYF and it made a world of difference. Looping takes time to get good at. But it also helps to have someone to practice with that knows what their doing. For instance, he taught me when to loop clockwise or counterclockwise. Something that until that day had never occurred to me. I was amazed at the difference just going around a loop from a different direction could make.
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Doing gens isn't hard at all and hiding is a little difficult. When u said u throw down the pallet and it happens to be you are on the wrong side and the killer hits you the first thing that comes to mind is that you are not using your camera angles well, learn to keep your eye on the killer while looping while knowing your surroundings as u are probably just looking at where you wanna go.
Also it's good to predict where the killer will go next based off where you saw them looking last
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You will never learn if you never make mistakes. Here is a pretty solid guide how to get hold of basics.
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Work on positioning for looping. Most times "bad looping" is just an unsafe loop. Learn where you loop and you will find it easy. And a quick tip try getting good at killer shack because you can run it for a very good time.
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No never do that if you are not facing with Doctor, Freddy or Clown. God pallets will go with this way. You need loop killer in this area and when killer is near you, use pallet.
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Y’all really necropost a year-old thread?
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I play on Xbox with X-Play on most of the time, but sometimes I'll switch it off and it's significantly easier to catch a survivor with X-Play off. It's no disrespect to console survivors and I do face good teams, but the movements are so easy to predict and often when fast turning, 360 etc the movements are much slower and wider than PC. Console movements don't seem to be able to hug walls/rocks etc as tightly when doing loops.
It's just generally harder to do these fast movements consistently on console and add in frame rate drops etc it becomes even more annoying. I'm at about 80 sensitivity (working up to 100) & have my elite controller analog curves set to super aggressive twitch type movements and I still find it difficult to flick really good PC players. Most of the time now I just let them like 360 a few times or back peddle then hit them because I know if I commit to trying to flick hit them I'll probably miss and lose them.
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
This image is a good start. The biggest thing is to stay patient and know the primary and secondary path you should take at every tile. There is almost always a safe play or two to make on every map at any given time. Don't get sped up and just start running. I'm always thinking one or two tiles ahead. "After this tile, where am I going?" If the killer messes up and gives you space to get to that next tile without using the current tile's pallet, even better.
For L/T walls specifically, I like to chain them into an adjacent tile. They're almost always next to something else that you can use to form one super tile.
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This post was resurrected for a silly reason BUT it's helpful to me because I'm bad at looping, too. Two of the things that hurt me are slow reaction times and not being able to pick up the patterns in tiles -- it all looks like random walls to me. So the diagrams and stuff are helpful.
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I want to help out but I think my writing pages and pages about Looping would be boring, hard to follow, and not the least bit helpful to you. So I looked these up for you:
Clicking on this link should take you to a list of Youtube videos where Looping is covered in depth by lots of different, capable people. Good luck; this type of research helped me become "competent" as a Looper. You only get good with practice.
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(EDIT: Saw the thread was necro'd, sorry for adding to it further).