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If you was your own killer in DBD, What would be your power and weakness?

My power would be Telekinetic Pull And Push.

My weakness would be a 5 second cool-down and Nurse's Base Movement Speed.

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  • Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2020

    Name: The Corrupt

    Ability: One of us

    After spending years watching normal people interact, you're able to blend in with the crowd.


    While in the Sane State, take on the appearance of one of the Survivor's in the trial. Your heart beat and terror radius is hidden.

    Your corrupt mind has lead you to take on many skills that you use to gain the advantage over others. While others may see you as being helpful, you're really setting back their progress. (You will appear to be repairing a generator normally but you will instead be regressing a generator's progress at the normal Survivor's speed.)

    Picking up a Survivor's MedKit and using it on an injured Survivor will cause the Deep Wound status effect. (Uses up 25% of the items progress)

    Picking up a Survivor's Toolbox and using it will allow you to regress generator speed faster.

    Picking up and using a Survivor's Flashlight will allow you to blind a Survivor, forcing them to drop their currently held item.

    Staying near other Survivor's will make your deception start to crack. After 15 seconds you will have a twisted smile, After 25 Seconds you will begin cracking up, After 35 Seconds you can't hold back anymore and switch to the Insanity State.


    Can manually be switched by holding Mouse 2. Transitioning into the Insanity State causes you to burst out in a crazed laugh (Similar to Oni). The surge of bloodlust and adrenaline overcomes you (Movement speed increased by 10%, running locked in). You cannot hold any items while in this state. You can no longer focus on regressing Generator Speed manually. (Reverts to kick)

    You can only return to the Sane State by staying away from Survivor's for 20 seconds. Any Survivor's within your terror radius or too close to you will stop and reset the timer. When returning to the Sane State, you will take on the appearance of another Survivor at random.

    WEAPON: Poisoned Dagger

    Any Survivor hit by you become poisoned (Similar in effect to Borrowed Time), as time goes on the poison will moderately slow the Survivor down unless they mend.

    *Perhaps instead of mending, the Survivor will have to look around for hidden places containing an antidote?*


    Killer's Medkit: Same ability as above, similar rarities as a regular Survivor's, dropped when the Insanity State is initiated. If a Survivor attempts to pick this item up they will yell out, drop the item and be affected by the same poison used by the dagger. (Poisoned Pins)

    Killer's Toolbox: Same ability as above, similar rarities as a regular Survivor's, dropped when the Insanity State is initiated. If a Survivor attempts to pick this item up they will yell out, drop the item and be put in the Injured State. (Barbed Wire)

    Killer's Flashlight: Same ability as above, similar rarities as a regular Survivor's, dropped when the Insanity State is initiated. If a Survivor attempts to pick this item up they will yell out, drop the item and be affected by the same poison used by the dagger. (Poisoned Pins)

    Barbed Hook modification: No one takes your pray away from you unscathed, you wrap barbed wire around your victim after hooking them. Any Survivor rescuing a Hooked Survivor will be put into the Injured State.

    Serrated Hook modification: No one escapes you unscathed. Any Survivor that is Unhooked has the Mangled effect applied.

    That's all I've got so far. I know, I know, I'm overpowered. :P

    Kind of like a buffed Legion, I suppose. *shrug*

    Oh, and the only way to obtain the Killer's tools is via the Bloodweb. This Killer cannot search in chests.

    Post edited by Kyxlect on
  • Member Posts: 128

    Swearing non-stop when the game just decides I need to fight nothing but Red Rank Survivors. My throat is so messed up, right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    5th survivor. The power would be - stealing survivors bp and letting them have their boring utopia with free escapes.

  • Member Posts: 278

    Power: The ability to destroy survivor items left on the ground.

    Weakness: Kate. All Kate's get an automatic hatch if last player standing.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    I'm not sure. Canonically, it's uncertain if killer's get some input in what their powers are. Sure, Even and Max were already good at butchering using their respective methods, but It's unlikely that Sally and Rin got a say in being turned undead.

    As for me, I think my power would be related to climbing and/or speed. Mainly being able to climb over obstacles and loops.

  • Member Posts: 747

    My power: being too smart.

    My weakness: having random brain farts (stuns me for 5 seconds)

  • Member Posts: 179

    Killer : The Undead

    Height: average/Speed: 4.4 mps/Terror Radius: 20 m

    Perks: Dinner Bell

    Whenever a noise notification appears the aura of the survivor who triggered it is revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.

    Icey stare:

    Reduces flashlight blindness by 60/70/80 percent and a movement speed increase of 2/3/4% for 5 seconds.

    Prey tracking

    Scratch marks left by survivors appear significantly brighter and blood trails left by injured survivors appear closer together.

    Special ability: Starvation madness

    While following scratch marks your power meter will fill. Once it is full activate your ability. The Killer lounges forward with 150% movement speed for 3 seconds to bite the survivor applying the hemmorage and mangled status effect. The power meter will deplete rapidly with each successful attack.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Power - Infinite food

    Weakness - get too distracted by food to actually kill anyone

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I'm a big guy and I've been doing martial arts for 10 years, so I know exactly how to break someone if needed. I also have the uncanny ability to sneak up on people silently.

    I'd say that I'd have a small-ish terror radius and the ability to afflict survivors with status effects while they're downed.

    My weakness would be chases, since I don't have a chase power, or detection since I have no tracking.

  • Member Posts: 550

    New killer: The Worthless

    Killer passive: lazy and unmotivated. You feel like you couldn't accomplish anything even if you tried. For every survivor alive, you gain a 10% reduction to all action speeds.

    Killer power: overwhelming depression. You feel like ######### so much that it rubs off on other people. Upon activating this power, all survivors within a 40 meter range will experience lazy and unmotivated at quadruple the standard rate.

    Overwhelming depression is deactivated when a survivor insults you, which will then push all your emotions back in so no one else will see. You then spend the rest of the trial hiding in a corner and trying not to cry.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    Well I am a person with a dark personality and always loved the "darkness". I can be really friendly and helpfull but also very cold hearted and mean. Because of my asperger syndrom I dont feel empathy so that could be a nice concept for a Killer I belive xD.

    New Killer: The Demon

    Lore: You despite humans and want to see them suffer, you love to humilate them and let them be frozen by their own fear.

    Stats: Slow Killer, Tall size, 16m Terror Radius

    Power: Demonic Fury

    You need to build up your fury by getting stunned, blinded or chase a survivor. You are weak and have no motivation for anything, you hate everything around and get bullied. You do not care about anything, not even pain. You build up your power slowly and are able to transform into a powerfull demon with hornes and wings. You are able to cast fire magic to leave a ruin of destruction. You are able to fly and even shoot fire magic from there aswell.

    Demon Stats: Normal speed Killer 115%, Huge size!, Map wide Terror Radius

  • Member Posts: 857

    Nymphomania, everyone is constantly horny. and become oblivious at the chance of getting it on.

  • Member Posts: 1,192
    edited March 2020

    Power: MINE!

    Upon hitting a survivor with an Item I gain said Item. The next survivor smacked upside the head with said item is downed in one hit. Item is destroyed

    Downside: If holding onto the item for too long i drop and trip over it (stun)

    (honestly i just want to smack someone with their own toolbox)

  • Member Posts: 19

    Probably something like stopping time while still could move with some hefty cooldown after a hit.

    or just rip the lever from the exit gates apart.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Hyper Focused: Your ability to focus in allows you to easily focus on the objective ahead of you, granting you a precognitive glance into a Survivors next move.

    Downside: You become do focused that you forget important things quite easily, so every 1 out of 3 weapon swings you forget to swing the weapon.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Strength: Farting.

    Weakness: Overthinking.

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