General Discussions

General Discussions

Which exhaustion perk do you prefer?

Member Posts: 5,612
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Im trying to figure out which to use sprint burst balanced landing lithe or dead hard. Sprint burst is nice but you cant run deadhard gives you basically nullifies one hit (if it works) balanced landing is good in general because of nullifying falling. And lithe i dont have but sounds nice for looping through windows.


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  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Dead hard, even though its a buggy mess, its more useful in 90% of situations and i feel naked without it at this point

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    They all have their good and bad points.

    Overall I'd say Lithe is the most consistent. It gaind distance and you can still run around and use it at your leisure on any map. The only ones its not that great on is Hawkins or the game top floor.

    DH is great for gaining distance to a pallet but otherwise with the servers as they are you will most likely get hit through the window or get hit trying to use it any other way. You have to use it so early its not the same as it was before.

    SB I don't really like as for it to be useful when needed you basically have to walk around. It's good for rushing in for a quick save but imo you lose more time overall than you gain from it.

    BL the stagger effect is nice but its so map dependant that I stopped running it. Some maps only have one or two places, shelter woods is particularly bad as all you have is the centre tree. It becomes a dead perk when rng isn't on your side.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Personally I think that Sprint Burst, Dead Hard and Head On are the best exhaustion perks right now. Sprint Burst being the best.

    While lithe may be worth taking you have to remember that in order for it to work you need windows if there arent any nearby you wont use it (a bit map dependent).

    Balanced landing on the other hand is so situational that i wouldnt put it on unless i know which map i am going to. (Heavily map dependant) Plus killer can apply an exhaustion before you get use it...

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Dead Hard. I used to love Balanced Landing but the nerf + the fact some maps have almost nowhere to use it made me stop running it.

  • Member Posts: 221

    Dead hard

  • Member Posts: 126

    balanced landing. its underrated. it opens up more spots to escape where you otherwise couldnt.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Also BL. The removed sounds after landing gives a stealth option as well. On Haddonfield and Springwood I escape so many times unseen when I drop soundless and then walk with 50% bonus speed around the next corner. Super ninja perk on these maps, and others offer some spots as well to do that

  • Member Posts: 909

    Lithe is my favorite of those, since it's fairly easy to use and helps you make distance safely, rather than Sprint Burst which can be easily wasted and not make distance, or Balanced Landing which usually means you're not in a good position.

    (Head On is still my favorite exhaustion perk, though)

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    If you’re going for the taste the floor kind of build, definitely Dead Hard. It will have you exhausted on the ground in no time.

    In all seriousness it is nice if you are trying to loop, while Sprint Burst gives you distance in very risky situations. Like being caught in a dead zone.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Dead hard is the best without a doubt, due to the ability to avoid a hit or extend loops. The issue is that dedicated servers mean that it doesn't actually function half of the time.

    Sprint burst is the next best one imo. You can 99% it for an easy distraction to the killer without being hit, you can gain a lot of distance, and it's just really good. As others have said, you have to walk, but you don't because of the 99% trick.

    Balanced and Lithe are pretty bad to me. Balanced is so situational that on most maps it's not worth it, and lithe is consistent and functional, but most of the time you use perks like BL or sb to gain distance to make it to a loop, and using lithe means you're already at a loop.

    Head On is relatively strong, and by far my favourite. It's just so satisfying to use, and it brings joy back to this game for me.

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