Nerf spirit

Because it's unfair
I thought you would at least give us a reason.
Well, how about you start learning how to face a Spirit? She's only a guessing game to people who treat her like any other killer.
"When seen, loop them to oblivion."
She requires pathing to find you, pathing without vaulting and she, of course, cannot jump.
So jukes using vaults are useful against her because she is dependent on noise and predicting *your* movements while she is phasing.
But, if you just wanna say she's just unfair without trying to get better.
Git gud.
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Dude... i think this is a bait post and you went for it lol
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Yawn... Next.
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No I agree with this. Even when you do know how to play against a spirit. I've had some killers find me when I was hidden they were around halfway across the map and I wasnt making any noise (grass, hurt or scratch Mark's and they phased right to me. That's either some extremely good luck or the player was cheating. As far as I know when the spirit phases she cant actually see the survivors just scratch marks. So how did that killer find me. And it happens quite a bit
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How do people still have trouble beating spirit?
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Nerf Bastion
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she can see my tracks AND/OR blood with an addon and she can clearly hear my position while freely moving around, i cant see her or hear her location plus she is too fast in phasing with certain add-ons. Clearly not a balanced killer
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Not just Spirit... Nerf ´em all.
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genually, i believe that in some point there will be someone who will answer properly :) and not hironically
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Survivors still breath when standing still. You are never completely quiet. They also could have used an aura perk to find you. Learn how the game works, and you'll figure out how a killer found you without instantly jumping to the idea that they're cheating.
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you are just making my point, she can spot you by being completely invisible and you have no counter play to this. That means: Unbalanced or Over Performing
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Try playing Spirit and you will see that its not that easy to use sounds when the survivor is not hurt. Even hurt, you can have a bad time hitting them after the phasing.
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Bro, she carries a vacuum cleaner behind her when she phases toward you outside her TR. If you can't figure out how to hide when you hear that, it's a you problem.
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The addon to track blood is Ultra Rare, as it should be because it's powerful. The other Ultra Rare removes her ability to see scratch marks.
She is also easily disoriented by scratch marks because you can run and walk to confuse her.
She can't clearly hear your position, when phasing she can hear her own vacuum cleaner.
And you can deny her fast movement during phasing by just vaulting.
She cannot vault while phasing.
If you are sucking against Spirit, you will suck against basically every killer who has high rank play. Because every single killer up there will demolish you if you refuse to learn and just scream for nerfs.
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I'm left side deaf, i can't play spirit :)
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Vacuum cleaner with no directional clues? Hello? She could be Anywhere?
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"ultra rare" makes me laugh since i have tons of them "ultra rares" addons in my survs/killers webs xD Same as "EbOnY mOrI iS uLtRa rArE" and then every game i see ebony killers who spam mori bc of frustration given by SWF or "ultra rare" items and add-ons
Not that easily disoriented since if you see scratchmarks and they just stop appearing it obviously means the one is walking near and read carefully NEAR so you just pop out and POOP you see him there walking like an idiot
Vaulting what? If you are not ######### spirit you know this meme tech and you avoid it by going around the vault with your 300 m/s speed and you jsut get him on the other side
Clearly unbalanced and Over Performing
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The vacuum has always been directional.
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Oh... dont know what to say, but nice to see a smile in adversity. :)
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Nerf Nurse.. Nerf Demogorgon, nerf Oni, nerf nerf nerf.. You have to make music of it 🤣
Decisive strike, or Thrill..
Need stop play ^^
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As previously side, im one side deaf, it doesn't seamd to be any directional :\
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all of them are fine, very difficult to play and add-ons are not that op at all
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Ah. Yeah, that would make things way harder. I'm sorry, and I genuinely hope the devs find a way to improve accessibility with this game.
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Try losing line of sight fast vaulting then quiet vault back through use that distraction to stay out of sight. If chased again fake vault and walk to another vault and slow vault. Spirit with stridor is really strong but not as common as to Nerf her further.
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Spirit is mostly dependent on a good pair of headphones. Hard to counter that (sometimes). There are mind games that can be played, but to experienced players, doesn't matter. That's all playing/vs spirit is, who can mindgame the other. Balance is in Spirits favor though
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There is no way for the game to be more "accessible" to ppl like me, unless they put some arrows were the noises comes, but that would crash the game too hard, so i just know that i will be deaf forever and no more then that