Toxic Survivors

I can't be the only person who's experience is being completely ruined by toxic survivors, right? It feels like every match that they'll teabag and flashlight spam at me, regardless of if they're good or not. This is ridiculous.



  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    my experience is being ruined by changes BHVR keep making

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    now, tell again the story without crying.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512
    edited March 2020

    it can be the difference between a killer showing mercy and a killer annihilating your entire team with no remorse, tunneling you once you get unhooked, giving you match, mori spamming, etc or just playing a normal game

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Doing things to piss off a killer can make the killer do things in which they ensure you earn no blood points, and frustrate you to the point in which many players want to d/c. I've seen is happen countless times. the general rule is just dont be a dick and everyone can be chill unless the killer comes in sweaty. Even then most killers respect a good nontoxic player. I've been in matches that lasted 10+ minutes and netted some people less than 12K bloodpoints because the killer made sure to slug them, made sure hooks were unsafe. constantly tunneled and grabbed people off objectives, and would pick them up to drop them so they could struggle free just to slug them again.

    All of them because they took a simple double BPS chill game and decided to gen rush, flashlight palette stun, teabag be a dick to the killer.

  • Fengmin200
    Fengmin200 Member Posts: 64

    You have to learn to laugh. You have to show them that you don't care. You're here to have fun, so have fun! 😛

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh, okay, how any rude words or even insults may affect you online? People live far away from you so, like, you shouldn't have any problems with that, right?

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    What’s wrong with flashlight stun? How the hell can you get angry at something that requires specific positioning to use properly? What a bunch of crybabies lmao how about your lucky people play with you? I’ve seen better stuns than the flashlight in video games and you complain about situational ones. What a bunch of privileged children in here.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    youre lucky it’s not a baseball bat that works from any direction not just in front of you. You’re lucky there’s not 7 survivors like there’s 7 counselors in F13. You’re lucky they can’t work together to fight back in any way or kill you. Surviving made possible is the only real reason anyone would want to play survivor for your sorry asses lmaoo I’m seeing words of privilege in here such as “ensure you earn no bloodpoints” 😂 what the hell.... this is why survivors need more buffs to ensure you realize you’re 1 of 5 in the lobby that want to gain points and succeed in doing the objectives you’re assigned to do. 4/5 people are really getting that kind of cockiness? And you’re telling me these killers don’t have it too good? Hahaha. Okay.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Nothing should really piss off the killer. Pallet stunning is what survivors are supposed to do. Flashlights stun is meant to be used to free grabbed survivors so are you really mad at that? 😂 I mean ######### lol I’ve never seen people complain so much about the other side. You might as well throw all 4 survivors in a cage with no barriers or weapons and let you go in there with an AK47. I wish survivors could do more. I wish killers could just be happy with 0-4 kills a game. Survivors need those survived points because for some reason there’s a deficit in the points given /available to survivors compared to those available / given to killers.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 255

    Believe it or not, but I think that the cause of your negative experience is solely your attitude or your expectations of the game.

    To see "win" or "lose" as the only outcome of the game is not enough for me. When I play Killer, I have a lot of fun chasing survivors.

    Why don't you try this?

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88

    When I play killer they don't bug me at all. If someone is clicking their flashlight they're not on a gen and that's good enough for me. Tbagging/emoting after a pallet drop or something I find cheeky and fun. Like "haha you got the stun, good job big boy I'll getcha." Hit em up with a head nod after I down em or something.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I literally main survivor but I do things within reason. I've seen people flashlight stun chain killers and this ######### is horrible to watch. Palette, one flashlight, then another, then another. It's usually a SWF that ends up going down then bitching because the killer gave me hatch since i wasn't being an #########.

    IDC how anyone plays, do what you want. But usually the same people bitching about NoED and Blood Warden and told killers to adapt to new Ruin are the same mofos who teabag, irritate the killer on purpose then get mad when the killer tunnels them and I refuse to help because they brought it on themselves. I'm not saying don't use mechanics that are in game but when you do things essentially, and you know when you're trying to make the killer mad on purpose to SuprisedPikachuFace when you basically get farmed on hook due to tunnel and you depip.

  • undercovertoaster
    undercovertoaster Member Posts: 16

    Thank you for proving my point. Survivor mains, everybody!

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Since Teabagging is meant as an insult, it has the same effect as racial slurs at a sports game. If you dont see any issue with that, maybe you should start working on your social skills, and/or your empathy, and i dont mean the perk.

  • AFK_in_A_Corner
    AFK_in_A_Corner Member Posts: 2

    I rarely if ever have gotten a dirty message from Killers on PS4, but many survivors send me racist, horrible things. Then if I curse back at them and get reported for violation of PSN and warnings. So I have to private my PSN messages and blocked all Friend Requests. This is the 1st game i've ever had to do that in.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    For real, dude, not every person is as thick skulled as you are, so someone will be upset about being mocked as a killer. It usually hits harder when you start thinking that you're pretty good at this game and then all of a sudden you get demolished by a 4-man SWF party. And it's not a friendly "Oh, we know it's unfair but we just wanna hang out together, so don't get upset about loosing!", it's a "you suck, you're so bad, lmao, how are you still alive?" throughout the match.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Comparing tbagging to racism is disgusting, anyone that defends that is a lunatic, and tbagging has 0 impact on the game, and some bot dropping a pallet and tbagging, how is that insulting? DBD is the only community I've ever been involved in that continually acts as if tbagging has some game altering effect, it does nothing, you're in a game where you murder people, but apparently spamming ctrl is just too much.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    You're in a role of a killer, a powerful butcher who brings mere survivors to the Entity, the whole scene is happening on a dark, scary location with no hope of survival... But you can't really do a thing and survivors just buttdance infront of you. Can you feel the whole problem here and why other games don't have issues with teabagging?

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    This is from my last game.

    My advice: You should learn to laugh at them. Don't take what they say too seriously, they are just kids behind a computer screen.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Uhm, it's a videogame bro, you play how you want, everyone else will play how they want, do you not see the problem with comparing tbagging in a video game to actually shouting racist slurs at people at sporting events or are you just ignoring that? It's a GAME, it's non verbal, and does 0 for the outcome of the match, and a survivor drops a pallet and tbags, oh nooooo couldn't possibly just kill them or something.

  • Gand4lf
    Gand4lf Member Posts: 13

    And thank YOU for proving that youre not only easily trolleable, but also BLIND (or ignorant), by selecting the only salty comment instead one of the other 15 posts suggesting that you're in fact, a baby.

    Probably you don't have more than 50 hours in-game, so... welcome to DbD.

  • sahidoaisow
    sahidoaisow Member Posts: 11

    teabagging is not equal to racism its literally someone pressing a button. its not that deep.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Teabagging and racism really cannot and should not be compared. If you take things inside of a game that seriously you should maybe think about taking a break for awhile. It’s really not that deep. Games are supposed to be fun. Don’t let them cause you unnecessary stress.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Toxic killers are worse than toxic survivors, in my opinion.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    I'm not the one who compared teabagging with racist slurs. But you miss the whole point of teabagging. As someone mentioned, it's like showing a middle finger. But if you can overcome it by thinking "oh hell, I'm protected by the power of the Internet", good for you. But if you had greater empathy and knew who social communication works, you would find this AT LEAST unpleasant.

    The whole mentality "it's a videogame, so it shouldn't be taken seriously" can be easily compared to "it's the Internet and people can say or do whatever they want". Yeah, you can do whatever you want, but should you really be rude to someone you don't know?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Middle Fingers & Racist slurs are actually things that are offensive, that have been known as offensive for hundreds of years, t bagging, is something someone thought was funny to do in a video game and it spread, huge difference, but sure, you guys can continue to be upset by someone pressing CTRL on the other side of a pallet and act as if it means something.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715
    edited March 2020

    It means something, it is used to taunt a killer, it is used to mock a player. It translates to "lmao, you bad". You know this. You don't find this offensive? Cool, you're thick skinned, you're really special, but there are sensetive people out here and people who can get fed up with such attitude. Are you really trying to say that teabagging in this game is not bad because it's kinda a new thing? Are you for real?

    Yeah, people press CTRL to insult people, 21st freaking century. You find this funny, it actually is funny if you think about this out of context, but I simply can't explain how online rude non-verbal communication works because you totally fail to see one.

    "Teabagging isn't toxic because it wasn't known for hundreds of years." 🤡 You sound like some relatively old middle-aged man who calls people snowflakes for trying to be polite.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    It's simple for me... You click the flashlight or t bag means you want my attention so I give them my undivided attention, they get it all.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    It’s a videogame about killing people

    the only 🤡 is you for getting worked up over tbagging

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    It's not the case. This game isn't just a "horror survival" thing, it's competitive in it's own way. When you teabag, you say to a killer "your skill level is low, all your wasted time was for nothing, you're bad at this game, suck it up, loser". I know that watching specific youtubers who bully rank 20 killers is... funny?.. but, please, try to be more kind towards other players. We all know that teabagging isn't just a "look, ha-ha, funny buttdance!" thing, it's been recognized as a toxic move since 2016 here. And you know it. Or you're just new and came here after watching funny montages.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I played Halo 3, MW2, Retail and Classic WoW

    Tbagging in dbd is nothing compared to the toxicity of those games

    if I Tbag you when I looped you 4 gens, at that point I’m probably confident you are below my skill level and if I choose to show it through clicking or tbagging, then I also expect you to wanna kill me

    its part of the game and makes playing survivor fun, grow up

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Sorry but your position isn't really healthy. If you choose to annoy a low skilled killer, who is already frustrated, just because it's fun, I can no longer discuss this topic with you.

    Also, I thought growing up supposed to mean that you're mature enough to understand how other people feel and that you should respect each individual if they do nothing wrong. But you do you, I guess.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited March 2020

    Who are you to tell other people how to enjoy a game? So long as they are not cheating or being overtly offensive, then you have no authority to tell people how they should play a game that they bought.

    People always want to let everyone that they are "right" even when it comes off as arrogance.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    My issue is fast actions sounding like bombs going off in my ears. It impossible to concentrate then you go all the way there and they are blending into god knows what and if the off chance you out play them they dc being a complete waste of time.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh my god, "I bought the game and can do whatever I want there" mentality. You're playing with real people, not bots. What do you expect to hear from me? "Okay, go, teabag, that's so funny, the killer is on their last nerve, come on, do it, they'll DC soon, ha-ha, click your flashlight, oh goood, they can't do a thing, lmao. Show off and jump in and out of a locker right in front of them! The killer will be feeling worse by the end of a match but still, do it do it do it! Don't forget to teabag near the exit gates! Wow, I'm having so much fun, I don't care about the killer, their mood and experience! It's all about you because you paid $$$."

    (Didn't get the text below, sorry, English isn't my mother tongue. And I'm not really interested in talking with you, I just saw someone liked your comment.)

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    T-bagging is just a way of saying:

    There is no racial slur, there is no other meaning to it. It's literally just the easiest way to say "Get ducked*".

    Your argument that one of the internet's and videogames's oldest insults is somehow equivalent to a racial slur is mind-boggling at best and concerning at worst.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    ima say the same thing I said on the other thread like this:

    if you get upset by someone pressing Control, you gotta sort some things out

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    dont complain when a killer smacks you on the hook then 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Learn to deal with it and stop crying. If they are out to get you , that means they aren't doing any gens. You should take advantage of that.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Point is Tbagging is fine, mod in other thread said it’s a waste of supports time to report it

    /end thread

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525