How far is "A Great Height"
For the Sore Ankles Chapter 3 challenge in the Tome.
Is it too much to ask to put the actual distance in the description? Like "fall from 8 meters while being chased" instead of these vague adjectives?
What even is 8 meters in the game?
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I got it without falling from anywhere that high, I think it just needs to be high enough to trigger balanced landing
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I would assume that any fall that causes you to stagger would be considered a great height.
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y'all muricans or what? You don't know what a meter is?
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Staircase of Thompson House
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Yeah I jumped off of houses on strode for this challenge lol. Just seemed like the easiest way to ensure I got it
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The gantry and window over basement stairs in Lerys worked for me!
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Pretty sure an in-game meter's congruence to a real-life meter is questionable and/or debatable.
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This isn't true. I fell off a hill which triggers BL & it didn't work. Fell off the side of the tractor while in chase too & also didn't work. So I think it has to be at least as tall as the top part of the tractor? Really don't know why the hill didn't work - I assumed if BL triggered it would work too. Otherwise I never use that Perk. :D
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I know what a meter is. It doesn't list measurements in game - hence the thread. It literally just says "fall from a great height." I WANT it to tell me in meters.
Also, numbers in general would be nice. Like when a Toolbox says "tremendously" instead of giving tangible numbers. These adjectives for descriptions are worthless.
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Hmm I got it on the game map from dropping from the top level onto the stairs which isn't a big fall, maybe it isn't that consistent then.
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American here. A lot of us know a meter is pretty much a yard or 3 feet (at least those who had “yard sticks” in school if they are still around). I think they meant what it looks like in game. It’s hard to judge the actual size, distance in game sometimes. I was wondering if the hills were “a great fall” but those seem to be only 12 feet (4 meters)
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The question from the OP didn't really need a thread, just jump from the higher map and I'm sure you'll get it (Is it the hole in Hawkings 2nd floor?), but I'm pretty sure it works on coal tower or crotus prenn as well.
Also, I'm not sure about Unreal Engine, but in Unity 3D, the unit is the meter, and you, as a developer, should create (or scale) your models and everything in your game accordingly. I'm pretty sure Unreal Engine works the same way, so you can extrapolate the height of the characters. I think Leatherface is ROUGHLY 2m (maybe 1.9m, IDK), so let's say, 4m is rougly 2 bubbas stacked, there you go.
And that's why the metric system is so great, it works everywhere and it's easy to use :-D Could you imagine coding a videogame in feet, yards... OMG, I'm having a headache just by thinking about it. Nightmare fuel.
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Somwhere between considerable and tremendous height
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honestly, i think it counts anything that would trigger Balanced Landing.
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Did you really just go on a tangent about the superiority of the metric system?
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No. I answered the OP question about how to complete the challenge, then I answered the comment by xGHOSTFACEx about "what a meter looks like in the game" explaining about how game engines and game development work, and then I wrote just a line about how great the metric system is (because it's a fact).
Don't you agree?
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Nah man we have to be consistent with the vagueness.
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The hills in game are a great height. Anything that makes you stagger or anything that would trigger Balanced Landing.
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It can't be a fact. It's literally an opinion.
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Alright, what's your opinion then? is the metric system superior to the imperial system or not?
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Not really. Neither is superior to the other.
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So, you're like the flatearther of the measurement units? you know the metric is WAY better, but you just don't want to aknowledge it?
Ok, I know it probably feels like an attack on you and on what you've learned as a child and somehow you have to be defensive. Somehow this bothers you, since you engaged in this discussion as soon as someone mentioned it and it bothered you that I "took a tangent" to say something you apparently don't like. But this is not the case, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or something, the metric system is superior. In fact, I don't think the metric is superior, it's just that the imperial is SO inferior, like you have crazy units and relation that don't really make sense. Sorry mate, the metric is better, don't take it personal.
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Uhh I was more baffled that you had that much emotional investment in the metric system.
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What? I'm not the one that said "hey! did you go on a tangent explaining a true fact that I don't want to acknowledge because my elementary school teacher taught me differently?? Silence you metric system fundamentalist!! You're hurting my feelings!! I like my system in teaspoons and my earth flat!!"
LMAO... some 'muricans man, I swear...
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Map offering, balanced landing, only took two attempts lol
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Here is my highly scientific data from my attempts at this challenge.
I tried the sides of the tractors/balers and a hill in Coldwind Farm, triggered Balanced Landing 5 times, didn't get the challenge.
Played a second match, went out the side window of a crane and off a hill in Autohaven Wreckers. Both triggered Balanced Landing, no challenge.
I got my first one when I dropped from the top floor of Hawkins with no Balanced Landing.
Another attempt in Autohaven Wreckers, went off a hill twice, triggered Balanced Landing and again, nothing.
Final trial burned a Strode Realty Key, went to Haddonfield and finished the challenge by jumping off the second story houses with Balanced Landing.
So there is a specific distance, not just "anything that triggers Balanced Landing". One thing I wish I'd tested was shorter falls without Balanced Landing but I'm guessing those wouldn't work either.
P.S. I realized I should clarify this, but all the above times are just falls while I was listening to chase music for at least a bit after landing so I was definitely being chased. There were other falls, I just didn't record them.
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This is not true. I fell from smaller height triggered balanced landing and it didn't count. Can someone answer this please, I can't avoid this challenge now, it is annoying.
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It doesn't actually need to be all that high. Running off the standard hill with hook tile is enough.
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No clue but being chased by the killer in Badham and I was looping the killer in the preschool by jumping in the hole in the floor down to the basement then jumping over the pipes and back upstairs to do the whole thing over again and that was enough. Didn't even realize I had done the task as the drop isn't really that far.
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Freddy's lunge
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I tried this multipletimes it is in fact only the big buildings in the game, such as the houses on Haddonfield (from the second floor), Ormond Resort (second floor), The asylum (2nd floor) and so on. You can probably figure all the rest, but the hills and the tractors doesnt work.
To make a it a bit clear a small drop would be those like side stairs (where you can trigger balance landing) a medium fall like the hills and tractors and the high falls such as almost all the 2nd floors.
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I don't know, but it's really frustrating. Apparently I keep falling from good or mediocre heights, but not great heights.
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Dude you are so cringe lol
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Definite places where it works:
Midwich's hole in the wall to the courtyard
Macmillan Estate Foundry (forgot the name)
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Thats what I thought but the tractor in cold wind isn't a 'great height' so idk
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I jumped off the harvester and triggered BL and didn't get it, so bigger than that.
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1.5 times the height of the window drop from the excavator in the Autohaven maps.
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Dude, you answered a comment from March. You're the king of cringe... you 'murican and got offended or something? jeez...
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You have to trigger the stumble animation and be locked in place. Any height that only stops you briefly and doesn't kill all of your momentum doesn't count.
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It is supposed to be when balanced landing is triggered, but for the past THREE tomes it comes up to be fall from 1 story or better AND the killer has to be on your arse for it to COUNT. (the last part seemed to be added the LAST tome and this one) So basically you need to drop a story (like off a balcony on mother's dwelling, haddonfield or through a hole like in badham preschool or the game) when the redstain is right on you and you're running with chase music. yea somethings borked but they won't fix it.
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Still completely trash and random if you get this quest or not. Tried 5 times now, always had the killer right behind me, sometimes they even hit me while jumping. Always either out of haddonfield houses or temple of purgation. I even made sure BL doesnt have CD and that it really triggers to ensure it counts for the quest.
Nope. Can fall from great height 10 times in a match, the 3 falls still wont work..
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Got MacMillan estate against a nurse, was able to get in a chase and jump off of the hill 3 times in the match. All 3 triggered balanced landing and yet I didn't get anything. Guess it has to be off a building or something which really sucks considering a lot of maps don't have multiple floors.