Let Survivors Dead Hard into breakable walls to destroy them

I don't know if it'll have much use but if you are in a chase and you accidentally run into an unbroken piece of wall, if you could dead hard to destroy the wall it would make gameplay a little more dynamic and give a niche little counter to running into a wall like an idiot.
It could help if for whatever reason the killer wants to keep a specific wall up.
...why? At all?
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There is basically no reason to keep the walls up in their current state, but it could be interesting if that changes.
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Breakable walls are a way for killers to have an advantage where they are disadvantaged otherwise. Why would a survivor want to give them that for free lmao.
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There could be a bear trap at a pallet and dead Harding through the wall could give you another option which could enable you to change up your loop and not have to dead hard through the trap.
I think it would be a fun little change.
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I don't know about that, there's already so many different perks that allow escape.
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I think the flavor of Dead Hard is that you are resilient to pain, not that you can hulk through anything. :P
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Another example could be so that shock therapy isn't as easy to aim on Survivors who can now go through the wall rather than along the usual path in a straight line.
Bubba's chainsaw could hit the wall as he's right about to get you. If it was just a straight line he would get you
Myers stalking could be slightly counted by dead Harding through a wall breaking line of sight, same for GhostFace and the ranged killers like Huntress, plague and Deathslinger.
Hillbilly is strongest when the Survivor is running in one direction, if the Survivor could dead hard through a wall it would be less predictable and a hindrance to the killer landing the chainsaw.
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If you start bringing in "this is what this perk means" then you end up with boring perks which have no use because they don't make perfect sense. Take deja vu for example, you can guarantee that it was a perk based on the idea that a Survivor was like "omg I remember I saw a gen here onetime". Not a fun perk at all and logic shouldn't determine all aspects of all perks.
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At that point, why not let the Survivor stun the Killer if they can bust down a wall?
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Do you think Dead Hard is a boring that has no use?
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They can. It's called head on. Or decisive strike.
Considering DS says 'whatever is at hand' which is always nothing.
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Well that could work but keeping perks simplistic is important so people can understand them. I think having dead hard let you destroy breakable walls is still logical and simplistic.
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Simplistic? Yes. Logical? Not to me. You are just taking an extra long step forward.
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Well I hear all the time that dead hard never works. So maybe if you repurpose dead hard to give it another use to make up for it being do broken it'll be a nice compromise to keep it an attractive perk to use.
Destroying breakable walls is nothing, it would never change the flow of the game. Just maybe add a layer of doubt which would make chases a little more exciting if you happen to have a person with dead hard and a breakable wall.
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Or maybe just make Dead Hard work if the issue is that it's bugged. :P
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If you are a dead hard man using dead hard as a perk, you are hard enough to break a breakable wall no matter how hard it is. Dead hard does mean "Extremely Tough/Strong"
Killers can kick walls down, why can't a dead hard person?
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The only way dead hard can be fixed is if they paid a gazzillion dollars for Irridescent dedicated servers. You know that ain't happening.
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Because the Killers are powered by the Entity. That's also why they can hear a Survivor leap over a window from across the map.
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How does that sound logical?
How does Feng Min hear and see the killer break a pallet for 5 seconds from across the map? It's a game. You can't expect everything to because "the entity said so"
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Why not? :P The Entity is in total control of the realm.
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Also, while we're at it, where exactly does it say that "dead hard" means "extremely tough/strong?" When I look it up on Google, I just get the Dead By Daylight perk.
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Sorry this just made me lol i can just imagine survivors doing a superman pose through the unbreakable walls! lol
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LMAO, that's hilarious. Why did they call the perk that?
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I Love the idea. I’ve always said, Jane’s Dead Hard into the killer should should stun the killer for 3 seconds.
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I think they should focus on balancing more useless feature to make them useful instead of adding more useless features.
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Dead hard is a term used by David Kings people (Mancunians). I use the term dead hard in everyday life to state how tough something is.
That is what the meaning of dead hard is. BHVR didn't just invent the word themselves.
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I mean, it is not coming up on Google no matter what I search, so...
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Dead harding into breakable walls. OOF that be painful. but in my opinion I don't think it would work and it would be kinda destroying the whole point of breakable walls