Fix the game on switch
Its nearly impossible to play any killer on switch. Please optimize it, like taking weather out or something to make it playable. If you can 360 as survivor you can easily get rank 1. I have never seen a killer at red rank. All you see are many many red rank survivors that use the extremely poor fps to their advantage. It's a joke I cant believe I spent time and money on this game for the switch. It's easier for survivor anyway, and if you play switch as survivor it's almost a free rank 1 it's a joke fix your damn game so at least the frames per second are decent. Complete joke do not buy on switch it's even worse than can possibly be imagined.
Also if you are not going to fix let people use their accounts on multiple platforms or cross consoles at least so I don't have to buy ######### everything AGAIN.
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It would be really nice to be allowed to cross platform. Read rank is possible on the switch.
For the 360s raise ur sensitivity to 100 and don’t lunge, get closer be4 swinging
I am a red red killer on the switch and I know plenty more. Unless you were talking about nurse, she’s the worst killer on switch.