I just got done with a match playing against the clown killer. It's bad enough that his gas if you get hit by it slows you down, but he's so incredibly fast that I believe the only character faster than him would be the hillbilly when he's using his chainsaw Sprint... It's ridiculous. The killer while chasing after me knocked me down even though he had about 5 ft to go to round a wall and turn 180 degrees and go another five feet to hit me... Like really??? It's like trying to outrun an F1 car while riding a tricycle... If nothing else his top-end needs to be curbed.
Clown in Sonic costume when?
*teleports behind you*
Honk honk :o)
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You must be new. Complaining about Clown will get your opinion flatly dismissed. He's one of the worst killers. Sorry you feel he's too fast, but this is one of those cases where you're going to need to get good or at least get perspective.
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Clown is the same speed as most killers, let's say trapper or hillbilly. He is not at all fast, his bottles just slow you down. Like others have said he is probably the weakest killer in the game. Once you learn him he's easy
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Clown is nothing compared to a Nurse.
Could you imagine if Clown and Nurse had their powers switched? Every time he blinks, you hear his guffaw.
blink HUE
blink HUE
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Maybe the clown has 3 tokens of play with your food??
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You guys say once you “learn” killers. Okay I have learned that a perk does indeed counter. But it’s not like I get to see what killer I’m going up against to put that perk on before the match starts. AND it’s not like I can adjust my playstyle accordingly once the match has started if the counter is a specific perk. Like all killers one knows to keep your distance. That’s not really learning anything new. Killers are all super fast regardless of who it is. They all have some ability or speed that make them equally as frustrating as the other to go on chases with. Trapper is REALLY fast lmao I can’t believe you made him sound like he has standRd speed. NO HES REALLY FAST actually. It’s almost not even fun. I’m sorry but these killers got a big helping hand the last patch and survivors need their buff in terms of chase survivability. Because I don’t have fun going on chases with these same few killers over and over because people know their good. Killer mains complain over and over and it’s sickening. 4/5 people you play against as killer are REAL people too that are also customers. It’s not about YOU getting your 4K every game. Several hooks and a kill or two sounds about right . That’s ideal. But how short I see people go on runs with killers nahhhh I’d rather quit too.
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Easy clown counter - drop pallets early. There are really no perks that counter any killer, you just have to adapt to their playstyle. Clown is possibly THE WORST killer in the game, maybe tied with legion
And yes, clown is the same exact speed as trapper and billy. You can literally see the speed stats when you view the character info. None of your points make any sense, and gives me the idea that you are new to the game
Also, I'm a survivor main. Rank 4 survivor, rank 14 killer. I only play killer for rituals and archive challenges
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im not new to the game. I really do think they surpass the threshold on how fast killers really should be.
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Endstille you’re all over this site deflecting every issue people are experiencing playing survivor aren’t you 😂 I think I’m gonna have to agree with this guy on the speed thing, if killers have ranged attacks they don’t need the speed. Especially trappers speed 😂 trapper is insanely fast. That dude gains distance on people like no other. Not to mention I’ve seen his traps reset themselves on a gen that has one spot open. That’s not OP. No. Not at all. Smh. Killer mains galore in here. Just fighting for every buff they get. Gl finding one less survivor when they get them.
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Killers with normal speed are only 15% faster than survivors, some are (I believe) 12% faster than survivors. The only killer that's slower than survivors is nurse, but that's because of her blink. If killers were any slower they'd have no map pressure and would be horrible in chases
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New Clown Meta confirmed!
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You make it sound as if every survivor on earth is sick of facing fast killers.
I mostly play survivor, currently on rank 2. And I don't agree with you. If you do it right you can still loop killers for I'd say 2, maybe even 3 gens on an average if your mates aren't potatoes and you don't get the worst of the worst pallet/tile situation going.
And, let's get this straight. You really want trapper to be nerfed? I mean... really!?
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One hit knocks need to disappear man. As if speed and ranged abilities werent enough (Both melee and throwable - yes melee being ranged ability because the swing gives you a slight auto aim speed boost Where you lunge at me? Please get this out of the game 😂) I don’t agree with the stuff killer can get away with. I really liked this game and if killers aren’t having fun with all they have at their disposal then I don’t know what to tell you. Have fun with all the rank 1s lol. Don’t shun new players. You guys should be welcoming them. Solo survs and whatnot. Thirsty killers that wanna have their way is all I see. And I don’t have fun getting put down in one hit nor do I have fun getting less than my 3 hooks a game. Because that means I’m coming out of the match with 5-10K and that’s unacceptable. I spent my time and money on the game too.
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I’m telling you, the point system doesn’t make anyone feel too good playing survivor. Even if you get gen rushed there’s little points coming in because you didn’t hit the other categories. That’s the determining factor for me. I just want some points. Same goes for the other end of the spectrum dying really fast even though you had all the interaction with the killer and you leave with hardly anything? That’s messed up. Sometimes you don’t have a chance I literally give up. Might as well spawn in and let him take me to the hook. Especially while you’re in a trap 😂 I understand the percentage should be low without a perk but not that low. You might as well not even try. That’s bad game design to prevent me from playing your game. Bad game design to prevent me from being able to traverse or interact with things on the map when I push the correct button to get its effect and nothing happens or I get slammed on the other side. I run through a pallet and I push the button to drop it and nothing happens here comes the killer melee lunging at me to down me in one hit. 😰 How’s that okay? How are the vaults not being addressed? I can’t be the only one experiencing these issues. I don’t want to sit there and stare at a pallet slamming the button over and over to get it to drop. There’s no time for that. It’s not a latency issue either. It’s the game not working as smoothly as it should and screws me over. The fact that I’m across the map and spirit teleported from out of nowhere to get me is quite astonishing. As if speed and melee lunges weren’t enough . Nope they need more
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Honestly im convinced this whole thing is bait after reading this but I'll fall for it anyway.
Killers have 2 movement speeds (excluding nurse) - 4.6m/s and 4.4m/s, also known as 115% and 110%. Survivors run at 4m/s, hence the percents.
Clown, trapper, hillbilly, leatherface, a lot of killers are the exact same movement speed of 115, the only ones that aren't being hag, spirit, huntress, deathslinger, and nurse, all of whom are 110 except nurse at 96.
So, uh, sorry to break this to you mate, but clown is no faster than any other killer in the game. He can slow you down in a chase? Cool, he can't traverse the map so good luck defending gens even if the team is pepega.
I hate this phrase, but legitimately the only thing you can do is to just get good. He's known as (one of the) weakest killers in the game for a good reason, so literally just learn to play.
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To be a bit more fair on the OP here it is kind of surprising how fast he catches up to you if you take that big sniff of his gas, doesn't help the matter that his normal walking animation is just some very chad-like leaps. Where wraith for example does this slight jog. Chad clown just slides on over.
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Would also say that the animation is what brings OP to the conclusion that Clown is faster. He looks super-fast when walking, even tho he moves at 115% Speed/4,6m/s like most of the Killers. This is simply because of his animation and looks.
Like, Clown is also the one Killer where I cannot be sure if he has NOED or not, because he always looks way too fast for me, even tho he still moves at the regular Speed.
So I can get where OPs confusion comes from.
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Legit OP account, legit first post. 10/10 & 100% would read again.
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Oh yea the clown. When i was new like you, i thought he is super strong aswell. Once i figured out how to deal with him, he became one of those killers i feared the least.
Also, maybe he had that perk:
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Are you... actually serious? Or is this a troll? Like someone said a few posts up - ALL Killers except Nurse and Spirit move at the same speed (4.6m/s, or 115%). There is literally no difference between the others.
If you want points, you have to earn them - and it's possible with practice. Like in all games. You can't use an argument like "I've paid money for this game so I should get points". It's like saying you should be in ESL because you bought Counter-Strike at one point. But yes, as someone said previously, reading your reflections on how it is facing these killers, you probably just need more practice with the game in general.
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I'm starting to think he's serious since half his comments on any posts are saying killers are too OP, especially how far they can lunge. I don't think I've ever seen someone complain about a killers lunge distance
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On top of Nurse and Spirit there are also Hag, Huntress and T1 Myers who are slower.
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clown is just base killer speed (4.6 m/s or 115%), such as majority of the killers.
i think the only reason you feell ike he is so fast is due to the face that the gas clouds he throws slow you down, so he can close the distance quicker than other killers.
clown, as many probaply already pointed out, isnt a great killer. he lacks many things - his map pressure is horrendous, he has basically no tracking tool and even his chase ability (which is supposed to be his strong suit) is quite underwhelming if survivors just drop the pallet early and play safe around loops.
he currently holds the place as 2nd worst killer in this game, so nerf suggestions are the wrong way to go here.
instead he is in the need of some serious buffs...
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Can you just stop pretending like you have any clue about the game at all? You are a noob that has no basic understanding, you don't even know the movementspeed for the killers, clown shares the default ms of 115 which most killers do, trapper too. The fact that you just run in a straight line cause you have no clue on what to do as a rank 15 doesn't mean that there are adjustments needed but that you need to learn how to play the game and git gud.
Insanely fast Trapper dude 115 OP plZT nerF, me not noob nononono! You don't even understand that there is a mechanic called bloodlust which increases the movement speed of killers, the longer they chase a single survivor without getting a hit or breaking a pallet. Do you even know why this mechanic exists? Yeah cause maps are so busted that you could run killers forever without it.
Go ahead stream, I wanna see your killergameplay on r1, just remember wraith without anything since he is so OP, in fact make it 50/50 clown / wraith all 4ks since it is just so OP, insane fast dude.
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i would love that.
where can i find that mod? xD
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Don't feed the troll. :D
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I assume the OP is a new player so you might not know about bloodlust. He probably chased you for a while, bloodlust activated and it seemed to you that he was too fast. Plus with the slowdown from the bottle it feel to you that he was too fast but he isn't.
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Actually it makes perfect sense why Clown is so fast. It's because he's fat. It's one of the rules of a horror movie. Just before Freddy vs Jason came out there was a documentary that went over the evolution of horror movies. They went over the rules of a horror movie. One of them was "The slower the killer the faster he'll catch her". So clown isn't on meth he's just staying true to the stereotype :P
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You think he's fast? try wraith with play with your food and a purple and green windstorm addons.
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That's it, people should not have the right to complain about stuff unless they have at least 1k hours in the game.
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115% movement speed is considered standard speed, and Trapper has exactly 115% movement speed. That's a fact, whether you want to believe it or not. If you really think killers are too fast, then you really just need to improve at the game. Everyone has to when they start playing a game.
Killers need to be faster than survivors, otherwise they would be useless. And they need to be powerful and threatening in chases, especially with how fast generators can be repaired. In fact, in many maps, weaker killers still struggle way too much because of all the safe pallets. You aren't supposed to be able to easily run the killer around for multiple minutes.
I'd just imagine what would happen if all 115% movement speed killers got their movement reduced to 110% movement speed. Survivor queue times would be over 1 hour in that case, I bet.
Also, people don't complain about not being able to 4k all the time. At least most don't. They complain about having matches they lost where they feel like they could have done absolutely nothing to have any chance of winning that match. And your argument about needing people to play survivor goes the other way as well. Survivor players need killer players to play this game. And at the moment, many people seem to be complaining about long survivor queue times, because of a shortage of killer players. Because many people don't seem to be enjoying killer at the moment.
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Can we get a Clown buff, actually? Stick him on a tricycle and make him short. Boom. Viable.
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I do ok against Clown, but I will say that for a fat dude, he's faster than some killers.
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He's a very fast man, moving at incredible hihg speeds. His Chad walk is just too fast. Some say he can achieve the speed of sound if only he ran, but nobody has ever seen him do it.
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Lvl 4 survivor... So no I'm not new. Either he's overly fast or it was a laggy game that allowed him to be so fast.
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I got spotted one time then hooked then tunneled me right as somebody unhooked me... Then downed with the speed of light even though I have Sprint burst, and windows of opportunity...
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I agree! For a fat dude, he really gets around.
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just like the oni, clown is poorly designed, his moves look a lot faster than it should. but they have the same base speed.
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Nah, you're definitely new
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I agree. Clown is too OP. Please Devs, nerf.
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Its ok guys. Hes banned now.
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All Father bless you. Not many of you guys out there. Much respect🙏
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Too late. he fed it three whole books.
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This content has been removed.
Nobody cares what you think, bet that's why your on here.
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You're on here too? Complaining about the WEAKEST killer LMFAOOO
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I know tunneling happens. That wasn't my point, my point was I only got spotted once and then from there I didn't have a chance to get away.
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People should have at least a basic understanding of game mechanics before complaining on the forums about the consensus worst killer in the game. The idea that clown is somehow overpowered is laughable and may actually be one of the few things both killers and survivors can agree upon.