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General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 54

    Im lvl 4 survivor... I know how to play, so that don't factor.they maybe set speeds but IDK maybe with some of the perks from other killers effect him in a glitched out way to make him overly fast... All I know is that it was way excessive. I was literally running one of the jungle gyms through two windows. He hit me going through the first window, jumped the second window turned left and he was coming around the right. Had to run the long wall which was that long and cought up and downed me all withing 10 seconds......... Please tell me how that's not over powered??? Granted I've never had that much issue before, despite him being a fast killer as he is.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Doctor is excessive... Cant hide from him if you get buzzed at all because of his illusionary cameos which allow him to know where your at for 8 seconds, can't drop pallets if hit with shock, can't vault windows when hit with shock, illusional pallets, fast, can't heal yourself, power generators, cleanse totems, power gates, or mend till you snap out of it, constantly scream alerting him to your location when hooking someone or ifflicted bad enough but not enough to be able to initiate snapping out of it... And he's fast!!!! Come On!!! I'm not saying it should be easy but Christ it shouldnt be completely impossible. I've played as doctor; it's easy, as is most every killer and I don't even spend blood point on them. And I'm not saying every killer is OP... Nurse sucks, death slinger is probably too slow by just a bit.... Point is that it should be a challenge for killers not just survivors to have spectacular games, but everything is so stacked for the killer, and all of you want to argue that every killer is weak so you can keep your "OP feel good about yourself blood point factory" and not even break a sweat...

  • Member Posts: 647

    I have a lot of respect for mains of off-brand or what the community would consider "mid-tier" or worse killers. Anybody actually playing Clown optimally deserves a medal for actually making that walking gut worthwhile. I feel the same way about my legion, can't help but get defensive when someone claims they are low-tier killers when they carried me from Rank 5 to Rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Is this a Nerf Clown thread?

    good luck

  • Member Posts: 22,856

    Sis please.

    Perks from other killers would at most give him a 44% attack recovery rate, and then movement speel of +10% for a 125% speed. Okay, that could be what's happened here. Combine that with gas slowdown and yeah, it can be annoying.

    But then here's the solution. Do gens.

    He has now dedicated 2 perks to chasing someone and that person cannot be the obsession. He has now lost 2 perks for slowing down generators, which is his major, major fatal flaw. If you go down, take the hook time, come off, get healed, and do gens. Clown is very easy to play.

    In a chase, find filler pallets, and drop them like they're hot. If a clown commits to you for a long time while you have a bunch of pallets to waste, then those gens are gonna f l y.

    Maybe try playing as clown sometime, then you'll see how he isn't actually op at all. Same with doc.

    And boy if you think doc is bad, let me tell you about freddy.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Yeah doing some dailies is not the same as playing killer against survivors. By the examples that you gave old freddy woulda been the ######### but instead he was just ######### for most people as people didn't understand how to mindgame with him ( old freddy had perma aura reading when survivor was dragged into the dream world outside of his tr).

    Doctor can still be looped as can most m1 killers, just need to know how. Obviously you don`t thus my recommendation is that you play him until you meet people how show you how.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I really, really don't want to be rude but if you mean Rank 4 with Level 4 than you should have known that Clown has the basic movementspeed and should have paid attention to his perks, so that you could give more than a speculation on what happened.

    As others mentioned, pwyf is a think, lag too and movementspeed-bugs are also something, that happens occasionally (Nurse for example), but without a screenshot of the Postgame-Lobby and a video of the game we can't know if you are complaining about normal movementspeed or not.

    That being said, I'm pretty sure that L- and T-Walls are relativly useless against a good Clown, because his gas always forces a medium vault. It also makes him a little bit harder to see so it is easier to get mindgamed. As others mentioned, if he chased you for a while and didn't break a pallet he had bloodlust, which makes him faster. So for me it doesn't sound unrealistic that you got downed fast in that scenario.

    And another thing I'd like to add: Being a red rank survivor doesn't mean you know all about the game, I have encountered red rank survs, that thought lockeres protect them against old freddy and more recently against Legion's Killer instinct.

  • Member Posts: 416

    Wdym trapper has the same speed as everyone. outside of nurse everyone either moves at 110% or 115% depending on terror radius killers have to be faster than survivors otherwise every loop would be infinite

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Any killer is good in “skilled hands”

    that doesn’t make them good, spirit and billy are good while clown is at the bottom Of the barrel with legion

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    "Slight auto speed boost"

    You mean when they...lunge? Which is pretty easily exained?

  • Member Posts: 254

    Ffs if you can spell get off the internet

  • Member Posts: 404

    Spoken like a true noob. Clown and Bubba share the bottom rung of the killer ladder so everyone is going to ignore your opinion. Drop pallets early and learn to look behind you. Git gud scrub.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Sorry but you're crying about the worst killer in the game who moves at the same speed as almost every other killer in the game (115%)

  • Member Posts: 828

    I don't know, I feel the "people don't know how to play him"-Argument is a little weak for a killer that has been in the game for 2 years.

    Also, in the stats from may 2019 he had the second lowest killrare on PC (don't know if he is significally better on console or other killers are just worse) and in the stats from November 2019 is was the third lowest for all ranks and the lowest for high ranks. I don't play clown unless I have too, so my personal experience doesn't matter but I just don't believe that an (almost) 2 year old charakter has such bad stats because most people didn't learn how to play him in that time.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    That’s not how that argument works at all lmfao

    taking the very extreme players who can make clown work does not mean he is somehow good. He is an M1 killer who’s power does nearly nothing for him and can get looped without any effort.

    It’s like classic WoW, you can make Ret Paladin WORK under very specific circumstances and if you are very knowledgeable on it, but it is still one the worst specs in the game.

    saying “there are no bad killers” is objectively wrong and if you really believe that then I’m inclined to believe you don’t have as much knowledge on this game as you think.

  • Member Posts: 344

    I don't know if you mean he's good in a 1v1, but a 1v1 won't win you a game in the long term. Also it's good to see that you have so much confidence in playing clown but i don't think you know what to think about him in the first place. I saw many of your posts or threads about him and you changed your mind very often. Don't get me wrong that's not bad or me trying to be offensive, but i think you agree with us that he needs more than small changes. Also having him getting some buffs/ a rework will benefit us all, doesn't matter if you mastered him or not.

  • Member Posts: 769

    Clown's strength is entirely in his ability to end chases really fast. But he lacks any form of map pressure. This means that as long as every survivor is doing their part (AKA on gens when someone else is being chased) then the clown, unless he's really good or lucky, will end up with a 0-2k.

    The best advice I can offer you when it comes to looping Clown is to just thrown down pallets early and just keep distance. There are some jungle gyms you can loop him on but it's very difficult and its best to make it look like you're gonna loop him and leave once he throws a bottle down to try and catch you. A good example of this is at shack. Assuming you're inside and the clown is outside facing the window, a good clown will toss a bottle through the window (Easy to dodge) and will proceed to go to the side with the pallet in hopes you drop it or will throw a bottle at it so that you can't loop him there. THat's your queue to just leave quickly through the other exit and make more distance. If you're injured though and don't run Iron Will then just do your best to distract him as long as possible at the loop.

  • Member Posts: 54

    While yes the bottle for the most part is easy to dodge, and I know how to use pallets well. So while it's sound advice I already know these things.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    We have something in common then. When i see clown he s always seem faster. Probably his animation.

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