What do you do in this situation?

So I’ve been playing for about 2 hours now and every game I play as survivor I get tunnelled off hook and moried by the same person game after game, like is it reportable ?
Like do I just have to deal with being moried every game by the same dude all because I got his mate banned for abusing me in messages and he’s even gone to the extent of getting his friends to mori me every game as well ?
Sounds like he's taking it personally.
I don't know if this is reportable, but it could be considered griefing.
I don't know what system you're on, but you could try changing your name for a little bit to see if it stops.
If you can provide proof that he is purposefully targeting you, then he may be reportable. Without proof, however, it is heavily unlikely.
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I’m on PS4 hence why he can get me so easily because there aren’t as many players on here.
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It depends. If they target you and only you to grief then yes it can be bannable as its purposefully ruining someones game experience.
If they do this to everyone in the match then no it isn't bannable.
The only way to do something is to record the each match and send in a report.
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if he really just focusses you down every game and insta mories you alone that can be considered a bannable offense - you will need to provide video proof of such a play seassion though.
if he does the same with every survivor, he might just have a ton of mories he wants to use and randomly keeps getting you...
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Yes it was only me because he broke a chase with a survivor as sooon as I was unhooked tunnelled me teabagged me then moried me and I spectated my mate and he let the rest of the survivors farm.
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you can always try? why talk to us about it?
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Next time save video proof to help your case to ban them. If you never have saved a clip before.
Hold the share button
Go to Sharing and Broadcast Settings
Go to Length of Video Clip and change it to 30 mins or 60 mins.
So now when you want to save a vid. Hold Share and click on 🔲 button to save the clip.
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@Toastyy That's definitely something worth reporting, please report in game and send the video evidence to support (it would need to be a few matches to prove the situation).
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Thanks for clearing that up I will grab a clip a couple of messages and send it through
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@Mandyalk - I'm confused why you agree that this is bannable. Neither tunnelling off the hook nor using Moris are bannable. This could even be that players play style, bring a Mori into every game, take out the first person you see.
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Has I understood from the OP, there are messages to back up the griefing. And if not, if the same killers sees you in several matches, tunnels you, moris you and farms with the other 3 than it is cleary griefing and is bannable.
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PS4 messages are not admissable as they are Sony's domain so it would have to be purely on the gameplay.
If I saw someone like Truetalent, Ochido or Ayrun in my survivor lobby I would 100% bring a green Mori specifically with the intention to take them out. And if I saw them the very next game, guess what, I need to bring another Mori. I wouldn't be greifing them, I just know that they are way above my skill level and I don't like to lobby dodge.
If you are banning players for repeated use of Moris then what's next? Bans for repeated use of keys?
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I though that the ps4 had a pretty good base, I rarely run into the same people. For anyone else on ps4, is it common to see the same people game after game?
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You're missing out some context. OP has got the griefing guy's mate banned for griefing or whatever and now, game after game he gets matched with said griefing guy who tunnels him and moris him repetitively while letting the other survivors farm.
It's not about bringing mori after mori into the game or tunneling someone you know is well above your skill level, it's about targeting one specific player to ruin his game experience. It's neither strategical nor functional but solely emotional.
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We're talking here about griefing, where one individual is being targeted match after match - that is something that we will investigate - it's not about tunnelling off the hook or using mori's, but targeted harassment from reading the OP's post and replies.
And whilst you are right about the messages being the responsibility of Sony on PS4 and they deal with any chat offences, they can also be used to back up a report of this nature, because it has a definite in game effect.
All cases like this are looked at on an individual basis.
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The OP did not claim that he got messages from his opponent. He said the messages were between him and his opponent's mate that was banned by Sony.
If my playstyle was to tunnel EVERY player in EVERY game one at a time, and Mori people a lot, someone who I didn't realise I had played multiple times could show "evidence" that I am targetting them.
What if the killer is just reacting top the current balancing and matchmaking crisis by bringing a Mori into EVERY game?
Without any claim of messages between the OP and his opponent, I rule the defendant not guilty.
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I had the same situation like you, but since i am playing this game on PC most of the time, i run into this person very seldom. There is unfortuntly nothing you can do.
Well, there is one thing you could do but i doubt you will: Upgrade to Steam version. PC DbD is way better anyway, the performance is better, you get games WAY faster, its definitly more competetive (even tho the level is still low) and it is overall a better gaming experience ;)
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Once again: it is not about tunneling every player in every game in every dimension in every way possible, but that the tunneling and mori'ing is limited to one specific person, which is further underlined by the killer teabagging (or probably nodding at the moried guy while farming with the other survivors. Now, this is a pretty specific scenario. If this is done by the same guy over and over again, what are the odds of it not being personal against OP?
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You seem to miss the part where he farmed with the other 3 survivors.
Please stop trying to defend what is obviously someone unfairly targetting someone else.
Not to me 🤷♂️
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I was in a situation where I got the same killer 4 games in a row the other day. I took a break after that so I didn’t keep running into them.
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But will you focus on them, kill them and farm with the other 3 or will you continue to play normaly and kill everyone? There's a big difference here!
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Which is why I have said it's something that we investigate on an individual basis - you don't have to make a ruling, that's what the ACM's are for. I'm just explaining the rules and whilst you might not agree with them, those are the rules.
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Yes I think that is where the difference lies. Repeated tunnelling and using a Mori of the same player should not be bannable when they are part of the game. Many killers will identify the weakest survivor and take them out early. That could look like the killer is targetting someone personally, when it could just be their playstyle.