Don't perk shame lest you be perk shamed

Not a day goes by where I'm not perk shamed post game for using NOED. And it's always this presumption that "Killer has NOED, must have zero skill." A perk doesn't magically make you a baby killer who relies on it to get kills. That doesn't happen, because you still need to chase and down people, which is tough with all these survivor sided maps and gen rush. Getting kills in any way is skillful to me.
But anyway, I fire back. Why is it wrong for me to use NOED when every survivor has DS (1 minute of invincibility), Adrenaline (promotes gen rushing with zero downside), and DH(another second chance perk)? It is hypocritical in the highest degree. And you wanna know why I run NOED? For consistency, and even in that it fails, because it's not a guaranteed win perk like people make it out to be. Red ranks is inconsistent for killer in that (with or without NOED) one match I can get a 4k and the next I can get a 0k. That should not be possible, but it is.
Survivors make multiple mistakes, they probably escape. The killer makes 1 mistake, game over. So keep perk shaming killers for using a strong (not crutch) perk when gens are done in 5 minutes and we need to do 12 chases in that time. I'll ask you why you run your meta perks as the power role, and then we'll both feel belittled. That will not lead anywhere, so please be constructive in your post game criticism.
A corollary: If you shame me for using NOED, but I beat you before you did 5 gens, that means you lost to someone with 3 perks.
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People should not shame on perks, they are there to be USED! as a killer I always use NOED :D
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I did just that today.
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And don't let nobody tell you that you can't!
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darn right! i never used ex ruin if i am honest, noed was always better:)
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ok all sillyness aside, some perks are pretty dang cheap, but the survivor side has more because as a killer you can barely or not at all do anything to counter them
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As a killer AND a Survivor i just love NOED.
As a killer i think i dont need to explain.
As a survivor i just love it to be scared of NOED and i also like to to looking for Totems.
Also u can ,,disable" NOED before it even triggers so theres no reason to complain about it.
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Honestly noed doesn't even bug me. Usually it's pretty easy to figure out where the totem is since I check spots as I play. Also (no offense) but it's usually the weaker killer players that use noed a lot so you can prepare for it in advance by knocking out totems. Or at least hitting up the risky spots first.
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Imagine comparing DS, DH and adrenaline to NOED. LuL
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NOED can be countered, while Exhaustion perks/ Adrenaline/ BT (except for stealth killers and Freddy)/DS have almost no counter play.
There is literally nothing you can do when a survivor Sprint burst/ Lithe away from you. Adrenaline is a free health state + sprint burst when all gens are done, and it will activate 100% of the time as long as you finish 5 gens (which is not that hard). Nothing can be done against BT especially in the end game when the survivors just unhook in your face. DS literally makes it useless downing a survivor that made a mistake after being unhooked for 60 seconds. You either slug and survivors come to heal, or eat the stun and let the survivor get up for free, which is why most killer slug because it wastes a little more of the survivor's time.
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I had a survivor call me a noob for running BBQ the other day, never seen that one before tbh.
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baby dweet detected
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I had a survivor tell me I sucked for having NOED and that my chases were awful when they were on Haddonfield and I was playing as the Spirit with the sounds broken. I 4k'd because they didn't start to open the exit gates as I was killing someone across the map.
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Survivor mains could complain about killer "crutch perks", yet you could look at their builds, and see that they use all the meta perks.
The hypocrisy is strong with this community.
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As a solo I don't like Noed because I have no way to know whether all the totems have been cleansed and I can't just go running around looking for a totem that might not exist when there are gens to be done.
But with the current balance of the game, with so many survivors running perks that are far more powerful than Noed, you should absolutely not be ashamed of using it.
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It's stupid no matter who does it. It's whining about people using something that's in the game and working as described.
It's pure scrub mentality and nothing else. It's fine to have an issue with a perk, map, killer or whatever else and discussing potential changes and all but blaming players for using something in such a way is the #1 way to look like a textbook scrub.
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So if a survivor runs an infinite and constandly goes back to that, thats fine in your book?
Idk, I would think less of that person and wonder why they even play games to begin with.
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I dont care what killers run as if noed gets more than 1 kills thats survivors fault for failing to act.
On other hand when I see my team mate(s) running urban evasion / spine chill / self care Im ready to flip a table.
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I run Windows of Opportunity so you flip that table!
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That's a map design issue, not a player issue. They might be a competitive-minded player that has fun by playing to win by any means necessary, of course a player like that is going to use anything available to them that's not against any rules.
And believe me, I don't like dealing with that sort of stuff either as that's not my playstyle/mindset at all. But to me it's no different than people complaining about "tryhards" using the strongest guns/characters in a typical FPS or something like Overwatch. Yeah, that gun or that hero should probably be toned down if it really outshines everything else, but until that happens it's not very constructive to blame players for using what's available to them in my opinion.
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I see that differently, I think less of a player who tries to give themselves every single advantage they can to "win", like what kind of accomplishment is that? They choose to (ab)use these unbalanced advantages.
I know you speak of what is ingame but heck at that point, why not use exploits or heck just straight up cheat right? I mean you are already busy skewing it as much to your favor.
Hell in this game, De-rank all the way to 20 and completely own new players, what an amazing feat!
Yeah I think less of players like that, like I said, I have no clue why one would even play games if they are going to play like that.
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I get this too, I’ll kill all four with two gens left and end game chat starts “oh of course a NOED gamer, no skill.”
Wait, I just got a 4K with three perks lol
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I get what you mean, and I guess it's my past experiences that has made me end up with this mindset. While I don't do that much of it nowadays I used to play a lot of different games in a very competitive manner, where my sort of mindset was fairly common. I and others played to win first and foremost, and the fun came from playing against others that did the same thing. Of course those games might've been more balanced to begin with, but the mindset has really stuck with me ever since.
And the difference between using stuff like god windows and the like and actually exploiting (as in using something not working as described) or straight up cheating is that one is within the rules of the game and the other quite simply isn't. Cheating is completely black/white, if the devs/EAC might punish someone for it, that is not acceptable behavior. Otherwise it's fair game no matter how annoying it is.
Exploits are in pretty much every example I can think of things that are not working as intended and/or described as well. Legion blade addons weren't supposed to repeatedly stack until mending takes 4 minutes. You weren't supposed to be able to trap the killer indefinitely if he lands on your head in a specific part of the map, because normally players are supposed to "slide" off eachother when they land on top of eachother. That sort of thing.
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Noed is a crutch
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I think it comes back to the gentleman agreement, you either have to agree to it for both sides or not. Either way is fine.
If you wanna run DS and use the broken buildings all the time that is part of the game. But then you can’t complain about slugging, tunneling or camping because those are also within the rules of the game.
Likewise for camping killers, if that’s how you choose to get your kills that’s fine but again you don’t get to complain about a team making an endgame save with BT and call it a cheap perk.
The problem is when someone from either side wants the other to play by the unwritten rules but they don’t want to do the same.
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Yeah I completely agree, and pretty much what I meant with my initial post.
There's nothing wrong about playing in potentially annoying ways to win, but then a player really shouldn't be complaining when their opponent does the same thing. In the end it all comes back to the good old "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" line of thinking.
I guess the assymetrical nature of the game makes it harder to have a mindset like this because it's not like if some "tryhard" on the other team is using the OP gun of the current patch you can just use it yourself to even the playing field.
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Right! And the other thing is you can find other players on chat or on forums that agree and justify what you’re doing. I always compare it to arguments about the Bible, people quote verses left and right to support their views but when someone counters with a bible verse then they claim that verse is outdated lol
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> You can see your teammates running spine chill
> Running spine chill means you're doing nothing for the team
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People will say anything when they lose. Its is an animal instinct. Their words rarely have any reason, they are just pissed. Dunno why people even participate in chat when it is mostly toxic. For few gg's to boost your ego?
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Spine chill didn’t need added in his description, I think he’s mad about blendettes who hide all game and do nothing for the team.
But yeah, spine chill is a good perk by itself and in no way makes you a bad teammate
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Just from the title. I thought in my head. I don’t perk shame anyone... unless they have No ED
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But why, I guess is the question. I don’t ever shame someone for NOED because it’s preventable, with gen speed how it is you can afford the extra couple minutes to find and cleanse all totems and then NOED never activates
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Inner Strength is in pretty much every build I run. So I generally cleanse 2-3 totems per match. But it’s hard for me, as a solo queue player, to know if my teammates got the rest. Because it’s unreasonable for me to check all 20-30 spots just because I’m not sure if they’re all gone or I’m being blind since I’m not in a SWF group