Killers that you hate to play against

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

For me the Killers that make me want to get out of the game as soon as possible are:

Clown. The slow makes looping him a chore and the blur effect is nauseating. Plus they always have No ED I swear to god.

Doctor. Looping him is also a chore and stealth don’t really work on him either. Also, the fact he passively messes with skill checks and his madness wastes your time just means the game always feels like you have to try harder then normal to do literally anything. (getting static blasted into tier 3 when almost being done cleansing a totem makes me want to DC)

Bubba. Nothing against the Killer mechanica. More the fact that his playerbase camps and slugs more than anyone else and always brings moris for no apparent reason.

Everyone else is fine I guess. Which Killers do you hate to see?



  • BabyBubbaMain
    BabyBubbaMain Member Posts: 97

    Plague. I play solo survivor and everytime I get a plague I deeply sigh and patiently wait for the 2 minute cleanse so I can go afk and make a sandwich or go use the bathroom because it’s already over by then.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Doctor and Legion are ridiculously annoying. They're not even good. Just annoying. Just drop a pallet and Doctor is meme tier in terms of chase efficiency. And Legions tend to constantly have everyone in Deep Wound which is super annoying. I can't stand Deep Wound. Most annoying mechanic in the game by far outside of struggle state. As you can tell, I love playing survivor...

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Spirit. I'm just bad against her. Every other killer is no problem.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Plague. I hate vomit horror, and that's all she is. In addition she's boring to play against, incredibly easy to counter, and then if it's a toxic killer they are running Thanatophobia or Dying Light, and that just drags the boring game even longer.

    So if you play plague and see me in lobby, take NOED because i'm not going to touch a single chest or totem, just to get those gens done and gtfo faster. I'm not going to suicide, but I am going to try and get out as fast as humanly possible.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Imagine thinking that Thanatophobia and Dying Light are toxic as the only two true gen slowdown perks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Billy. Not a fun experience at all.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I'm the same way. As soon as the match starts and I hear the running water coming from one of the cleansing fountains, I just sigh....

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Hag.. least fun to face and least fun for me to play as.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Oh no, don't get me wrong. Thana and Dying light are deffiently weaker than Pop Goes The Weasel (all 3 of them are stronger than the current Hex: Ruin), but on a Plague they are much stronger than they are on other Killers - Legion included. Thana more so than Dying Light, because it's very difficult to safely heal against a Plague without it greatly costing yours or the other survivors chances of survival. Dying Light is just a mostquito annoyance, because you get the slowdown of dying light, but don't get the bonuses to healing.

    This is why you don't see big streamers running thana on plague (I see dying light sometimes), because it's just so annoying and boring to play against.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2020

    Coming from someone that loves playing Clown, I never thought I'd see a Survivor saying they hate playing against Clown since they're regarded as one of the worst if not the worst Killer in the game.

    Anyway, my most hated Killer is probably Doctor. At least until I get Calm Spirit then he's just an M1'ing potato. So I'll go ahead and say Billy as well due to his high mobility and insta-downs.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Doctor: The annyoing skill checks is just..annoying.

    Hag: I hate the sound of walking into her traps..not scary like it should be it just hurts my ears.."Whäääää" no thanks!

    But it's not that I can't stand them I'm pretty fine with all killers. Freddys dreamworld is a bit annoying also come to think of it.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I'm HORRIBLE at looping, so while I struggle against stealth killers (except Michael Myers), I loathe The Wraith! He's my Achilles heel, no doubt.

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    All killers are a treat to me, except Freddy, I wouldn’t mind going against three killers at once and not go against one Freddy... maybe Bubba, too.

    I had bad experiences against Bubbas, I find most of them tend to facecamp.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Plague, Legion, Ghostface. None of them are particularly strong. I've just had almost no fun games with them. All three of their powers are annoying. They're also usually extremely tunnel heavy.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Ghostface because his reveal mechanic is just all over the place and just doesn't work as intended. I also tend to run into the same GFs red ranks and they always stealth camp the hook hard. They make Bubba look like an amateur (don't start with the all camping doesn't work yadda yadda yadda, because it does. Try it).

    There are other killers that aren't particularly interactive, but it's whatever.

  • Cius
    Cius Member Posts: 86

    the new survivors ranks 1 and trapper

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774
    edited March 2020

    The Doctor because he is annoying but not leathal, and especially Ghostface because I cannot get him outta stalk even when I'm sharing shoelaces with him!

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    Wow I'm shocked you dislike going against the Clown & Bubba. I'm ok with them. It's Ghostface, Doctor, Freddy, and the Pig who make me want to kill myself on hook, sometimes. But then I think about how unfair it is to the rest of the team and decide just to endure the torture till the next match.

    Ghostface is such a cheesy POS IMO. He gets stealth AND an insta down?? Cmon! I hate Doctor for the same reasons as everyone else, Freddy's map control is ridiculous- especially when he has BnC. Amanda's bear trap mechanic wastes too much time which survivors don't have, then to top it off she has stealth AND an OP perk in Surveillance.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Spirit. Completely brain-dead killer, guessing game when you're injured, basically if you're injured you're already dead. I'd say clown and hag but those are sort of a given. I don't mind them anymore because I see so few of them. I used to hate old Doctor but I now love playing as and against new doctor. Feels so much better and more intuitive playing him and also looping him. Huntress with her trucksized hitboxes is pretty miserable but I won't add her to my list because apparently the hatchets are getting changed next patch and it's not really her fault.

    I have a feeling Deathslinger will be on the list too, because his power just isn't fun to go against at all.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Spirit as her phasing scares me and I get jumped pretty easily c:

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Clown:obscuring vision and slowing just feels BS in a chase. He needs that toning down while giving him something more for map pressure. Idk how they can do that, but it's what he needs.

    Freddy: Just makes for boring games

    Ghostface: So many bugs make him unfun AF to play as and vs

    Spirit: They nerfed the wrong aspects of her kits, hence not addressing what the issue with her was.

    Doctor: Order/Calm/Restraint Add-ons remove so much nuance from the game and make the killer require much less skill than others, making for generally frustrating games. Also...vaulting windows, screaming and appearing back before it, and having the opposite happen when playing as him are so annoying.

    I won't put Huntress on my list as I think she's really fun to play as and vs, when her hitboxes aren't the size of the map, which is caused by dedicated servers.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    • Hag - She's so annoying and her traps are obnoxious
    • Ghostface - I love it when I'm looking straight at him and he just stalks me to exposed. Good fun.
    • Freddy - Not really hate just boring
    • Plague - She deletes 50% of my favorite build :(
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Ghostface because his reveal mechanic is so broken. Legion because its just a constant mending fest of tedium.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    Any good killer, because being decimated just isn't fun. If it's a potato team and its just unhook after unhook, I'm not going to waste my time. Let me die and move on to the next game.

    Killer characters:

    Freddy is just annoying. Partly due to the dark "sleep state". I hate playing against Legion and the Plague and clown for the very same reason. The screen border from the Plague, the dark screen from being "frenzied" and the blur of the clown gas. This all gives me a headache. I just want to not deal with that crap.

  • Member Posts: 1,398


    Boring as ######### and nearly everyone who play's Freddy is annoying. I don't know any old Freddy mains (including myself) that like the rework.

    Tru3face: Boring, ######### Ghostface players who can't use half of their power. Running around like a stealthy Legion with a generic, boring, stall build.

    Hillbilly: Every Billy runs the same perks but endfury annoys me the most because it's another braindead bandage fix for pallet loops. Also weird chainsaw hitbox.

    Plague: She ruins my healing builds

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I hate Plague. Initially I liked the idea of a plague killer but I'll be real here, I'm bad at looping. Like, real bad. In a standard game you might get all of 30-40 seconds from me. So I prefer stealth. However, it's hard to sneak like Solid Snake when I'm frequently vomiting, emitting a green odor, moaning in pain, and leaving a blood trail. So naturally I will be that guy that cleanses which in turn forces everyone to cleanse. I detest Plague because she either completely denies Stealth play or Loop play. In addition she will always deny medic play so she can waste 1-2 perk slots potentially of the entire survivor team.

    You wanna see salty survivors? Forget Doctor, pick up Plague. If you play Doctor the survivors will get mad at you. If you play Plague they'll go after each other.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    Huntress, not because I can't dodge the hatchets, but I'm at that rank where every single Huntress just camps and or tunnels.

    Pig, none of them let me boop

    Hag, more annoying.

    Trapper, getting caught in a trap makes me jitter and also is annoying to have to check everywhere you go for a trap.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Huntress. I feel when I do a 360 so I can Dodge her hatchet I'm suddenly super close to her m1 range it's just annoying.

    Other than that, Freddy. I always lose against freddies

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Hillbilly, Huntress & Spirit.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Hag, Hillbilly and Bubba.

    Hags just camp with their "defensive" kit, and most of the saw-boys rely a little too heavily on their saws for my liking.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    thats an easy anwser legion i hate that i need to mend every couple of seconds just chase men and hook me i want to go to game where i will have fun

  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83

    The most annoying to me are the other survivors, sometimes I feel like I'm playing against them and the killer is there for no reason.

    But, a good nurse always makes me want to give up, because there is no possibility of a game. And the clown, in my opinion, can’t be more boring, because slowness shouldn’t come along with blindness, and please, someone needs to tell behavior that the redhead’s finger addon is too strong to cause blindness and slowness as well .

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Boring to play against as nearly every freddy has the same build with the same addons. Nothing more boring than freddy.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Billy. Not the mechanics, but the people who play him. He always has noed and always camps (even proxy camping)

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    Freddy,,,, because I dislike the dream world art. All white and blurred, it is irritating.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2020

    On those rare occasions I play survivor, I absolutely despise playing against a hag (despite being a hag main).

    I am a very jumpy person by nature, so her traps going off literally send me out of my chair. I had a bad one where I jumped so badly my hand shifted on the keyboard. I was jamming W to move forward and I just stood there like an idiot not knowing what was going on.

    Sometimes now I know how survivors feel when I run my hag against them.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Nurse and Spirit (self explanatory)

    Plague: Shes not that good but hot damn that power is annoying

    Pre Rework Doctor: Just cancer

    Pig: I hate the beartrap RNG. When I play Pig, I love it so theres that lol.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Stealth Killers - Whenever I'm not using Spine Chill being sneak attacked feels unfair

    The Plague - Oh, you brought Botany Knowledge, Inner Strength,  We'll Make It, Autodidact, Second Wind, Adrenaline, Self Care, Iron Will, Pharmacy, Solidarity, For the People, or a medkit? Oh well, guess you just wasted a perk slot.

    The Clown, Freddy - I hate being slowed, it sucks. I wish killer powers would buff the killer instead of nerfing the survivor, like the Hillbilly or the Nurse have.

    Legion - poor kids need a rework. what's the point of having a power if you can't get downs with it?

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Freddy, very slow games.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Freddy is both unfun to play as and against, honestly I wish old freddy was back I miss him ;-;

  • stylisticx
    stylisticx Member Posts: 44

    Freddy, Leatherface, and Clown.

    Though I enjoy seeing a clown with the elephant head. Cuteee.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    The Plague, ruins most builds and is just quite literally a dirty character gameplay wise, stay injured all game or screw your team over, get your team sick and basically give them their power or make your teammates injured, plus if they ran my build (Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Thrilling Tremors/Surveillance and Ruin), the game would never get done.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    A good huntress or a Legion.

    Its almost impossible to loop a good huntress that knows how to land her shots well. Legion is boring as ######### to play against, no power or anything that spice up the chase. There is nothing that I have to be aware of when a Legion chases me, that is very boring and dull.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    If u not like killers, play tetris or eat pizza :D now I not like to play nurse because after change this killer very bad wait jump and 1000000 bugs cant jump on stranger thing map on the thirs floor and pink addons are :D

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    @Boosted_Dwight what s mean "fraddy borring and killer annoying" if u cant run away fron this killers play then 19-20 rank with trapper and damage his traps

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2020

    freddy and doctor. as soon as i find out the killer is one of them, i sigh very deeply and just try to genrush them or end the game for myself as soon as possible. they ruin the whole game experience for god's sake i hate them so much.. freddy is so braindead, boring and frustrating as hell to go against, and doctor is extremely annoying. and i tend to never escape against them

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    For me it's definitely Freddy. Every Freddy runs the same build so it's just boring because there isn't a single Freddy match that's different.

    Plague I don't mind, but tonight I had survivors cleanse every single time and they weren't even fully infected...

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Hag, because 99% of the time it's a camp fest. Even if I'm not the hooked one, it's still not fun.

    Close second is the Plague, since she destroys altruism and stealth.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Survivors that unhook in front of the killer without BT.