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tinkerer vs discordance on Hillbilly

in terms of gen pressure builds on hillbilly, what have you had the most success with?


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  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Discordance, without a doubt. This gives early information, especially during the Lategame, when less Gens are on the Map and the Survivors are more grouped together.

    Tinkerer only informs you when the Gen is almost finished, not that useful tbh, at least when compared to Discordance.

  • Member Posts: 835

    If I had to use one of those two I would go with Discordance, but Whispers is much better tracking perk for Billy if you know how to fully take advantage of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Discordance, and it’s not even close.

  • Member Posts: 849

    Discordance, Ez. Discordance tells you when multiple people are working on a gen, allowing you to quickly pressure more than one survivor.

    Tinkerer, doesn't warn you until they are almost done, which can be more useful when you have survivors working on different gens instead of the same gen.

    Though why not run both? I would be happy to see a mix up from the "Enduring, Pop, Infections fright" Billy builds.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    The only time I saw a billy really use tinkerer was on crotus penn. We finished a gen and as I turned the corner of the jungle gym I literally walked into the path of a chainsaw. He was running a muffler so not only did we not hear his TR thanks to tinkerer but we couldnt hear his saw either. Certainly gave me a jump scare lol

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Discordance, unless it's engravings Billy and you want to snipe people off guard on gens. Tinkerer lets you know when gen is about to be done. Discordance lets you know where multiple survivors, which gen is being worked on and where to apply pressure

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    Tinkerer isn't that good, even on a high mobility powerhouse like Billy.

    Discordance, Pop, BBQ, Bamboozle.

    A wrecking machine.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    They're pretty similar, but one activates way too late.

    While having your Terror Radius be removed is nice, the fact that it happens at 85% is not good, only Pop Goes The Weasel might profit a bit from Tinkerer, as you'll be sure you get the full 25% out of your kick.

    Discordance shows you the Generator which gets repaired much faster, and it shows you that Generator immediately once it goes faster.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Discordance is wayyyy better for billy, helps u in esrly game when they spawn together and all throughout the game.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Discordance. I love Tinkerer but by the time you get there sometimes that gen is as good as gone.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Why would you use a gen build on Billy? But if you were considering which perk is better then discordance 100%. If you wanted to go that route, discordance + ruin is probably a really good combo on him.

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