A "Bandaid fix" for silent slugged survivors

So I'm sure a lot of us have played games where we either couldnt find a slugged survivor because they were completely silent or were that survivor.

I have a temporary solution for this issue , make deerstalker at 5 meters basekit.

This would help find silent slugged survivors . it wouldnt be too op because if they were not silent then you would find them from their noises without this fix.

Thoughts ?? let me know down below, like I said this is just an idea and a bandaid fix .


  • mrdead
    mrdead Member Posts: 51

    A survivor who isn't slugged is MUCH easier to find, aren't they?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited March 2020

    I would say make it even more conditional.

    Only have it trigger when the Killer would be within hearing distance of that Survivor and make it so that the Killer needs to be looking in their direction.

    However, I hope that they fix sounds in this next patch.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no if you loose them that's your fault..... nothing to do but use deerstalker

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    it really isnt , especially if I'm right on top of them and still can't here em

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Bandaid fix? Thats all we needed to hear? This game needs so many more bandaid fixes!

    Excuse my sarcasm, its actually a good idea, but I couldnt pass up the opportunity

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Why would you say something so controversial but so brave?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    again.... USE DEER STALKER look down occasionally lol.... look for the "pick up" prompt on your screen if they are near your feet. lots of things to worry about.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903
    edited March 2020

    You want something that you get as a generic perk added to the base kit of a killer because ** YOU ** specifically have a hard time, yet others like me who have also had a hard time locating survivors have done, taken DEER STALKER. they can't crawl faster than you can walk even with tenacity so you watch where they are going and you can get them because deer stalker highlights their AURA! wow.... what a solution to your problem. please let me get in your killer lobby where you can't find me when i'm on the ground I want to laugh.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Iron Will 3 will not stifle any grunts or moans of pain from the survivors. and it's subpar to suggest the deer stalker perk for the person wanting to add the same perk to the killer's base kit just because they can't find them? and then later tells me that with deer stalker he still looses them? what good is this suggestion then?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I haven't encountered this bug myself, but till then equip deer stalker. simple solution, requires no intervention from the devs what so ever. what is being suggested here is that the devs write code, then proof it against millions of lines of other code to make sure it doesn't break anything else, then later after fixing the issue they then have to go back into the code and remove the lines they added in to "bandaid" fix the issue and hope they didn't remove the wrong information. This then has to be applied to each killer individually so that is a great deal of "bandaid" fixing TWICE each.

    Yet what you both don't get is all you have to do in this case is equip the perk that was suggested to be added to the base kit. since hey deerstalker is a general perk, not a teachable perk from anyone killer. So with my solution, the devs only have to devote time to fixing the issue instead of devoting time to changing all killers twice plus fixing the issue in a manner that is much more streamlined way and takes no dev time from them.

    ALSO: ln his own response to me, he said that he STILL looses them with deerstalker on, so again I say how is this any kind of bandaid fix for anything if this guy can't even reliably use the perk?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Sounds like a good idea honestly, but I honestly wonder what causes that bug. I mean its not the first time that the sounds are getting broken after a patch. I wonder why this is such a huge issue that comes up over and over again.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Thing is when people want devs to bandaid something like this in, usually they are hoping the devs just decide to leave it in because it's too much trouble to pull out. what they don't realize is everything they want (faster fixes) doesn't get helped by wanting something else added in.

    I've seen people complain why games have bugs like mmo expansions, dbd dlcs etc. well honestly you have to look at a single program and realize that just the core program probably has millions of lines of code. each one with a potential interaction with something new that will break the content already there. when that happens everyone says "well it's not hard to code, they must be idiots or incompetents." no one realizes how hard it is to find one small typo that causes the program to just stop working right. I was working with a small micro controller where I wanted it to have lights blinking in a specific order but mine didn't work and it turned out i had one BYTE incorrect in another register that stopped it from working. took 4 people helping me find my error and almost 3 hours of trouble shooting. that was for about 500 lines of code (maybe even less because there was lots of white space in the program) not for a program that is a million lines long.

    I look at these "demands" from the point of view of a programmer, not just a player, who has to make sure their piece of the pie is correct and then the qa has to look at it, and then they have to have the testers to test it, and hope they test every combination of variables. We players feel so entitled because we feel we know everything that goes on behind the scenes because we've seen documentaries and some have in field experience. this type of issue comes up as well when talking about disconnects (network/unintentional, not the intetntional dc's) many people don't understand that the network of computers/routers that one goes through just for a connection is more than two (user and the server). Also this comes in with people who complain that their game crashes but doesn't even look at the logs on their computer to see what the issue was, it has to be the dbd program instead of the open web browser that tried to access the memory set asside for the dbd game but causes dbd to "crash"

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    It would be great to know what is causing it but I doubt we'd ever know. it may not even be in the game either, it could be something else causing audio issues on a computer, i personally have never had an issue of my audio to be cut like is described here.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Imagine being mad at default 5m deerstalker. Learn to gg

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Going down a full perk slot is not an acceptable substitute.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    This adds nothing to the discussion not even a reason why its their fault, this is a ideal band aid fix for broken sounds.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you know it is not an ideal fix because it involves taking too much of the dev's time when the perk is available to any killer already.

    then accept the bug is there, don't ask for extra programming time for a perk that you can use. I do.

    mad? nah not mad... laughing because you have access to the same perk already... if you don't like it then don't play till you confirm it is fixed. why take the dev's time in order to get a bandaid that is already available. let them work on the issue instead of wanting them to work on something that would delay the fix.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    then accept the bug is there, don't ask for extra programming time for a perk that you can use. I do.

    No, because that is also not acceptable. Either fix the problem, or give us an acceptable substitute that doesn't come at the players' expense.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    then use the perk that is available that you want to have devs take extra time away from working on the issues by programming in something that is already in game. you are the ones (those wanting something extra that is available) that would cause it to take even longer to fix.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm not wasting a perk slot, and I'm not accepting the existence of the bug. The only things I will accept are things that fix the issue without having to change how I play the game.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    the devs have already stated that they have no idea what is causing this bug. meaning they have no clue how to fix it. i dont understand why you would be opposed to this bandaid fix.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    because the fix is already in game, people just don't want to change and do something different. if the killers get a base kit change, then survivors get urban evasion as part of their base kit. or how about calm spirit??? would you accept that? no you wouldn't because it would change how you have to deal with things. I play killer and I play survivor. I don't care what my rank is because I get matched with rank 1's as my killer and i get matched with rank 1-4s as my survivors but I will gripe but understand it is working. I also know how over all hard this addition would be. once it's added no killer will use that perk, even those that use it already as now "HEY I'll have 5 perks on!!! WOOHOO!!!" but survivors have to stick to 4. no, this bug is not as wide spread as you think... I personally have never had the bug when I play so if the devs don't know what's causing it, it sounds like the issue is on the computers being affected, possibly it's a code interaction with their os set up or something like that. I can't say without even having that bug affect me.

    then you should stop playing if you won't take the solution you offered that was already in the damn game. sorry you don't like having to alter your game play to help you but you also did say that it doesn't always help you because you still don't find them all the time even with the perk on, so again adding the effect of the perk to all killer's base kits will net you no help what so ever I'd suggest finding a better bandaid fix.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's not a solution. A solution fixes the problem. What you propose sidesteps it. At my expense.


    you also did say that it doesn't always help you because you still don't find them all the time even with the perk on

    No I didn't.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Then become a dev for Behavior and affect the change since you obviously know it's the only solution and you are right all the time. You get a base kit addon, then the survivors get a base kit addon. it's only fair, 5 perk killers are much more over powered than 4 perk killers with there is only 4 perks on each survivor. if it works for you then it works for everyone equally. you just can't deal with anything but your "normal" where as I am able to work with more than one situation, if I find I'm loosing people because I slug them I add deer stalker on instead of something else. I'm sorry you are locked in to 4 minuscule perks and can't play the game without just those 4.

    Also YOU ARE CORRECT. my apologies it had been a while and it was not you that said you had an issue with it. I formally agree that statement is in error and I retract it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You get a base kit addon, then the survivors get a base kit addon.

    Why are you making this an "Us vs. Them?" This is about fixing a BUG.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I am so glad you didn't even mention the fact that I did agree I was wrong above.... interesting, most would have said thank you for acknowledging it but you are just that type of person it seems. this is why you don't see what is wrong with only one side having something extra.

    because it's about balance. what you propose will further unbalance things as it is. example: survivors have 4 perks, killers have 4 perks plus a basekit deerstalker addon. normally these killers decide if they want deerstalker because hey it's huntress i need to see those i drop due to a snipe shot etc. now they can add a different 4th perk that synergizes with deer stalker and the other 3 perks so in essence the killers now have 5 perks they use and survivors have 4. this is why both sides have access to the same number of perk slots, to prevent this idea from being used.

    FINE you want that added to the base kit. while the devs are at it we will have them remove one perk slot to make it balanced. oh but this is not a full perk it's only a portion of a perk. so you want to have something extra and not give something extra to those you go against, sounds like you are looking for a way to add the extra power so you can win! oh you are sooo slick.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You incorrectly accusing me of something is irrelevant to the discussion.

    It is NOT giving one side something extra. It is fixing a problem caused by a bug. That is what I am proposing. Taking away something from the Killers because they want a fix to a bug is ridiculous.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    i mean if survivors had a bug where they couldnt walk i mean sure basekit urban would be fine. but fortunately they do not have that.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    there is a bug that causes them to be stuck in the healing animation. this hasn't been addressed either. You are begging for something you already have. learn to use it, don't ask for more just because you can't play around a bug that is there till it gets found and is fixed. have you sent your computer logs and game logs to the devs when the bug happens? I would bet you haven't even tried because you think they won't touch it. well I'm telling you they WILL touch it and work with it and get more information. you just want more to play with you want a 5th perk with out it being called a perk. you want the survivors to be at a disadvantage, you don't even care that you are over powering the killers and allowing everyone playing a killer to take another perk instead of deerstalker. if you don't want to use what tools you have either 1) stop playing till it's fixed or 2) accept it and play as you are now. You offered the solution but it doesn't have to be programmed in by the devs, it has to be accepted by the players to use the perk you are offering as a bandaid fix that could easily break the game in ways you can't even fathom. I'm DONE with this silly thread, I notice that no dev has weighed in on this because they 1) as you said, don't have a fix yet and 2) see the solution already in the game and don't need to add more coding into the game. (those 2 are my thoughts only and not official responses).

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    If you can't find survivors you slugged, that's honestly on you. There should be a trade off to slugging.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2020

    No perk/add-on/offering/map/individual Killer/Survivor can ever reasonably be called a fix to a bug. A reasonable solution to a bug should not require you to use a specific tool (separate from the tool that is bugged, if the issue is with a given tool) that takes up space i your inventory. If it does, then it is not actually a reasonable solution.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    not really true, if I'm right next to a slugger survivor and he isnt making noise thats on the game. not me . that's like saying "if you use DS on doc and it doesnt do anything that's on you" both are bugs that the player cannot control.

    And before you say u can control the noise bug by not slugging , well you could control the DS bug by not using it when it was broken.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    I'm talking about slugging in general. Since you can't hear survivors because of the bug, this suggestion is useless, as you could just ask the devs to fix the bug instead.

    In a general sense, however, if you can't find a survivor you slugged, that's on you.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    what if I'm right next to the survivor and he isnt making noise. ? that's not on me. like I said this would just be a bandaid fix since the devs have already stated that they have no clue how to fix it or why it happens.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Ah, if the devs don't know how to fix it, that's my mistake, sorry.

    This would then indeed be a fine substitute.

    I think that perhaps a more appropriate substitute however may be Ghostie's reveal lines / Killer Instinct?