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I see a lot of (i suppose) survivors complaining about q-time

Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

I just want to know... you DO realize why you have to wait that long to play a game as survivor... right?



  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Well it seems to be. Most of my friends and i are playing on EU region and on PC, on what Region / Plattform do you play?

    I have 2 friends that play on Xbox, they have way longer q-times then we do.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    PC, also EU region, Rank 4.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Thats odd, since we are also almost on the same rank - R1. Maybe we define "forever" a bit different :P

    Do you play SWF? I noticed waiting times are a bit longer when you try to play with 3-4 man squad.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    Sure they are. Since there is no "fiasco" or mistake this time, these are numbers that count, just deal with it. What you make yourself with those numbers is your business nobody cares, but stop making excuses please. THAAAAANK YOU!!!!!! :P

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Devs confirmed that they made a mistake with these stats, so they braught us new ones. Those he is showing are a year old and are flawed.

    Yea they are entertaining, but they still tell a story or how do you want to interpretate them? Its not really important how killers got their kills, maybe its just that everybody is using mori or whatever.. it still shows that killers can get their kills super easy. No room to discuss sry unless devs change the game in a way we are at their 50/50 rate.

    Dont get me wrong, if you cant get kills, that really sucks and i feel you, but i must say, many have no problem with 4king every game (including myself). Watch some good youtubers like fungoose and you will eventually get there if you practice. But you dont have to BE MAD BECAUUUSE OF THAT! Its just a game.

  • Larikal
    Larikal Member Posts: 54

    Hmm, on what you opinion is based? Your thoughts? To be honest - on PC killer got 10 min waiting time from midnight till 8 PM, then it reverse and survs got 5 min queue time. And guess what - its only bcs you cant play as killer with friends. This combined with fact that after 8 PM is "prime time" when most people are in homes and have time to play gives longer queue time for survs. You dont really thought that for 90% time of the day killers have to wait and its "coincident", do you? :P

    Also for survs work fact that they have more... unique gameplay, as you have to sneak, hide, and run away instead of fight, and thats also thrill for few people.

    Summa summarum - you cant really tell "more people play surv cause they are easier" when killer have to wait longer (so more players play killer) for most of the day, and at evening there is "jump" in survivors playing bcs you HAVE TO play surv if you want ever play with friends. But yea, whatever

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Ah i see, you are that kind of guy.

    Let us not forget killers dcing also all the time. And let us not forget the countless survivor nerfs... It goes either way.

    Please.. dont start a discussion like that, i wont bite.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Yeah, based on the stats which are flawed. Not in the actual game.

    There is a reason why the devs told everyone to ignore these stats when discussing balance changes.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I don't think it would be much different if it was red rank survivors only, they play like rank 15's these days anyway.

    Stats won't mean anything at the moment because rank doesn't mean skill. If the stats were somehow calculated with good survivors vs good killers then maybe. I highly doubt the new MMR system will work well but maybe then the stats will mean something.

    As for the topic, I'm pretty sure the queue times are long because there are way too many survivors playing in red ranks, especially with the swf changes. It's no coincidence that the queue times got longer right when that change happened so stop with the "nobody plays killer anymore" bs already.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Again, killers will always move the goal post, first they wanted it to be separated into ranks, they did that, then they wanted DCs to be excluded, they did that, now we're using a random BHVR comment from the Japan BHVR employee who lives in Japan who apparently the only person with this information.

    The stats were if I recall taken over the course of three months, before we had all these lobby issues and lobbies were consistent, it's fine though, killers will never be happy.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    True, we dont have all the information, but saying they are flawed is just wrong.

    Keep in mind, that red rank is 80% killrate, and for sure it takes into consideration that they were also playing against purple. But there is the overall picture, and we could assume so much here.

    The only truth is: On average it is WAY above 50% killrate. Killers run into lower rank survivors, survivors ran into lower rank killers. What does it matter? On average, you know, the whole players pool, its ~70%. Blame the matchmaking, but the truth is, it goes both ways. Again sometimes, the killer plays vs lower survivors, and sometimes the survivors are playing vs lower ranked killers. It just evens it out on the long run.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Hop on killer and help queues then... oh wait this is where you tell us you’re a rank 1 killer who never ran ruin in the first place and doesn’t even use addons because it’s so easy, never mind

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Well the stats will never show those kind of escapes rates, they never have, across all the times they've shown them, there is some accuracy to it, KILLERS just don't like it because it shows they're less opressed than they make out to be.

    Killer isn't hard anymore, but they sure as hell will act like it is. :)

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah, cause there are far too much survivors in highranks due to the SWF change.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Except it doesn't show kill rates as 70% it shows them as all varied, you're acting like it straight up says every killer is at 70 when it clearly doesn't, it shows "weaker" and unused killers with lower rates... like you'd expect... weirddddd

    You can spin it as you like, you can pretend that theres 1000000s of people killing themselves on the hook, or 100% altruism in every match that skew the results or whatever, I'll stick to what I see, every killer having 50%+ kill rate.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Funny hiw im talking basically about killer stopping playing the game and ppl go on with "stats says killer win 70% of the time!"

    Than switch killer and help making the lobby for survivor last less, is easy 4k anyway.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Killer isn’t hard, but it also isn’t necessarily fun either... which is why like he says all of these people complaining about queue times won’t just swap to killer.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Someone: Here's facts why your wrong

    You: Has post over 5+ times in this thread, and none of them of substance.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I have fun playing killer, and someone who only plays survivor most likely will be rank 20 killer and wont help with queue times anyway? and nobody has fun playing killer at rank 20 with 0 perks etc, it isn't simply a "switch role".

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    With how bad MM is any killers will help queue times.

    You can use BP from playing survivor to level a killer, not that it matters because killer is basically a free 4K and easy bloodpijnts according to these forums

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    You know why there (was) an 80% survival rate at red ranks? There's only one pip in red ranks. Meaning that in 20% of games where a survivor died, they managed to get enough emblem points in other categories to stay/get into rank 1. That's what it means. It doesn't mean that rank 1 survivors survive 80% of the time.

    Same thing applies to killer. We'd see a similar trend since you pretty much always need at least 3 to 4 kills to pip into rank 1, right? So does that mean the kill rate at rank 1 is above 75% just based on data like comparing kill rate to rank alone? No.

    They said there aren't any SPECIFIC conclusions you can make on the data. The example they gave is you can't say Freddy is overpowered just because he has the highest kill rate, but that there is something about him that is making him overperform such as the pallets, specific addons, or synergies with certain perks for example. That does NOT mean the data is void and not representative of what it shows. You'll probably filter this out too though so I don't know why I bothered explaining it lol

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    i find killer very easy, but then again I have 4.6K hours, I just don't get why people act as if it's some strenuous activity, I'm often called a survivor main on the forums but seem to have no trouble playing killer so is it that people just aren't very good or I'm an excellent killer? (It's definitely not me being a good killer, however I do maintain red rank consistently on both sides)

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Lets start at the very beginning, dont go to much into detail please. This might come later if we are on the same page and you wish. Alright..

    If freddy for example has 70% Killrate on average, then he has 70% KR on average. Is this correct in your mind? There is no way he can have 60% somehow, when he has 70%, right?

    We both agree they have not lied about the stats, right? And we also agree, that the trainee has not messed up, are we?

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited March 2020

    Yep, the stats are facts. What the devs said was just to not draw conclusions that such and such killer is too strong or too weak, for example. Killers however, have taken this and spun into a narrative that the numbers themselves are incorrect. People who do this just look eally biased. The numbers are accurate, Freddy has a 70% or whatever it was killrate. FACT. You have the people saying “the numbers are wrong, the devs said they are flawed!”. Not what they said at all. The debate lies with HOW those stats came to be, not that they are wrong. Is it a certain add-on combination, like forever Freddy, that’s what the devs meant.Really not hard to understand, but people are always going to take a stance to dismiss anything that goes against their belief.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Almo already said in a thread that nurse is below 50% . That was pre ruin nerf. So you are wrong, I also checked the stats they released and even there nurse had below 50% she was at 43% when he posted about it.

    No you are not, you showed me some footage on a stream of yours, i watched a bit and you try to well justify your opinions with games that includes people who dc, suicide on first hook or are so ######### that they get sandbag themself against a bubba who is about to hook a survivor.

    Being able to stay in red ranks does not make you a good killer at all. Nobody cares for all the games you play against potatoes, balance shows when you play against skilled players. I didn't bother to skip through 6 hrs of material to see whether you play any at all.

    Also it is quite interesting that when you have 4,6k hrs in the game you make it a killer vs survivor thing, blaming it on killers who do not want to have rounds counted in which people do dc when in reality any person should be able to tell you why this has to be done in the first place.

    Can you at least name a single logical reason as to why rounds that had dcs should be counted into stats? Same goes for suicides and why it is bad to count them out. I really just wanna understand your thought. Do not give me any of the killer v survivor at all because it has nothing to do with it.

    Do you know what a hook suicide is? Good. It pretty much gives the particular killer a free win 4kills just like that.

    You don't even understand what an average is do you? Please answer me the following, there are 17 killers and 2 of them scramble around 70% kill rate and every other killer has a killrate below that as low as to 45% what is the average? If you are having trouble with the numbers for each particular killer here this where you get them.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Almo already said in a thread that nurse is below 50% . That was pre ruin nerf. So you are wrong, I also checked the stats they released and even there nurse had below 50% she was at 43% when he posted about it.

    Not sure what your point here is, one killer isn't above 50% kill rate? Boohoo, the killer people keep telling other players is butchered isn't a high kill rate, you all say shes hard to master, you all claim killers are leaving in droves, doesn't it make sense for a killer that is "hard to master" to suffer in kill rate if only new players are trying her and sucking with her? Also... the fact that you act as if good nurse players are running ruin is... laughable like actually hilarious, and GOOD nurse player wouldn't even think about using nurse, so it also makes sense that bad players, running a really strong killer and having the added time benefit of ruin would mess up the killer rates, as for her kill rates I can only find graphs showing her as over 50%, and I can't find a comment from almo saying otherwise, please link it?

    No you are not, you showed me some footage on a stream of yours, i watched a bit and you try to well justify your opinions with games that includes people who dc, suicide on first hook or are so [BAD WORD] that they get sandbag themself against a bubba who is about to hook a survivor.

    "No you are not" What does this even mean? I didn't show you any footage specifically, and if I did, you'll be able to link it, but I don't care whether DCs or Suicides are included, but you can't pretend that every time the devs drop stats, killers make up some excuse as to why they don't fit their narrative, then go around saying the devs said "the stats aren't reliable", no they didn't say they weren't reliable, they said don't draw conclusions from them, which is vastly different than saying what they state, which is every killer above 50% at red rank

    Being able to stay in red ranks does not make you a good killer at all. Nobody cares for all the games you play against potatoes, balance shows when you play against skilled players. I didn't bother to skip through 6 hrs of material to see whether you play any at all.

    You're right, it doesn't... but according to this forum there is a lack of red killers, buuuuut... apparently nobody else can get into red ranks anymore or something? You guys make it seem as if it's unachievable goal... it's definitely not... only newer players should have an excuse not to get to reds... and another one of my favourite killer tropes "You're not good, you only play against potatoes", lmfao. Don't worry, I went ahead and took screenshots of all the end game screens of those matches in that 6hrs - KILLER IS SO HARD BTW

    Also it is quite interesting that when you have 4,6k hrs in the game you make it a killer vs survivor thing, blaming it on killers who do not want to have rounds counted in which people do dc when in reality any person should be able to tell you why this has to be done in the first place.

    Can you at least name a single logical reason as to why rounds that had dcs should be counted into stats? Same goes for suicides and why it is bad to count them out. I really just wanna understand your thought. Do not give me any of the killer v survivor at all because it has nothing to do with it.

    It doesn't surprise me that you misunderstand, I don't care whether DCs are in or not, but every time the stats drop, killers want more information removed from it, grasping so desperately to see the stats from their side. First it was the stats are combined with console, so they seperated them, then it was that the matches had DCs in it, they removed them, now it's "just for entertainment purposes", and the devs have said the stats are "invalid" which they haven't, they've just said don't draw conclusions from it. How much info do you want to strip from these stats until they fit your narrative, because from the last few times they've done stuff to appease killers it's ALWAYS still shown an above 50% kill rate.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Complains about posting stats to prove points, proceeds to post old stats to prove point -.-

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    You complain about people posting stats to prove a point then proceed to offer anecdotal subjective points as some kind of counter. ROFL. Yes, you are that kind of guy........

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    He won't listen to you, in his mind you're wrong and humans will work harder to maintain a lie then to reveal a truth if it goes against their belief system.

    Hence why when you post stats to prove your point, he'll twist it and say its not facts. Then offer anecdotal subjective points to try and counter you, which is a joke. When someone can't even move beyond that simple premise, you know the conversation will go nowhere.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Killrates can't be measured, no matter what "stats" the devs sell to us like "truth". Every stat they share is inaccurate because the outcome in this game varies a lot.. and that's for every stat for both sides like escapes. They really should stop doing that and just focus on playing the game for fixing bugs like every dev team does and fix the desync issues in servers. Instead of confusing people with inaccurate data..

    It's not the same a player with 1k hours that always play in red rank than a new player with 150 hours that reached red. As it not the same a full swf team than a full random team. The different outcomes from those matches are plenty, and you just have to play the game to know that.

    And it's the same for killers, you found killers that don't get any kill in rank 1, and you find those that get 3 or 4 kills. So.. imo stats don't have a place in DbD. And the only way to balance and fix things is by playing simple as that. Recurring to stats is a big fault from the devs. They should play their game instead, like most dev teams.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    devs have already stated that the stats were flawed. stop using them.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    devs have already stated that the stats were flawed. stop using them.

  • AFK_in_A_Corner
    AFK_in_A_Corner Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2020

    I'm an afk demogorgan in a corner, as my 1st post ever - let's just say it is emotional. i'd like to say, balance around SWF please. I play both survivor and Killer a lot, but ever since the ruin nerf, on ps4 in my region US East, there are no more killers. I have to wait 20 minutes for a survivor game. I finally get bored and play killer as rank 12, yes i have killed many noob groups and a toxic 2-man tonight since my killer was only rank 12, but i hit that magic killer rank 10 / rank 9 area now (basically rank 1 on ps4 now) where i get a SWF of red rank 1's with mics. Also it is 2 AM that may be why too. I also dodged 2 groups, one had all the same psn id's, the other had 60%+ dbd trophies, no thank you :P Lol sorry to you guys :P now u wait 20 more minutes

    Anyway my poor demo, my poor demo. If i played Spirit or Billy i'd been ok, MAYBE i'd gotten 2, but there's only so much Spirit and Billy I can play when i have everyone else unlocked too.(Except piggy and freddY, but i got so many red free trial offering thingies of them....) Not even my Monitor and Abuse 3 +10 FoV could destroy these people's expert 360's while i'm using a ps4 controller. I have to run BBQ 3 instead of tremors becaues bp, i had sloppy and Corrupt to get early game, but 1 ran at me with a flashlight early on anyway, tho i hit him and patrol'd gens, i injured everyone, they kept healing thru my sloppy anyway, i gave up after i kept making mistakes vs 360's kept wiffing. Also they tbagged and sat on top of every safer pallet - unless i broke it.

    I'd also like to say that the Ruin nerf was actually a good thing on PS4. Since the game stutters down to 10 frames per second sometimes, it was very hard to hit great skill checks, especially on certain maps with a lot of particle effects in the air. i still miss DS if the fps lag spikes. But now that ruin is nerfed there must be another way to slow the game down, or if there is an SWF generators need to be slower. Or you need to give Killers 4x bp for this abuse.

    I never play SWF, and i only play solo queue survivor; playing Killer and Solo Surv is the worst it's ever been for me on PS4. i've played over a year since the PS+ free 10 o'clock October dbd giveaway. I have played in SWF's before, even just as a duo, the game is way easier. Too easy with microphones, it's too many perks. It's easy for me to say nerf SWF tho, because i'm a lone wolf / solo queue survivor.

    But hey at least you blew Friday 13th the Game's Jason out of the water :P (as in i enjoy dbd more than friday).

    Edit: 4x BP not XP for Killers, also I had to mute my PSN messages and Private my friend requests, because of the abuse survivors hurl at me on a daily basis. I rarely get abused as a survivor in the chat, only when i play killer and only if i lose or DC in loading screen if they burn a Haddonfield, unless i brought a Mori, Haddonfield, thanx. But wow no reason to call me bad names, if people DC when i bring a Mori in loading screen, i'd understand it!

    Alsoooo when i play survivor, what i get for my 10-20 minutes lobby queue, as a rank 5 solo survivor, i get a rank 20 1st day dwight as my teammate, a rank 16 meg with 2 perks, a rank 9 halfway intelligent, and a rank 7 oni who proceeds to annihilate dwight in the 1st 10 seconds of the match, u spawned him on top of the 1st game ever dwight??!?! It deteriorated quickly from there.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Not sure what your point here is, one killer isn't above 50% kill rate? Boohoo, the killer people keep telling other players is butchered isn't a high kill rate, you all say shes hard to master, you all claim killers are leaving in droves, doesn't it make sense for a killer that is "hard to master" to suffer in kill rate if only new players are trying her and sucking with her? Also... the fact that you act as if good nurse players are running ruin is... laughable like actually hilarious, and GOOD nurse player wouldn't even think about using nurse, so it also makes sense that bad players, running a really strong killer and having the added time benefit of ruin would mess up the killer rates, as for her kill rates I can only find graphs showing her as over 50%, and I can't find a comment from almo saying otherwise, please link it?

    My point was that your statement is simply wrong and the picture you posted is not the post I am referring to, yes I will check his posts and look for it, iirc it was in one of the threads regarding legion and the mending changes when they decreased the time for mending and giving a slight speed buff in ff + removing perk synergies with perks like sloppy,stbfl etc.

    Not sure how you are getting the idea that only new players try nurse, seems to me like a baseless claim.

    I am just correcting your statement in which you said, no killer below 50%. So keep your boohoo for yourself.

    So Zubat, Gammalunatic and the like are not good nurse players? Because they all did use ruin on nurse. Fyi Gamma is the one that gets mentioned by a dude here on the forums to be some legendary nurse that will always 4k no matter what (which turned out to be not true when I asked him). Do you wanna know when he stopped using ruin? When it was changed, same for zubat, he had it equipped on most of his builds for most killers.

    There was another one knight something, I only saw material from him post nurse nerf and he would always use ruin and I quote " because i do not like to be genrushed". So do you really wanna argue that they are all bad nurse players? Okay ardetha also used it on nurse, the guy that did the experiment pre nurse nerf, to show how op she was did use ruin. So all of them are bad nurse players yes? Marth also a bad nurse player yes?

    So have the decency to actually point out a good nurse player, name them and I will gladly talk to them.

    You're right, it doesn't... but according to this forum there is a lack of red killers, buuuuut... apparently nobody else can get into red ranks anymore or something? You guys make it seem as if it's unachievable goal... it's definitely not... only newer players should have an excuse not to get to reds... and another one of my favourite killer tropes "You're not good, you only play against potatoes", lmfao. Don't worry, I went ahead and took screenshots of all the end game screens of those matches in that 6hrs - KILLER IS SO HARD BTW

    Maybe you should actually pay attention to what people write in the first place instead of assuming something that nobody says. Players specificly explain that the mm is busted, so new killer players suffer alot due to weird decisions from the devs. There is no way to talk around it, killer gets balanced for experienced players and survivor for new players which makes it kinda unbalanced. Just take a look at nurse balance decisions and the ruin change.

    Come up with any explanation as to why I am not able to find a match for several minutes with my swf, when we do decide to play and when we finally get one it is some poor killer and the game ends in 5minutes tops. The cure? Hide ranks completely and say that there is some MMR which will fix matchmaking, I doubt that this will be the case but hope dies last.

    You can include endgame screenshots all you want, the material I looked at was not impressive. The mistakes made by the survivors is just another part of the problem. Survivors being in ranks they do not belong in, honestly how do you sandbag yourself against a bubba who carries another survivor?

    Not once did you play against a full red ranked team, not once against r1 survivors. You should know that it is very easy to reach rank 1 as survivor right now so everybody that is not making it, kinda has to suck at the game (given they play regularly).

    So with balance done for experienced v noobs, you will struggle when you play a coordinated team. Players like Zubat will tell you that 4 good survivors will always win vs a good spirit. I kinda share that opinion but these matches are rare which makes it hard to jump to conclusions.

    Also having 4,6k hrs on the game and probably playing it alot more than the average person, you really shouldn't take yourself as an example i don't know whether you stream to make a living or not but the people that do should be aware of this.

    It doesn't surprise me that you misunderstand, I don't care whether DCs are in or not, but every time the stats drop, killers want more information removed from it, grasping so desperately to see the stats from their side. First it was the stats are combined with console, so they seperated them, then it was that the matches had DCs in it, they removed them, now it's "just for entertainment purposes", and the devs have said the stats are "invalid" which they haven't, they've just said don't draw conclusions from it. How much info do you want to strip from these stats until they fit your narrative, because from the last few times they've done stuff to appease killers it's ALWAYS still shown an above 50% kill rate.

    I do not see the point of explaining to you again that there already is a killer below 50% on average. So no not always, stats from 2018 showed 70-80% escape rate for r1-2 survivors again no 50%.

    The question is why do you not care whether DCs are in or not?

    Are you honestly gonna argue that stats are valid even tho you count games which basicly give every killer a free win? 5 gens to do as 3 survivors is more difficult than 5 and 4 or does that not make sense to you to exclude those? Same goes for a killer that dcs and gives 4 free escapes to survivors.

    So actually statistics should try to give you info, why do you not care that it is flawed? Why do you not want the stats to be as accurate as possible or care about it at all?

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Lack of red rank killers throws off matchmaking severely

    Swf throws off the pool of players the game is looking for between parties and solos, resulting in taking ages to find a game that has space for anyone because there is probably not that many who play solo.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited March 2020

    I guess this is not going anywhere?

    I was the only (!) one that answered his question. I dont have a problem with queue times, and all i see are whiny killer mains in this forum. You dont believe me? Go check out the whole thread and tell me.

    I ruin the mood of people when i say my opinion? In a Forum? ROFL you are the one that has to leave super quick.. not me.