We need more facecamping. It's not toxic

How else will noob survivors learn their lesson?
I gotta wait more than a few minutes to get in a game? Not my fault so I'm gonna have fun however I want. Toxic people get what they deserve. It's my right to play as I want. I paid for this game, too. SWFs are toxic. I just want to play the game and they are tryharding bringing toolboxes and perks that speed up the game. Why even q if your gonna end the game immediately?
At least if I facecamp I get content outside of the round. I'll get profile comments and post game messages. It's just a LOL. Why do people care so much about a game? Losers if you ask me. You can't play toxic and genrush then me mad about me doing something not even as bad.
I guess you just lost vs a SWF?
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we need more tbagging and genrushing. it's not toxic
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Then tunneling and smacking you on hook and nodding isn't toxic either, I'm not going to let gens be done 2 minutes into the game.
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No, tunneling isn’t toxic, nor is nodding. Smacking on the hook is just the killer patting the survivor on the shoulder for a job well done!
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It may not be toxic but it is a d**k move. I'm sick of bad entitled killer mains thinking the only way to win is to ruin the fun for survivors. Think about it. Your wasting your money you used to buy this game to stare at someone till they die. Wow real immersive and engaging experience. So instead of whining for no reason try and get better at killer so you can play the game properly.
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Yes yes yes, good job for finishing all the gens in the game before the game even plays off! Yes I love it when I can't have any builds at all except gen stopping builds so I have a chance to protect gens on MASSIVE maps, and I have to play high mobility Killers to even stand a chance, if I play Michael Myers, welp 3 gens are gone before I can do anything about it.
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Just in case you didn’t get it, I was agreeing with you in my last post.
Except for the last bit about hook smacking <_<
I admit I do it sometimes because I like hearing the survivor scream.
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If you tryhard, they will aswell.
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Oh I got it, I understood.
What I don't understand is that (this is in estimate).
A gen can be done in 80 seconds, without toolboxes or any perks, just regular Survivor's work.
2 Survivors cut the gen time by 50%, doing the gen in 40 seconds.
3 Survivors is a 30 second gen time.
4 Survivors can do a gen in 20 seconds.
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But you guys look so cute when you do starjumps/jumping jacks on the hook <3
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It’s because the base gameplay is centered on the enjoyment of Survivors more than it is for Killers. Devs will never admit it because official confirmation would alienate their Killer player base. Survivors would never admit it because it would hurt their ego to find out that they aren’t better than the killer.
Just look up the past of this game and see how many survivor abilities that were introduced to the game had no consideration to a Killers entertainment. Yet if Killers abilities were similar in any way they would get adjusted much faster than any survivor perks.
It seems like I started this game at the right time. There is no way I would touch killer if I started 2-3 years ago. Devs are doing better at lessening the gap, but the gap is still there nonetheless.
Now that Survivors got rid of Ruin and nerfed the doctors tier 3 snap out of it mechanic, they have their sites on Bubba and Hillbilly. If Devs remove Hillbilly’s ability to camp, that would be all the evidence that is needed to prove that Survivors whining is what they balance the game around.
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2 survivors take 44 seconds to complete a gen.
3 take 33 seconds.
4 survivors take 28.57 seconds.
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I usually ask facecampers if they want to talk outside of the game. We spent so much time together I feel they we have bonded.
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Facecamping is nice what are you guys on about
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How do you successfully facecamp? Everytime I try it, some other survivors comes rescue the hooked survivor, and I can hit what I want, but somehow they're both able to run to the exit. It seems like survivors have totally no fear for killers. That seems wrong to me.
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Imagine upvoting this
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Leting them bleed is ok, too. Leave one guy on the ground and wait for Rancor.
For exctra spice play the Pig or insidious Ghostface.
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You caught in a trap
You can't walk out
Why are you in jail cell?
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There is definitely something special about that...
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U shouldn’t be mad that their are perks and items that speed up the game also it’s a 4 v 1 killers get 50% survivors get 50% so just get good u faceCamper ur more toxic and annoying if u face camp so yeah
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That's not nice :(
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Killers receive more bloodpoints than survivors.
Killers average around 100K a game, while survivors only average around 6K a game.
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"So you can play the game properly". Wow. What a statement that is. Who are you to tell anyone how to play the game?
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Also if your a survivor that is against a faceCamper yeah just get ur team to bully them and I don’t care if you hate what I say ya toxic face Camper
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I got the game for free
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So you don't like a 'Toxic facecamper' but you're all for a Toxic SWF Hitsquad to bully a killer? There's a word for people with conflicting statements like this...
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You can play the game however you want. But why do you play games? Thats right to have fun. So if you camp just think to yourself are you having fun or just ruining someone else's? It's the same with survivors that play the game solely to bully and annoy the killer.
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Well all i can say is congrats for getting it for free? Lol
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Sounds like you need a break.
By the way, facecamping is nothing else then a trophy for the survivor. If i get facecamped(usually after a long chase), its the best feeling i get in this game. You are just cutting yourself, not the survivor.
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So facecamping isnt toxic but swf is? Lol this community has some of the most entitled people
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Why people usually bully the one who is not being toxic? I mean there are a lot of t-baggers who are great looping, but no, let's go into toxic mode with that one who doesn't know anything about the game. That one who is just trying to have fun. Honestly, I hate people like you. I play as killer against red ranks and yes, they get sweaty but it's not the fault of the one player who doesn't know how to play. They shouldn't be punished just because you're angry.
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Your basic troll post is in almost every thread. Please work on your material.
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...ok? So you got mad at survivors BMing so you do it in return and that's fine, just know that you're no better than them when you do it and you're just hurting yourself by not getting a lot of BPs.
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That's you assuming he cares about the blood points. I know I don't. I'll face camp and or tunnel a tbagger.
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I love toxicity, I feed off of it lol. When people point at me across pallets I just laugh and continue the chase. Then they get a nice hook smack as a "got u lol". As survivor I love the back and forth that toxicity gives. I don't do it to genuinely offend people, I do it because the reactions make the game more interesting
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You're right. But SWF, rushing gens and all of that isn't toxic either.
Actions aren't toxic, period. The mindset someone has might be, but the actions themselves? Nah.
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I'm pretty sure there's diminishing returns on every survivor on the gen. So 2 doesnt make it go twice as fast, more like 1.5 times.
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And how immersive is sitting in a bush or holding M1 for 10 mins.
It's all perspective.
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I think the word toxic is used too much when really it isn't a very accurate description of what is going on.
I don't think facecamping is toxic at all. If I get facecamped its just a dead gaming experience, but not necessarily someone trying to emotionally or mentally abuse me (And if that is their intention its a pretty pathetic one, there are far more effective ways to hurt someone).
From my perspective as a killer, I don't know why anyone would derive joy from just standing infront of a hooked survivor for 2 minutes, I'd rather play another game (there are literally tens of thousands to choose from).
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Well I also play as killer but I do not enjoy if I facecamp. Toxicity is I think something that ruins other's game. Facecamp, too much slugging, t-bag, click-click sound with flashlights, try-hard builds, gen rush...If you enjoy facecamping, survivors will be tend to t-bag you and behave more toxic...
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I hope this is bait lmao
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That's why I stated estimates.
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Fair enough, was just clarifying since people like to see numbers and use them as the word of god on here.
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I find it not fair at all when we had a Four man working on one gen with Prove Thyself and a few toolboxes, like it might as well have been done the moment it was started, I'm surprised the Doctor didn't just DC, he got the Temple of Purgation map.
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Shark bait
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Well it’s all I can do and I’m not a SWF group
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Four random survivors - no one have DS (no obsessions) - huntress 1k hour camper and tunneller. Why he do this "toxic" thing? Because his life a hard enough?
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If they're t-bagging then fair enough, I understand the facecamp/tunnel. They basically asked for it.
Gen rushing isn't a valid reason tho imo. At least it's not unless all gens are complete and it's to secure a kill. Otherwise you're just denying yourself more chases, more bloodpoints, and making the game go even faster.
Also, you're most likely facecamping because you're mad that you couldn't catch the survivor which just boosts their ego even more; and if that isn't the case then I have news for you...
You're the toxic one.
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Facecamping just allows other survivors to genrush you whilst you're camping. At least patrol the gens whilst someone is hooked lol, no need to be salty just because you lost to a SWF. It's a pretty nooby player strategy to be honest lmao.
Moral of the story: Get good.