DEV you really force killer stop playing the game

i don't know how MMR would going to be.
But if i keep matching with the player who's rank is 5 more higher than me.
Then i would quit.
And AFK as a killer in game when i play other games.
let the survivors waiting 10 mins just to wait next 10mins.
And you know what?
i don't even need to worry about my rank is too low if i keep loseing by afk.
i would still rank with high rank anyway.
ermmm idk about you, but it seems fine to me, notice the kills to escape ratio.
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then maybe it should pair me to the same rank and rank me up to against those who 5 rank higher than me.
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I mean, I feel ya, if you are puttting my against rank 4, atleast make me rank 4.
But what is really time we all accept is, rank does not mean anything at all and hasnt for a long time.
Im a rank 4 survivor and by all means I should be about 10, im a complete potato, cant loop for crap, no idea what a killer will do, waiting at points where I have to shake the camera back and forth to see where the killer comes from and I just get hit, and missing skill checks honestly too often.
But here I am, Rank 4.....
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Same though. I should probably be rank 8-10 but I'm consistently at rank 3-4. I'm not the best at looping or anything, but being at high ranks is actually making me better by forcing me against good/decent opponents
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what is wrong with the font of your game ? it's super big and not the same as usual XD
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I don't see why you're complaining, this is a pretty standard slew of results. Most red rank survivors are basically green ranks at this stage, that number means nothing and neither does ranking up so don't think about it.
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Look at the language they're playing the game in...
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english ?
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It's not English, I can tell you that much. Japanese/Korean etc language options have always made the English text and numbers more spaced out and bigger in comparison to the other characters.
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I like people that play all the killers. I'm also impressed that you showed the screenshots of all the games, not just the ones that backed up your complaint.
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atleast you get 3k-4k man,survivors i met toxic with me even though i didnt kill anyone :v lol
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Finally 🤣 Nothing works with the killers !
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So what? Most red rank survivors are actually green rank survivors in disguise, so the matchmaking is fine behind the numbers. What you postd is the perfect example.
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I played two matches today, and I already don't want to play for the rest of the day. They should just change the games name to Looping Simulator 2020, and be done with it 🙄
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You did good in all of them besides the one you disconnected from, so I don't see the problem here besides the ranks
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Is this guy really complain when he got an average of 2-3 kills per game? Rank means crap in this game. just because someone is Rank 1 doesn't mean they are actually good.
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This is why I went back to warhammer :P
Deathslinger isn't going to make me come back.
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Kinda expected with some really nice nerfs.
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Doesn't matter if he had a good average Kills or not that's not the point. The Point is that Matchmaking is putting him against higher ranks which isn't fair. You can still 4k while having a Miserable time.
I don't get why people think getting a Kill means it's balanced, There's so much more to it than that.
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The thing is that ranks do not represent skill on a 1:1 basis as was mentioned many times before in this thread.
As of now, ranks represent rather how much you play instead of how well you play, so ranks aren't a reliable indicator on how well or skilled someone is. With ranks being disabled soon as means of matchmaking, this won't be an issue anymore. I'm not sure on whether they decide to keep ranks implemented in the game, but they won't be there for matchmaking any longer as far as I've understood their statement.
What I'm trying to say is that OP's post and screenshots actually prove that ranks do not really matter in this game anymore. If we take into account every game in which matchmaking seems not to work, we've got at least 7 games in which s/he got an average of about 2,5 kills which is above what the devs would call "balanced".
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I used to be red rank killer before.
I was stop playing after ruin removed.
and i came back now for the new killer.
But i don't want to play with red rank survivors without old ruin.
At least before i find a way to stop 2 gens pop when i get my first hook.
My heart is not strong enough to afford the stress of that.
But i keep pair with high rank player when i still stay in green rank.
Which is stress as hell and is Literally why i was quit.
And imagine if i am a new player who just buy the game.
It 100% can not be a fun Experience.
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The ranks will still be there but they will not be used for the purposes of matchmaking. Which makes me think that they have already switched on the MMR.
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I stopped played killer, too much stressful. Now i am "baby surv main" with relax playstyle.
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This. Besides OP may be a green rank killer but actually is gonna reach devotion 6 soon. Meanwhile there's tons of new players since the Ruin rework some of which hit red ranks with less than 1 week of playtime.
Devotion 6 vs red rank who bought the game 1 week ago. Who wins?
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Yep, that was my first reaction, too! :)
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Try to play as killer rank 6. Three SWF all rank one, one random. Genrushed - one kill - three escaped in hatch key from chest. "Balanced"
Post edited by Oshi on3 -
Your not always guaranteed a 4K every time if that was case you all would have no survivors to play against you lose some you win some then you half ass or just get owned expect the loss move on the rank system being messed up is old news it’s gotten worse through updates and patches but still just do your best and if they all escape move on to the next trial
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Someone had plunders only way you’d get a key unless your extremely lucky. Just like noed is balanced huh? Or how about mickeys tombstone that’s fair right? How about the fact Mickey can grab and kill you before your first hook but that’s fair right? How about tunneling and camping that’s fair right? Just because those to are good strategies to use they make the game less fun for others involved your perk build has a play in all this too
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I've been playing this game for almost 2 years. Mostly as survivor. I used to complain about Ruin, how cheap NOED is, why is Iron Grasp a thing when wiggle barely works, and how killer stacked the game was.
After taking into account that the game is asymmetrical, I stopped thinking the game was killer stacked, even though I still can't do anything about a face camping Billy.
I've never been great at survivor, I just started playing more and more after the archives came out.
Then I started playing killer. So I'm a baby killer after all these changes. I find matches in my rank, which is 19, early in the morning. After that, the rest of my matches are against green and purple ranks. I've been bullied by survivors, one game they took the game hostage by not completing the last generator and hopping lockers. That was a long and humiliating 10 mins, btw...
But no, when you're a killer, playing against 4 people who are better players, know they are, and exploit both your weaknesses and the game's, is absolutely not a fun experience.
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AT the end they should just do BOT Killers that way survivors will be happy to keep doing toxic crap and won't complain every time something nice is done for Killers side. Also as a survivor/killer player I know both sides and Killers are having it wayyyy worse than Survivors. Survivors (Majority) not all are toxic or becoming toxic, Killers are getting fed up of this and now are playing toxic too. Which is just a clusterf@#k all the way around. For those saying ranks doesn't matter, remember there are players who play solo mostly like me, I play alone I don't use SWF to secure wins and rank up, I play alone and get randos that play like crap and we lose a lot. So not everyone gets to red ranks easily some do have skills. So when you get a SWF all in red ranks it's either a toxic beyond plague's vomit one or good players that know how to play or some exploiters.
This game is losing it's way because of money... Just like COD after MW2... If you know, you know
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Everyone who's saying "It's balanced 2 kills 2 deaths" You have to realize that the amount of energy and stress just for those 2 kills or more is absolutely not worth the effort. Compared to the "skills" needed to survive as survivor is the reason why your survivor queue times are so high.
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If you've been actually paying attention to what the dev's have said you would know that they are starting to just group together survivors and killers of all ranks. And that they have a "hidden" ranking system that I'd based off how well you do against the ranked people you play with.
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Dude when you go AFK you lose rank so you're point about being matched out of your rank is completely invalid when you've admitted to rank manipulation.
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The devs aren't forcing killers to stop playing. Killers are just deciding that the game isn't fun to play anymore, and are finding better things to do with their time. When every match requires you to be perfectly focused, while the other team can just mess around and still win, it's no surprise that people decide that it's a waste of time to keep going.
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Eh they still had to put work into using that key its not like its "oh i found a key guys lets go" they have to still do 4 or all of the gens to use that key since one person died. Killers will complain about keys but not how bringing devour hope is a bypass to moris after 3-4 hooks if the totem isnt found 🤢 ew "balanced" huh
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Hard to have fun with being a killer when you get matched with 3 lvl 1s and few under 5..I'm at 16..pitting you against players with 15 ranks lvls , makes everything more frustrating especially when the survivors bully you....last time I played I had to quit before I broke something..try to play for fun but when you cant get one sacrifice after several matches it screws with ya
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The rank 1's shouldn't be there. The rank 5's shouldn't be there.
Green and MAAAAAYBE the occasional Rank 8 is fine but everything else is bad.
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The only thing that can be done is dead by daylight 2.
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Omg killers are such babies. All you do is complain how hard and stressfully it is. Fine. Give up and go play with your dollies and let the adults play.
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And I thought for honor or rainbow had a steep learning curve. This is ridiculous. But I'm sure that their will be plenty of survivor mains saying that it's not a big deal and that it'll be fixed soon and then we'll wait another 3 months for the next dlc to drop to get another overhaul that will put the game in a worse state than it already is....for killer that is. All I can say is have fun tea bagging in rank 10 players faces you dirty dirty survivor players.
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As a red rank killer I really can't complain about MM because weather I get red rank survivors or yellow rank survivors I'll still stomp them unless it's a good SWF. I feel like the MM only affects solo survivors the most. Eventually you'll get better with kkiller and won't have trouble vs any rank of survivors, but as survivor it's crucial to have teammates of the same skill otherwise you're getting wrecked. Terrible teammates is the reason I really dislike playing survivor right now.
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or he could have played well....
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don't worry. devs intend to hide all ranks on results. you would never see rank disparity.
their mmr will work properly even if no one can confirm it because they said so. trust them.
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So if none of you baby killers could see ranks then what? Would you still cry? Boo hoo I only got 24k points and 3 kills and I can't handle it. Omg this game is trash I'm supposed to get 32k and 4 kills. This is so unfair. The devs hate us. You won't be happy until you can just look at a survivor and they get sacrificed. Boo f'n hoo babies.
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Being surv is easy
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You simply need to adapt, use better perks and learn how to pressure survivors. Besides there are still some perks out there that make progression on gens an absolute chore, they just require the killer to work for it. In my opinion it feels much more refreshing and rewarding when I max out Huntress Lullaby or Dying Light and stop survivors from gen rushing. I still have my bad games here and there but you win some you lose some it's not the end of the world just because one meta perk got nerfed. Ruin was never really that good against competent survivors. It could be annoying for sure especially when the game randomly lags and makes you miss the skill check but for most of the times that totem never really lasted more than 2 minutes.
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You simply need to adapt, use better perks and learn how to pressure survivors. There are still countless perks that can stop survivors from fully out gen-rushing you, difference is the killer needs to work for it. It feels much more refreshing to win a game because you maxed out the tokens for Huntress Lullaby or Dying Light. Ruin was never really that good against competent survivors. It could annoy them but not much, usually ruin gets found in the first 3 minutes of the game anyway. Against bad survivors it basically made the game go in autopilot mode. I admit I sometimes lose here and there but you can't win all games. Just don't let it go to your head.
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They don’t force you to do anything! STOP DCing Jesus christ! I mean if y’all killers are gonna keep being “sensitive” do us all a favor and QUIT playing all together... the game is simple. the survivors try to survive and the killer tries to kill. And BOTH SIDES perfect their game and get better! We can’t keep handicapping the entire game so that it’s “FAIR”. If you can’t handle playing a level 5 points higher, then start playing properly and GET on their level 💁♂️🤷♂️
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This is something that isn't pointed out enough. Since the devs reworked rank reset (and made it worse, like usual) , there are even more potatoes than ever at red ranks. Now rank, while.not entirely meaningless, means the least that it ever has.
If how they handle the MMR system is anything like they have handled the emblem system, in addition to it not working properly, it's going to be janky, esoteric, and almost meaningless. It being hidden is essentially their band-aid fix for being unable to fix matchmaking.
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catering to those who havent spent money on cosmetics and smoothing the learning curve. I get it is a business but you need returning customers to thrive generally speaking.