Can killers stops complaining so much?

It's getting really boring and tedious reading killers moaning about DS, Ruin, BT, Adrenaline etc...

Right, I've played rank 1 on both sides of the coin. I enjoy survivor more because i like running around and engaging in chases with the killer. Killer is fun also, it's also easy enough to win as killer even in high ranks.

The DS complaints... DS is used so much because of killers who are lazy and just want an easy kill. While I get that survivors would feel less reluctant to use DS if they weren't getting tunneled every game, I hate running DS it's boring as hell. But sadly I gotta force myself to run it because killers feel like it's fun to instantly down and target a somewhat exposed survivor. You only got yourselves to blame for the high usage of DS.

Ruin... Oh boy I would hate to see how much you guys sucked back when the old ruin was a thing and it got cleansed... Probably a instant DC...why do you guys try and rely on a gen slow down totem to get kills. Devour Hope is a great alternative...if you want to run a hex or even Noed. But there's some good builds out there, make your killer stronger with perks instead of trying to slow the game down.

BT is the same scenario to camping, tunneling killers...we wouldn't run it if killers didn't camp :).

I love when I get a good killer, has good perks... Doesn't tunnel and still gets 3/4 kills. All I seem to get is lazy killers...gen pressure is good.

The main issue with this game is the map sizes. It takes someone like doc a good 30/40 seconds if not more to get across reworks are coming.



  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I don't have issues with DS or bt itself as a perk, it's usually how a survivor uses them that annoy me.

    For example bodyblocking me with bt when I'm clearly trying to go for the unhooked or using DS to unhook another survivor so when I grab em I get dsed and they get a free rescue.

    There are probably other examples but you get the gist.

    These are valid strategies but that doesn't mean that I should like them.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    agreed, though i do think changing ruin while a majority of maps are still the way they are was a bad move, at least for right now.

    like i doubt people would be groaning as much if they waited until like a couple more maps got reworked or something

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I’ve played killer before with zero perks, items and offerings and I got 3/4 too easily. And they gen rushed me pretty hard too. Idk man I think it’s too easy being killer except when you hit those squads of 4 all communicating it’s stressful. But nah my vote goes to survivor being the most frequently frustrating to play. Mostly because there’s just that feeling of diminishing hope when you see your team going down so fast. Like complain all you want about gen speed but Mori and hook camping just ruins the game. Because, to be honest if I get hooked which is inevitably going to happen, are you really saying I deserve to be taken out of the game for getting caught a second time when the killers just tunneling the ######### outta me? 😂 nah I’d rather DC. It can be a lot of work on survivor side too if your gen pressuring like you’re supposed to. To the killers: just get your chases, down who you can and if people get away, then so be it. I mean, you’re given a lot to get your 1-2 maybe 3/4 kills every game. And you can’t tell me you’re not finding anyone before 5 gens pop because that’s a lie. You literally have to be blind for that to happen. So ... what’s the deal? If it were easy to 4K every game you think you’d find any survivors to play against? Nah. Perks are very situational on the survivor side of things so I really don’t see why complaints should arise. Flashlight might be a little OP but so is Mori. Nothings more deflating than being that guy that runs the killer until he gets caught, then camped on and Mori’d right after. It’s just dumb man like killers for sure need to stop complaining 😂 they’re given so many tools to just lay people the hell out. A lot of times I don’t even want to go on a chase because I just feel like I won’t get to play again if he gets me.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Come on i see those bad maps i assume you mean bad setup for killers and good setups for survivors as rare as i see 4 man swf going against me.

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  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    survivor complaints here are usually claimed to be baits.. if you suggest anything that is survivor favored you will feel very unwelcomed in this forum. it's sad but true

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  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    another salty, even toxic killer main comment. people like you are why this forum is so biased and very unwelcoming towards people with different opinions.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I wonder how much of the camping behavior is in response to the verbal abuse from survivors when they do well or poorly or average. What sucks is you can't take a dump on the people that deserve it you've got to wipe the slate clean each match or pass the grief along. Eventually I imagine most are going to pass it along.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Don't understand playing killer? I was rank 1 for a long time...I only stopped because i got bored of it. I never tunneled or camped once as killer so i'm not sure why it is used so much.

    How about instead of people moaning on the forums about apparently how OP survivor perks are, figure out new ways to play...most killers who are moaning are the ones who think that they have to get 4 Kills EVERY game for it to be fair to the killer. Face IT, people will die, people will live, but to moan because survivors run perks that counter certain killer playstyles is annoying. I could run Detectives Hunch, Inner Strength, Bond & Iron Will. I would still escape easily. No need to run "OP" perks.

    It's funny how i never see any survivors complain as much on the forums as killers do. I'm quite happy for killers to run Noed, Third Seal, Devour hope. All fun totems and make it more difficult to escape. If most killers just played for fun instead of trying to sweat and pip (for no reason because ranks are pointless)...they would have WAY less to complain about.

    The only thing I will say is bad for killers is the map sizes, which they are working on anyways. Plus how weak base game killers are like Wraith and Trapper. I get it. I'm sure they're working on a fix, but i don't get why killers are moaning so much and acting like they're doing the devs a favour...

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613
    edited March 2020

    "A lot of these people dont play much survivor" i say ds is busted because i myself abuse ds i go for a unhook get downed and ds the killer boom the killer didnt tunnel but he got punished for it. Bt i dont have much problem with.

    My killer and my survivor.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I agree and hope DS and maybe even BT get a little nerf. It wouldn't bother me. The only time i run these perks is if i have like 5 games in a row of solo queuing being targeted off the hook. I think the main reason behind the complaints is SWF. I duo queue at most, i hate 4 man queuing. Even when i duo queue i don't communicate with the player. But I get how easy it can be to get ran by a single survivor while 3 others do gens. I just don't see why people come on the forums to complain about it so much...and act like they're a victim, there's so many killers who can just one shot a survivor. Mori without even hooking them. It's like all killers just expect to get 4 kills easy every game. Toxic survivor behaviour begins with the killer...from my POV anyways.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2020

    swf be like this with their friends

    edit: lol wrong thread

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Because it obvious we need map reworks for killers who are too slow. The killer i played wasn't too how exactly have i contradicted myself? I never said everything was fine...I said I can manage, it's obvious most killers can't. Ranks are getting hidden for the reason of they mean nothing in the game, i been a rank 1 survivor for ages and i've died to green, purple & red rank killers, the game isn't all about surviving and it aint all about killing. If killers can't just have fun getting in a chase and in some cases one shot downing and mori'n a survivor then don't play the game. The game isn't catered to one side. SWF sure is an issue, but I never seen it a issue when i played as Freddy, Demo & Michael...if I die after being chased by the killer for a while, i'm fine with it because the chases make this game fun not sitting doing gens and killers should enjoy getting at least 1 or 2 kills a game than worrying about getting 4 kills...

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    All second chance perks have counters. The ONLY combination I can think of that is braindead is DS combined with Unbreakable. But then again you can just not tunnel or if you obliged them to use one this perks they just play with 3 rest of the game.Also the hell you mean Unbreakable has no counter. Just don’t slug at all. That is such a Situational perk it’s kinda funny killer mains are crying so much about it. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised if you used Space Coconut incredibly flawed second chance perk videos. I enjoy his videos but sometimes his bias towards killers annoys the absolute ######### out of me, especially when he said the DC ban system is “good”.

    Adrenaline gives you a free health state for doing all five gens. You know The survivors objective. It doesn’t give them a health state for “nothing”. Is it annoying? Yes. But it won’t always work throughout a particular chase and the survivor won’t always survive the game just because of it.

    BT is pretty strong for sure especially endgame. What I do is always chase the survivor who unhooked him in my face just so I don’t risk activating it. I have gotten at least one final extra kill by doing this even in the endgame. You just have to hope they are far away from the gates.

    In terms of DS, it can only be strong if more than Two survivors have it. Though I will definitely appreciate if they change it for only one survivors being able to have it activated at a time: Like maybe the DS timer will immediately reach zero if a second survivor is unhooked. That would definitely make it much less abusable. Though this DS is a blessing compared to pre nerf DS. I still have nightmares about survivors jumping of my shoulder just because they want to. This DS is much more manageable or at least I thought so until I enter the forums and seeing daily complains about it XD. It’s quite interesting.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Finally, a post that makes sense.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    I recall a game where I was running BT and DS against a Trapper on the swap. He hooked me in the shack basement, which was right by an open exit gate. As he downed someone else and hooked them above ground, I was unhooked and healed with we'll make it. I ran straight back up the stairs, directly into the killer, and got the BT save. He downed me, but he had no choice but to pick me up or let me crawl out as everyone else escaped. Did he tunnel at all during that game? No, but DS still punished him because it's that good of a perk.

    As for map sizes, their reworks will definitely help a lot of the weaker killers and the game in general. However, it can be assumed that we're getting one rework per mid-chapter, so it'll probably be years before we get balanced maps.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Well that's good! Because the entire ######### game is casual. There is no ranked or competetive mode. 🤷‍♀️

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    "I never see any survivors complaining on the forums as much as killers".

    So are you just blind?

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    A N O T H E R E N T I T L E D S U R V I V O R M A I N ! ! ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 R E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E

    In all seriousness, both sides are entitled.

    Also, what perks are bs?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    I can say the same thing about Survivors complaining about NoEd, but you don't see me saying much about it besides me saying its balanced.

    Killers are complaining as its so stressful right now to play killer, most likely why we have such a small amount of killer challenges this Tome.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i usually dont really complain, unless we're talking genrush.

    that needs to be looked at, honestly. games that are ~5 minutes long as just no fun at all. also from a survivor perspective: the killer had no time to do anything, they got like 2 - 3 hooks by now. there was no tension, there was no effort to get that, there was nothing fun to do.

    plus emblems will end up punishing such games, as you havent been in chases / benevolent to your team enough...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    The problem is there are A LOT of people, either side, complaining about something. There are some complaints that are justified but it's hard to find the truth when it's surrounded by so much bull@!#$. Like the bible :P

    BT and DH I'm fine with.

    DS, if they made it so locker grabs don't trigger it, getting healed or hooking someone else deactivates it. Then I think it would be golden. I just hate it when I hook someone, leave, hook someone else, run into the first person again and they still have ds. I left you on the hook so you could be rescued, you even got healed, I also hooked someone else. I proved I wasn't tunneling you. You had amply opportunity to survive.

    Adren, it's annoying but I don't think it needs a nerf.

    Noed, cleanse totems problem solved.

    "I suck against this particular killer"-----practice instead of asking for nerfs!!!!!!!

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    They are not mandatory perks by any stretch of the imagination. I never run either of them and dont do too bad. I die alot but that is the life of a solo with no coms. I never get tunneled and i dont act like a douche and am respectful. I dont cheese the killer or BM. I just play the game. As a matter of fact i stay the hell away from the killer at all costs due to my poor ability to lose them in open grounds.

    But DS is broken right now. 60 seconds of almost immunity unless you slug and proxy camp. Conditions need to be attached to DS that make the perk go away if they either heal or go back on a gen.

    As freddy i dont have to deal with DS too much. Another reason why i chose him.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    The real issue here seems to be that someone is forcing you to read stuff that you find annoying. If you deal with that, then you won't need to make posts telling others what they should or should not post/comment.

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85

    While I agree that Killers complain way too much, it´s the same on the survivor side. All night I´ve had (as usual) survivors killing themselves on hook instantly, disconnecting instantly after a down, screaming like children in post-game chat, etc. Unfortunately a lot of players in this community act this way, I don´t think it´s just one side.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404
    edited March 2020

    Right. Because every survivor also plays killer? Like 90% of the jUsT pReSsUrE gEnS memelords haven't played a killer match outside of brown ranks. But they love to discuss killer balance as if they're 4 thousand hour Trapper mains.

    Acting like BT/DS are "only strong because of killers camping" is a false argument. BT and DS are strong because they're strong. DS is 60 seconds of invincibility (don't even get me started on EGC), and BT rewards bad unhooks instead of punishing campers. Why won't survivors ever admit that their second life perks bave gotten ridiculous? Oh, right. Because that would be admitting that something in the game isn't the fault of that magical demigod Bubba that simultaneously facecamps every precious little cinnamon bun survivor every game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Tunneling sucks the fun out of the game and too many players are content to do it without shame, they'll ignore 3 survivors to ruin the game for 1 and then try to score and extra kill or two with NOED.

    BT is the only way to get safe unhooks in some games. Killers just won't leave the area because they're waiting for the tunnel. You say survivors don't play killer, but it's obvious a lot of killers barely touch survivor either.