Campers stop giving us killer mains a bad name!

this isn’t really a discussion per say but kind of a PSA. So the story goes like this, I was body blocking a hook so the survivor who was picked up could wiggle off and escape. I was going against a huntress, mind you I wasn’t hooked and we had 3 gens left. So the huntress then proceeds to down me and hook me, I then assume they leave to get hatchets. But no, they just decide to camp me until I die, which I think sucks for people who do nothing wrong and get camped. Then the cherry on top is the guy messages me (I play on Xbox) “shouldn’t have body blocked”. I get that camping is a play style but being petty about it isn’t that cool, but I laughed it off and said GG. So to all the campers out there, please if you’re going to camp, at least don’t call people trash and be petty. It gives killer mains like myself bad wraps.
being a “‘main”
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I mean, idrk if I’m a main of either since I play both equally, but I do enjoy killer more than survivor and play killer more.
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Yeah Im hate the camping I could somewhat tolerate it if it was Bubba but HUNTRESS!? for godakes dude she is a high tier killer she shouldn't need to camp. Literally Killers are camping and my only question is why, why do you make us look bad, why do do this stuff when you can easily get a 4k if you do good. I just want answers.
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Exactly! I guess maybe they had a bad match before and were just mad I caused them to lose the other survivor? But either way I’ll never understand it, hopefully the camping strategy stops at some point.
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I hopes so to because it makes me feel bad when I play killer and makes me pissed when i play survivor
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I camp when I suspect, or definitively know, that survivors are going to be overly altruistic.
If I message them afterwards, it won't be to rub their mistake in their faces.
Unless they falsely assume that punishing them for making a mistake means I'm bad.
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Body blocking a hook is a normal strategy for survivors. Especially with perks like We're Gonna Live Forever and Mettle of Man. I understand it can be annoying to verse as ive have been against a full squad of swf trying to body block hooks. But its no reason for the killer to get salty and facecamp.
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I can understand camping at times like EGC and you got gen rushed and want at least one kill. Certain scenarios I sorta get camping, it’s just being toxic or petty about it.
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Exactly, I didn’t even have a protection hit perk or challenge, I just tried to save someone. Just makes people not like certain killers and killers in general which isn’t fair for the players who don’t try to tunnel, slug, and or camp.
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Yeah sadly killer like that can give other killers a bad reputation. There is just no need for it
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You got what you deserved. You shouldn't be body blocking. Go do a generator like a good little Survivor and maybe you'll live longer. I wish Killers had a way to block every gen at once so you guise could see what it feels like to not be able to complete literally your only objective.
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Yeah I think killers now a days are getting saltier and no one should pull this kinda stuff off
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I get where your coming from with not being able to do your objective. But still i dont think he deserved the facecamp
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You did bodyblock.
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Oh yea he deserved it. You shouldn't be blocking or sabotaging hooks. It takes absolutely no effort to play as Survivor and I bunch of effort to plan as a Killer. Don't make our job even harder and you won't have to suffer the consequences.
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I uh, don’t really know if it’s sarcasm or not? But I play killer too and get how hard it is to be a killer against SWF’s and why camping happens, I just don’t think camping should be so petty and toxic. If it is a joke my bad for assuming it wasn’t, if it wasn’t though, hope you understand where I’m coming from.
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If body blocking is toxic then sorry, I thought it was a legitimate strategy to the game, it’s not like it matter though, the other survivors died either way :/
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you sound like an edgy 13 year old. I wish we had the downvote button back
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You did do something wrong. You used an irritating tactic and pissed the killer off. He made you pay for it. Mess with the bull and you get the horns. Killer might be weak, but they can definitely make life miserable for a single survivor.
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Nah I don't understand where you're coming from. I never have and never will play as a Survivor so I don't know how to be super cheap to get a victory that was already going to be super easy to begin with. Go do a generator and let the Killer do their job.
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alright then, I guess I just won’t play survivor than, seems like any strategy is unfair :/, well sorry for pissing you guys off, might as well just stick to killer.
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Just depends on the killer. I don't mind body blocking the hook, gives me a free injure and I still get the hook more often than not. Flashlights and head on.... You're going to die.
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Yea all I did was body block the hook, I wasn’t sabotaging (I personally think sabotaging buff is insane and bs) and no flash light and I had no borrowed time or mettle of man, I just felt like taking a free hit. I guess I understand the camp, I just thought it was rude to be petty and message me.
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YEAH KILLERS, Im a Rank 0 killer main and i main clown, i break pallets with my right leg and kick gens with my left leg, reload bottles with my left and while stabing survivors with my right hand. You should all just apply PrEsUrE and git gud. Sksksksks
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You denied them a hook.
They denied you a unhook.
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Fair enough, but no need to be toxic about it after the game, it's the same as if I finished a game of killer and the last survivor who escaped through hatch calling me bad for not killing them in time, like if you don't got something nice to say don't say it. I didn't call him bad for camping, all I said was gg and he even apologized for being toxic.
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Had a streamer who got extra whiney about me punishing an overly altruistic team who just couldn't get it through their heads after falling for it over and over that a Pig's TR disappearing doesn't mean that she's left the Killer shack area. It was funneh.
"ARE YOU SAYING WE SHOULDN'T BE ALTRUSTIC??? YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO RANK 1 YOU SUCK I HAVE BIG HANDS UNLIKE YOU" (that last part was something that person actually said)
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The truth is, i think killer mains are mostly good enough to dont have to rely on camping and tunneling. But its the people like me, that play both roles (and not even a main killer, but circle through them) that have to rely on it due to the bad matchmaking.
In my experience, if i get a fair game where i matched even with the survivors, then i dont have to tunnel or camp, because i am able to do something the whole game.
Its when i am hoplessly outskilled because i go against those players 10 ranks above you again that i use such tactics.
so i dont think it should reflect badly on killer mains.
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I know camping is annoying but I have stated that I recognize it as a legit tactic, and that in certain scenarios can be understandable. It's just the fact of messaging to be toxic, like people don't need to do that. But I guess people took it as me being an "entitled survivor" and complaining even though I play killer waaaaay more than I do survivor and just wanted some variety.
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face camping isnt salty. its a strategy. if you get out with 3 guys and 1 guy dies, you still have a victory. the Killer loses.
OP talks about a single time hes been messaged, but when ive been looped and flashlight bipped all the time and decides to tunnel a guy and camp him to death, im being threatened EVERY single time by toxic survivors.
i legit dont trust any survivor on the forums saying they would never be toxic. i always get some sort of ######### thrown my way if i decide to go ahead and camp for what ever reason.
i either dont talk in the chat at all, or simply say GG. i dont start flaming people but clearly camping someone invokes the urge to trash talk others in survivors.
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*Pitches tent, brings out marshmallows, readies bat*
So whose crying about camping? 😂
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This entire discussion has been a fun time to say the least XD, anyways all I want to get across is that if someone is gonna camp, don't be toxic about it and message someone whether it's on PC, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo switch and or mobile (god I hope that comes out soon). I agree camping is a strat and not even the worst, the only this that was annoying was that he was just rude about it. But both the killer and I said GG and sorry for being toxic, I'm just using this example as way to say "hey killers, let not be like those survivors that say "GG ez" if they gen rush cause I get gen rushed A LOT as killer (I play Freddy and Myers mostly btw so yea) and get messages like "Oh you're a bad killer LMAO learn how to pressure" blah blah blah. But whatevs, didn't think this would get this much attention 😅, sorry to whoever got mad about this discussion.
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I understand. As a general rule, I never message anyone after the game unless they do it first. I admit I'm a sore loser but never a sore winner, unless they want to press the issue. In my eyes the game is done and it's time to move on, no matter how salty I am after a loss. In the few hours I spent playing survivor, I've only had one killer message me to gloat that he was "better" than me being a green ranked killer. That conversation died when I showed him my red rank stats. 😂
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Yeah I don’t message unless someone messages me first, some instances funny and others not so much. Glad you were able to show the trash talker who’s boss 😂