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To the killers playing still: explain your secret

Member Posts: 355

So, I stated a while ago that I am taking a break. Still havent touched the game in around 2 weeks, but I am still getting on the forums a couple times a day around 3-4 days a week.

When the new dlc comes of, I'm gonna get back on. Idk how much I will play, but I will see what is going on. What I want to know is how you guys are still playing after all this time without a break?

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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Well, I take breaks from time to time, its important to keep yourself away of games for a while.

  • Member Posts: 411

    i myself started playing killer seriously around november because i wanted achievement. I was one of the ones who always ran Ruin and i can ssay i dont see much of a difference i usually 3k i dont slug for a 4k to boring (not a sweaty killer). Most killer overreact about DS in everygame, i get a ds user like 1 or 2 every other game and like 4ds groups like every 12 games or so.

    Just play casually and thou shall be rewarded

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    In my last 10 games, DS has been in every single one. 8 of those game two people ran it, 5 games three people, 3 games all four.

    Maybe I'm just unlucky, I do not know, this is just my personal experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Archives. Dailies. Splitting time between a couple of different games. Keeping at a lower rank to avoid hit-squads. Multiple accounts because console to go and practice more casually. Not camping/tunnelling/slugging for 4k.

  • Member Posts: 364

    Unlucky... that perk is necessary. Why is it you feel like someone who gets off the hook doesn’t have a chance at recovery or getting away. DS encourages you to find someone else. I personally think they should just give whoever got off the hook 5 second damage immunity for all you guys that just thirst hooks . It’s fun for you but not me. Especially with Mori

  • Member Posts: 364

    Why is it killers just sit there hiding behind their undetectable status and demand more from the game when they have enough already. If you think the game should just hand you kills that’s one less survivor you’re gonna play against because I’m riding solo. So he’ll yeah you should get your ass kicked by SWF hit squads. This game is based on teamwork. Killers just wanna cry because they can’t slay the whole lobby? Why is it you feel entitled to that? This game is already killer sided on like half the maps. I’ve seen killers back out on open maps unless they’ve got hillbilly or one of the faster or undetectable ones. But seriously I’ve never seen so many piss poor attitudes coming from killer side. Why am I going in as a rank 20 killer with no perks working these rank 10-15 survivors because they’re not working together. So you get mad when they do?

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    My own secret is trying to stay pretty chill about it all. I've noticed I play Survivor more seriously than killer, while I primarily play Killer for a change of pace or for farming bloodpoints. Either I play I killer I don't use often, in which case I expect survivors to get away, or I'm farming and, excluding a few hooks for BBQ and general points, let them escape so they can get their extra 5k survival points.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    Honestly the only reason I still play is because of the streamers I commonly watch. Cahlaflour, FunGoose, Tru3Ta13nt, and Biet are my top 4, and these guy's positive communities keep me coming back to the game to find the very few games that actually makes playing worthwhile.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm a masochist.

  • Member Posts: 336

    Simple: I have an unhealthy addiction to anger and frustration. This game easily provides that.

    But even with that masochism considered, I had to take a year long break from this game just because of how awful the people who play this game are to each other. I honestly think you should make the break permanent, and forget this game. There are much better things to be doing with your time, things that aren't frustrating or angering or anything else.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    I use a slug build. Only way to have fun anymore

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Just tunnel, camp and play lame when you get toxic swf. The kind that run OoO and tbag at every pallet.

    Sure it’s lame but the idea is just to make them salty and ruin the game as much for them as they’re trying to for you.

  • Member Posts: 8,858

    I use to play alot more than I have lately. Its not that im having too much issue playing killer (found playing Legion with the new ruin is pretty fun, which I use to hate playing Legion), but I've just started playing other stuff too. Bought Witcher 3 and played the hell out of that, and then bought myself a Nintendo switch afew weeks ago and enjoying that. Kinda giggled when I saw DBD on the list for Switch games.

  • Member Posts: 21,212
    edited March 2020

    I have heard....things about the Switch version.

    Also, The Witcher 3 is amazing, I'm just starting to work my way through it and I am loving it.

  • Member Posts: 258

    I always take a break from every game I play cause I eventually get bored of it.

    Currently what's keeping me playing is the immense amount of salt that Survivors give me because I don't play by their stupid rules. Their hate messages fuel me and keep me motivated to tunnel even harder.

  • Member Posts: 14

    I take breaks from time to time but my secret is perks that slow down gens a little so save the best for last,pop,thrilling tremors,and ranks 1 discordance for more alerts on clown

  • Member Posts: 72

    Although I have not stopped playing killer I am playing less and I expect to be playing less going into the future unless some changes are made, (exception maybe when new killer comes out, cause you know there is always a spike for while when that happens)

    Something that has helped me stay playing killer longer is being more selective which lobbies I take and rejecting certain lobbies for some of the following reasons...

    1) More likely to dodge Swf's (Exceptions for people I like of course)

    2) Paying more attention to the ######### list - People who have shown the double standard mentality, survivors have great freedom to do what they want, killers are demanded to play in a much more restrictive way (The survivor rule book, now in hard back edition, available from all good bookshops)

    2) Blendettes, HAHAHAH get the ######### out of here, plus they make us other Claudettes look bad :(. How about putting on a nice hat or something ?

    3) Keys - Work hard after a bad start to get it to 1 gen, 3 survivors for them to jump down the hatch, no thanks.

    4) Nea with a flash light - Holy hell she is ugly as sin

    5) Shirtless David - You trying to body shame me with this sexy beast ?

    6) Got a bad vibe from this group NEXT

    7) Not really feeling it NEXT

    8) OOOoooooo piece of candy

    9) Got distracted, what was I doing again ?

    10) Sometimes just keep re-lobbying until I see some familiar names and play killer for them.

    And if a survivor gets mad about getting sent back to the waiting queue for 5 maybe 10 mins as some one who has being subject to the survivor rule book mentality more times than I can count, just picture me playing the worlds smallest violin.

  • Member Posts: 227

    It's not exclusive to Dead by Daylight. All video games have a shelf life. If you're not having fun anymore, there's nothing wrong with walking away from it & taking a break. There's a lot of games out there that are super fun.

    I loved Stardew Valley, Hearthstone & Graveyard Keeper... but eventually, I stopped having fun with them in-game, so I walked away from them. I might return later, or they might get more content, so I could go back. But for right now, I play other stuff.

    If DBD ever gets to the point where I am not having fun with it, I'll take a break. Everyone else should do the same.

    Don't fall into the sunken cost fallacy - either with money or time. If you stop having fun, it's fine to take a break for awhile. Or for good.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    I do the same. And i take advantage on the challenges for doing that. First i did all the killer challenges, now im finishing survivor challenges.

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    Sometimes i end game with 5 gens against players with over 4 000 hours because i know how to play. And just play killer that is fun to play for you not stressful.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited March 2020

    I just love playing as killer. I love the challenge. No need to rely on other players like you do solo, and for me it's a far less stressful experience compared to solo.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    B E E R! and LOTS of it...

  • Member Posts: 877

    I alternate between DBD and a calm game like Minecraft or Animal Crossing.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Im fueled by the fact no matter how many nerfs killers get i will still keep playing killer and i will find a way to make survivors not have fun for each nerf lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I'm still having fun. I'm not a scientist so I don't know anything more than that.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Realizing rank means nothing.

    Realizing there is no point to grind sweaty games for rank 1 ever again.

    Realizing I have more fun chasing people and ######### around scaring them than TRYING to get the 4k.

    Once it clicks that theres no reason to be sweaty, and that playing the killer just for the sake of playing it is fun, you stop worrying about kills and escapes and just play it for the fun.

    Of course 4ks are sweet af, but ya know what's better? Getting 0k and still making more bp than the 4 who escaped.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Stardew Valley IS getting a new update. Was announced like 3 days ago? I know it's off topic, but you may wanna check it out. :P

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    On ps4 theres no re que. You just sit and wait for another killer to join. Which I think is a fan- ######### -tastic system.

  • Member Posts: 144

    Don't play a killer just because its meta but play a killer you genuinely have fun with. I use to sweat with billy and doc and it was fun but I got tired of it. Switched to ghost face and bubba and I have a lot more fun with those playstyles.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    There's a secret option that lets you play as the Killer. Don't tell no one.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I think I like the pain.

  • Member Posts: 206

    Ebony Mori gives me a chance to win against optimal survivors. Otherwise, I get gen-rushed in 2 minutes.

    I'll gladly tunnel someone off the hook as well, I could care less about survivor experience when they bring toolboxes and clearly don't care about mine.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    I keep my sanity by playing as the Legion. Why Legion? This way I can set the bar at 0. You start the match expecting to be stomped. Then, anytime you actually start to win it's a pleasant surprise.

    If you rank up to a point where all you get is brutal killer over and over. Break out a meme build and a meme killer and simmer down.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    I just play and move on to the next one.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Dont worry about kills. I only get mildly irritated when i dont get my bbq stacks.

    Also, elephant clown has breathed new life into my game. Even if i suck, im still a pink freaking elephant trying to kill people.

    As survivor, i just try to get as many BP as possible. I stopped caring if i escape or not and its so much more peaceful. These challenges that force me to care if i escape are killing me lol

  • Member Posts: 78

    self hatred.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Because it's fun and I've realized you win some, you lose some. People take this ish way too damn seriously. Play for fun; maybe I'll get 4 kills or maybe I'll get goose egg but since I'm adjusting my style for fun and not HAVS TO 4K OR I FAILURE!1!!1!, it's a lot more enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 8,858

    I still have one of the expansions for witcher 3 to finish. I kinda binged the hell out of it when I got it, lol. Just applied for xbox game pass afew weeks ago so I got alot to play there, as well as all the freebes on my Switch. Still got 1mil BPs to throw into Deathslinger though, so might screw with THAT some.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Simple. I hate myself.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Well I don't play nearly as often as I used to, and when I do I only players high information killers. Doctor, Plague with incense, Oni with Renjiro's, Legion with Big terror radius, Spirit with BBQ, Wraith with that surveillance add on. It makes the gen rush manageable some times.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    survivor gameplay is quite stale - and especially boring with these lobby times.

    plus ive never been into the whole survivor thing, i always liked killer a lot more.

    also the game isnt nearly as bad as many here love to claim.

    yeah some games are BS, but there are a lot of good ones aswell.

  • Member Posts: 750

    it's not exactly a secret, but i simply just made it a point to smack as many people as possible. for some reason there's something satisfying about smacking someone. LMAO

  • Member Posts: 40

    My "secret" is just judging each game on a case by case basis. Depending on how the survivors play, that's how I'll play. Sometimes I'll be unforgiving and punish any mistakes with precision but those times are few. There are always gonna be some games that are incredibly difficult and you either have to endure it or try your damnedest to take some down with you.

  • Member Posts: 494

    I stopped playing killer till further notice. MM was doing my head in.

    But i got better the moment i stopped caring. Stop caring about how many i kill, how many gens got done. The pressure was all self induced.

    I did in the past dodge lobbies but i noticed that for some reason they would give me the most toxic groups if i did accept them. I think they punish players who dodge lobbies and give them the most toxic of people available. They keep giving you these groups till you accept them and then like pavlovs experiment they expect you to have a bad taste after it. I stopped dodging. Because i stopped caring. About items, Flashlights, Toolboxes - only two allowed. Allowing 4 boxes right now is asking for a loss.

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