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Killers in red ranks can y'all please stop tunneling every Claudette you see? please.

I get it. Blendettes are annoying asf. They're hard to see. They're toxic. But Claudette and Blendette are two different things. I'm coming into the game with no items usually, burning BPS, and wearing bright colors or white. I'm not rocking bloody anything or hard to see anything.

If it becomes clear I'm not hiding all game and gen jockying and I'm actively saving my team and want to be chases then why do you feel the need to tunnel me. There are 4 survivors over here. 2 have flashlights/tool boxes and one is telling you to come here why tunnel me? Just honestly why other than "######### Blendette".

This has gotten so bad I'm literally running head on just to get some breathing room because I get tunneled right after hook so much. I'm literally about to start running DS too but I'd rather not because I don't want to be "that survivor". I felt like ######### when I had to run unbreakable/left behind/with a key because I kept getting slugged during end game and killers thought it was funny to watch the entity kill me and my team not come back for me because "######### Blendette" even though I was the mofo actually unhooking people with BT.

I'm not teabagging, I'm not gen rushing, im not running META perks. I'm running ######### to help and medic my team. But the worse part is they kill me and don't kill anyone else usually because "######### gen rushing gen jockying Blendette who didn't have a toolbox all game" but those 3 Neas with purple toolboxes and brand new parts are fine.

I have been fortunate enough to begin to run into the same killers frequently so they don't tunnel me to hell when I do get them but holy ######### can y'all please assess who is actually a threat and who isn't. I get tired of all my games going I get chased max at 2-3 minutes. 3 gens done. I get unhooked, tunneled, head on the killer with locker, another gen and a half get done I get hooked. Someone may save me and I go down to NoED or I don't get saved and my team gets away scott free.

I would like to actually play the game and get over 10k points and don't have most of my points come from chase.

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  • Member Posts: 1

    Please survivors can y'all stop doing gen?? Please

  • Member Posts: 512

    ######### is that?

    I don't do gens I sabotage hooks fully and rescue/heal teammates, take protective hits, etc. because that's more fun than doing a boring gen and hiding all game to me

    I'm literally wearing Red, skirts, bright colors, and what not. The darkest outfit I wear is one of her uniforms (blue top with khaki bottoms and a grey beanie). I usually wear her bikini outfit and unless a killer is being extremely sweaty i don't try to hide from them 24/7. Hiding in moderation is good and okay but Blending all the time is not my style at all. I've been getting tunneled so much that it has help me improve on looping but in that same note holy ######### let me do something else every game please.

  • Member Posts: 108

    if you got tunneled its kind of your fault, red ranks are no-holds barred. everyone plays are hateful as possible

  • Member Posts: 512

    How is it my fault i spawn near killer or if i dont they decide to get off chance with another person to tunnel me and their logic which they tell me in end game screen is "######### Blendette"? I dont understand what I did other than play a character I thought was cute and try to help my team. I'm not the one gen jockying. Destroying hooks? Hell yeah guilty as charged. But I'm almost never a gen jockey unless it's like 3v1 with 1-2 gens left.

  • Member Posts: 512
    edited March 2020

    I only took keys when I had a REALLY bad week of being downed, tunneled, and camped to no end. Other than that my inventory is stock full of items and add ons I never take unless I have a quest. Need rainbow maps and keys and everything in between with all sorts of add ons? I got you. If someone asks for it I give it to them.

    In game I search chests hoping to find toolboxes or medkits for my teams. Other than that if I'm taking an item in it's a commodious toolbox to sabo hooks all game and not do gens. IDC if I escape I really don't. But I do care when I can enjoy more than one aspect of the game which in my case is being chased by the killer. Is it fun? Yes. Is it fun when that's ALL I do? No.

    EDIT: And I can understand tunneling at that point. If I'm obsession I always let the killer kill me if they choose. Or if the killer has been having it rough asf I usually let me kill me. Anyone who knows me knows this is how I am. If I happen to find hatch I'll lead them to it for extra points then let them kill me. I only do this with SWF though so I won't get canned.

  • Member Posts: 425

    I'm sorry but my bias says that if you pick claudette your toxic and emersive. thinking that your so great at 360 and 95 percent of the time will teabag at the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 425

    I cannot afford that in my game.

  • Member Posts: 198

    as killer i dont really care about what survivor ... first survivor i get gets tunneled to death and done, one problem less. :)

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Nah, I don't tunnel unless you tbagged, that's it, I don't camp, ever, and tunnel only in this situation

  • Member Posts: 29

    Oh no i cant use blendette to crouch and hide behind trees how dare the killer go after somebody 😴 blah blah blah Zzzzzzzzz

  • Member Posts: 512

    I'm not toxic. I can't 360. I'm a ######### potato that made it to red ranks because I like healing, unhooking, and sabotaging hooks. I only double crouch to say thank you. That's it. The most toxic thing I'll do is shaking my head at palette to ask the killer to stop chasing me so I can take them to hatch to close it or point at a hook so they can kill me and my teammate can escape.

    I'm sorry if you've run into a lot of toxic player son Claudette, I can't change that. But still this is how I feel about getting aimed to hell for a simple character choice.

  • Member Posts: 750

    i believe that killers seem to come after claudettes more due to the whole stigma behind them, "claudettes hide all the time and/or are toxic players" due to how often players tend to show up like that. i'm not justifying that it's right, but i suppose it's been an ongoing reason that cannot really be easily changed, since there's always going to be that one claudette that takes things a little too far.

    i'm not saying all claudettes are like this! i've met a lot of funny claudette players, it's just that it's common enough that people gain negative association. ^^'

  • Member Posts: 108

    its the luck of the draw, a good killer is going to press every advantage.You have an perceived advantage as a Claudette. if you cant get away from the killer once unhooked its the survivors (the whole teams really) fault. Same thing if you spawn on a lit ruin totem, would you disregard it? Don't take it personally, they are just trying to win.

  • Member Posts: 512

    Thank you. I respect this so much.

    I don't Blend. I don't hide. I wear bright colors. I don't gen rush or bring items most of the time into my games. I'm literally unhooking, sabotaging hooks, healing my team and taking protective hits. Again I'm a Claudette and not a Blendette. There is a difference.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Dude nobody cares is the point im making the killer see's you he/her is going after you end of story. that is the role of the killer you don't like it stop playing the game very simple!

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Meh, you can't do anything about it. This never happens to me unless I run the killer for 3 gens , then i get camped, tunneled and killed , only when im claudette. lool

  • Member Posts: 512

    It's so unfair. Claudette is such a sweet baby who wants to help people ;- ;. How can anyone be toxic on such a nice character.

    So actually if I spawn a lit totem I leave it alone. Believe it or not I do. I will cleanse a dull totem unless someone has inner strength, and then once 2-3 gens are done or if it turns out to be Devour Hope I'll make a point to cleanse it. I want to have fun and experience as much of the game as possible. I irritate my friends so much because I'll see then and won't say a word.

    Exceptions to the rule are, if people won't touch a gen because ruin is up and it becomes apparently clear that's the case or it's 3rd seal, or NoED.

  • Member Posts: 430

    The first time I played this game I chose Claudette because I thought the self-heal perk would be invaluable. Don't even use it now, but at the time that was my one and only criteria for picking Claudette. I worked extremely hard to get better at this game. I wanted to compete at the highest level I could. Claudette was my character that had all the perks.

    About the time I became a level 10 survivor I started noticing I was escaping a lot less, and dying a lot quicker on average. At first I just attributed it to the fact I was playing against better killers. I thought it would improve. It didn't. That is when I found this forum. I was desperately searching for what mistake(s) I was making.

    I did a lot of reading at first. Didn't even sign up. Just read. What I started noticing reading through the threads was a lot of killers talking about the fact they will tunnel Claudettes immediately because of their blending ability. As I read more and more here on the forums I realized that is exactly what was happening with me. I played a few weeks longer with Claudette. I even changed her outfit to something more bright. That didn't matter. What I had read here on the forums was proving to be true. The mistake I was making was playing with Claudette. I decided to start playing with Nea even though she didn't have the perks I was used to using because I had only leveled her up enough to get urban evasion teachable at one point. So I was playing completely out of my comfort zone, but thought I would give it a try.

    Immediately I began to escape more often. I wasn't dying 2 minutes into matches very often. My rank started getting better again. I was nearly to the point of no longer playing this game when I was playing as a Claudette rank 10 or lower. After switching it became much more fun again. I've played long enough now I have several survivors leveled up with all the perks I want and I go back and forth between them for a little variety. But if you want to significantly lower your risk of being tunneled don't use Claudette.

  • Member Posts: 512

    I've been working on leveling up Kate to give me a break from when I get tunneled to hell on Claudette. It's sucks. I enjoy playing her so much and I'm the type of nerd that gets attached to characters more for their story than skill set. I'm usually floating between rank 3-5 which is cool. I don't mind deranking. I do mind not being able to play a game due to character choice.

  • Member Posts: 21,214

    I don't go after Claudette's, unless they are being, well, annoying. Sabo'ing hooks and bodyblocking does count.

    Actually, my first ever game as Killer was against a toxic Claudette squad.

    It was around November 2018, I was playing Wraith. 4 Claudette's. Three Red Ranks and one Rank 20. They all had flashlights and I had Predator lololol. I got lightburned and run around the whole game. killed the Rank 20 and got harassed for the next 3 hours with messages and party invites. I didn't play again til January.

    But hey, I'm here now, I just do not like Claudette's.

  • Member Posts: 430

    It sucks. I mean I can understand killers not liking Claudette for that reason. The irony is I had never even really thought about playing Claudette that way, but it didn't matter. The fact I was using her was enough to cause me to get tunneled. At the same time I was at least glad I figured it out. It got frustrating trying to figure out why killers would ignore everyone else at the start of a match and focus on only me until I was dead.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    "Stop tunneling every Claudette you see" this a trick question? Who see's a Claudette? Everyone knows she's invisible.

  • Member Posts: 119

    People play Claudette? That’s weird, I never SEE them in my games.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    I hope i dont get guys like you as a Mate. 2 or even 3 People like you and its most likeley everyone will die. Someone MUST do Gens. Almost every Match i am the only one who do Gens while everyone else is running around calling for Killer attention. When 2 or 3 People do this the Gates never will be Powered.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    When you say a red shirt and bright colors, you don't mean you're wearing the left for dead shirt and the purple pants are you?

  • Member Posts: 512

    I mean stuff like this. I try to pick things that are bright or easier to see.Most DBD clothing is dark asf so I cant help that

  • Member Posts: 512

    I understand the importance of doing gens trust me. I only do this heavy when I'm SWF. Do I like doing nothing but gens all the time? No.

  • Member Posts: 72

    It's not hard, normal claude = good, blendette = evil

  • Member Posts: 1,609


  • Member Posts: 227

    Cutie Claudette... I love her! :) I main her as well. I get tunneled sometimes, but not enough to think it's because I play Claudette, but who knows. I'm rank 7 right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2020

    If you're wearing dark clothing or prestige cosmetics as Claudette, unfortunately it is my duty to mori you. Kinda moring blendettes for the meme.. but a part of me kinda dislikes them anyway. We've all had those games where no gens are being popped - instead they're crouching around the map cleansing totems and hiding in corners.

    Blendettes are boring to play against as killer AND to play with as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 512

    I posted what I usually wear. The blue blazer I don't wear as often because I would like different hair. Since I got the walnut glasses head I've been using it more.

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