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To the killers playing still: explain your secret



  • Member Posts: 3


    I am insidious bubba with noed 😎

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Slugging billy

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    I play alot and I mean ALOT of Oni past few weeks. I slugg all 4 of them and thats how I have fun right now. Sometimes I get outskilled by unbreakable but that is how it is, most of the time it works out so I am happy with my results. Basicly everyone dies on first hook but Idc, if the survivors want to finish the game fast by rushing the gens, I will finish it quicker for them :)

  • Member Posts: 26

    Where are these numbers coming from? 8/10 there were 2, 5/10 there were 3, 3/10 there were 4, adding up to 16/10- explain?

  • Member Posts: 510

    Don't be afraid to switch targets, Identify the three closest gens and protect them, Always break pallets that are on long loops. Last piece of advice Play in an unorthodox manner keep the survivors guessing your moves and stop trying to guess theirs.

  • Member Posts: 176

    Tombstone pieces... Hundreds of them. Desire to kill keeps me going. This feeling however won't be ever fulfilled. Because with every killed survivor, you want only more and more...

  • Member Posts: 364

    Why Do you speak to killers And not survivors or just people who play this game as a whole?

  • Member Posts: 172

    Doc is my main and that explains my climb to red ranks. Doc is overpowered with iridescent add-ons and the right map (for me it's hawkins laboratory). I'll also normally run a add-on to see the killers illusions.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'm saying that out of the ten games, 8 had at least two, meaning 2 games had just one DS. Out of the 8 games with 2+, 5 of them had 3 or more DS, meaning three games had two DS. The 3 out of the 5 games with 3+ DS had 4 total DS.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    painfully long queue times for survivor make me play killer a lot more, if queues were good id play both 50/50 tho

  • Member Posts: 355
    edited March 2020

    The main reason I talk about killers only is 2 reasons:

    1. The amount of killers saying "I quit" to some extent.

    2. The way that I've been watching games on YouTube, almost all the killers I see in a survivor video have been rank 7s and up. Very few killers are red ranks nowadays. I've also stated seeing red ranked survivor games mixed with greens, yellows, and whites. So it is probably a killer side thing. Either that, or it is showing how much harder it is to rank up as killer, since there are so few, and red ranked survivors are still quite high.

    I want to keep this question based for killers. However, I will make a survivor-based question soon.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    It could be worst. Yes, swf are in their peak rn, but if you have patience then it's nothing to worry about.

  • Member Posts: 148

    Killer here. Rank 10, go against 2 or more red ranks in about 75% of my games.

    I get by, barely. I still occasionally find myself DCing in a moment of extreme frustration (particularly three generators popping at the exact same time while I'm in the attack cooldown from finally getting my first down - so much for 'just pressure gens'...) but for the most part, I stick around by making sure to afflict survivors with as much frustration as they provide me.

    Going to play like absolute dicks? Okay. I'll bleed you out instead of hooking you unless I get all 4 of you down at once.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I think the secret is just being calm and actually somewhat good at the game, most killers think they belong at the top and get frustrated that they aren't, or when they have a bad game blame it on balance issues instead of maybe looking at their own mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Nurse. She's the only reason i play killer at all.

  • Member Posts: 72

    I don't want to come off as a douche, but I think I'm better than most killers. If I has to guess, at least 90%. It takes a pretty good team to beat me at R1, and even then, it won't happen on certain killers unless I have a bad game.

    I don't like to lose and I've always been above average at most vga's, so I guess that keeps me going. DbD, for all of its flaws (and it has many), has one very big redeeming quality: You can feel like you have total control over the outcome of the match, sometimes. That's so rare in multiplayer games nowadays.

    Now there are caveats to this. Obviously you have 0 control playing Clown, Legion, even Spirit sometimes. But with certain killers, you can get the feeling of control, and I like it.

  • Member Posts: 21

    First Reason: The rush and thrill of the chase.

    Second: I just don't take the game seriously enough to worry usually. I'm a good killer overall, but the game's not worth trying to play competitively. It's not a tournament.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I've actually been playing killer more, lately. I never used Ruin, so my play style hasn't been affected. Most times, I don't realize a person has BT or DS until the match is over, so it's business as usual. 2k - 4k, mostly, and that's fine. 0k is fine

    Playing survivor has been much less fun, with noticeable increases in camping, tunneling, and slugging. Add that to the same trolling, sandbagging rando teammates I've always had and it's longer waits for shorter, uglier matches.

    That's caused me to switch (for now), but I'm having a lot more fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Actually it is so damn easy to rank up, it is because most of the good Killer mains like me play survivor or stopped playing at all.

  • Member Posts: 126

    I legit love and hate this game.

    I play not as much because I disagree with the way the game has gone the past few years.

    But in small doses, DBD is still top tier.

    Unfortunate that it's slowly dying because lack of interest due to a complete disharmony between Killers vs Devs vs Survivor mentality.

    Maybe one day the Devs will wakeup and finally swalllow the pill and bring back DBD's glory days.

    I won't hold my breath however.

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