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NOED shouldn’t reward the killer for doing poorly



  • Member Posts: 674

    It actually does reward bad killers though.

    The other day i got downed very early in the match because my CTRL key was stuck. He hooks me, someone unhooks and he immadietely downs me again before i could move. I DS him, he ignores everyone and everything (of course, why wouldn't he, he's got NOED) and tunnels. I run him for 4 gens and get hooked again, i tell the others not to save and finish the gen instead. They finished when i died on hook and Wraith manages to get to them before they could open the gate and slugs 2 people with NOED. The last one standing couldn't do much because gates were in a very bad position and he eventually got found and downed too.

    You can't do all gens and totems when someone is being tunneled. Now imagine this mess on a map like Hawkins, Lery's or Gideon, big yikes.

    Make it require the Killer to do something at least, i'd rather have that and see the perk get activated every game than this bs.

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    What kind of limited fractions of playerbases have you been dealing with in what games that players don't want their game to be as balanced as possible? I've never played a single game where balance wasn't highly desired by the vast majority of the playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes, actually I would. I've suggested in the past it should be on a timer. Each hook would earn a stack. Each stack would add to the timer. You'd then have a perk that helps the killer in the end game that rewards them for playing well. The better they play, the more powerful it becomes. It has the added benefit of being no longer in the survivors hands.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Why should killers be the only side punished for 'playing bad' which is usually out of control to them in the first place.

    Survivors can play as bad as they like and will always have a decent chance of survival or contributing to the team in some way. Don't take the only thing killers have to play cheaply away.

  • Member Posts: 243

    DS shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. Adrenaline shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. DH shouldn't reward players for playing poorly. Unbreakable shouldn't reward players for playing poorly.

    Do I need to name more?

  • Member Posts: 232

    Time and time again when I see these kind of posts of people whining about NOED, you're not doing the other objective which is cleansing totems. Cleansing totems is an easy 1000 points and 1500 points for hex totems. Why is this hard for survivors to comprehend? There is usually a set pattern for the totems. Make note of their locations every time you play. Yeah it's randomized but it's a good to take mental notes on where they are.

    NOED is not rewarding killers who fail. NOED makes endgame a lot more tense to where survivors actually have to fear for their lives. It makes the game more interesting. Survivors who complain about NOED are usually the ones that hide and hold M1 the entire game. What's the point in playing this game if you're going to do the same thing over and over again? Whenever I play survivor, I cleanse totems and hey if I managed to miss one and it activates as NOED, then game on. It's a fun and thrilling challenge to try and find the totem.

    Seriously, to any survivors that read this, suck it up and do totems instead of holding M1 on generators all the time. I really am tired of people still whining about NOED. DO BONES NEXT TIME.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I get so much satisfaction out of running detective’s hutch now with the increase in NOED usage. I CRAVE TOTEM. I MUST HAVE TOTEMS. NOMNOMNOM feed me the bones

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    okay but to be fair almost every survivor meta perk rewards failure

    dead hard? you made a mistake, but its corrected by this perk

    sprint burst? your caught out of position but can quickly get to a loop

    unbreakable? you got downed and slugged (still think its a fine perk, but it does reward failure)

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    how does adrenaline reward player for playing poorly? if anything its a reward for completing the objective with only 3 perks, which by all means is a playing pretty well.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Borrowed Time is a reward for making stupid plays.

    Decisive Strike is a reward for getting picked up.

    Unbreakable is a reward for getting downed.

    Head On is a reward for getting caught.

    We can make these kinds of comments all day.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    i use totem hunting builds all the time. But its mostly just for the meme. Detectives hunch, inner strength, and small game

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    You cant do totems in solo if you get a good billy or spirit becuase there isnt enough time against good killers

  • Member Posts: 879

    If i follow your logic desicive strike should be remove it reward you for going down borrow time should be remove too if your teamate are dumb enough to unhook you in front of the killer they are stupid and i can go on with other perk too

  • Member Posts: 148

    You can remove NOED if we can remove HATCH, mhkay?

    Seriously, though. NOED rewards killer for... playing without a perk slot and pressuring you enough to not do Dull Totems.

    Hatch rewards survivors for dyeing.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    I love these kinds of posts, they always make me laugh/cringe since the OP's usually don't understand the fundamental flaw in their logic:

    "NOED doesn't reward killers for playing poorly, it rewards killers for survivors laziness."

    There are 5 totems in each map, and each totem takes 12 seconds to cleanse making the total cleansing time for 1 survivor 60 seconds of the match. What's more, the totems reward 1k-1.5k in BP for cleansing, the majority of maps make their whereabouts easy to spot, survivors have multiple perks and tools that will reveal totem locations/incentivize them to cleanse totems, and there are 4 survivors that can cleanse a totem at any given time making the hunt for totems much less time consuming than the max possible 60 seconds.

    So with all of this working against NOED, why does it ever get a chance to activate in so many games that survivor mains come to the forums almost daily to blast the devs with complaints about it?

    Answer: Survivors are too lazy to be bothered with "Doing Bones."

    They'd rather focus on the core objective instead of taking a few seconds off of it to prevent a killers perk that has the potential to wipe them all out in the last 2 minutes of the game. It's so easy to prevent, and yet its still public enemy No.1 to all survivors because of how effective it is when it gets to activate, and in truth, they only have themselves to blame. The average Trial last for 10 mins, and they can't afford to spend 12-24 seconds each to ensure a stronger chance of winning? I'm not really sorry to say this but, survivors... you reap what you sow.

    Please stop coming to the forums all butt-hurt and demanding nerfs because you and your team were just too damn lazy.

  • Member Posts: 306

    "Adrenaline shouldn't reward the survivors for genrush" or "DS shouldn't reward the survivors for being bad in chase" 

  • Member Posts: 225

    If the killer gets 4 men with noed the whole team ######### up i will leave when i see noed if the killer slugs for 4k

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    This person said it well, if you’re only going to do gens and ignore everything else then you deserve NOED

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited March 2020

    I do it in high ranks using Detective's Hunch/Inner Strength.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Not really....

    Bt counters camping...ds tunneling...unbreakable slugging...adrenaline is a reward for doing objectives....Noed is a reward for failure to do their objectives.

    Play it if you want...but if you constantly rely on it. .then it seems one would constantly be allowing gates to be powered.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    @not_Queen you should ask yourself what kind of players most commonly use NOED. Answer is, the players that have zero pressure in the game. They don't go into it with a great endgame strategy; they openly ignore generators; they pray NOED is still up by the end because otherwise it would mean actually learning how to play the game. And because of the current killer ranking system, these boosted individuals somehow make it up to Purple, sometimes even Red. Now, is that what you want from your game? To be in a position where ranks are thrown out of whack because of outliers and in a situation where people have very boring, uninteractive matches vs low skill players who don't belong higher than Brown/Yellow. These gamers don't care about the fact they're playing with 3 perks until endgame, since, these gamers have zero strategy going into the match. I posted an idea into making NOED have a token system that gains per hook, up to 4 tokens for activation at endgame. That way NOED gamers have to learn how to win chases and have pressure in the game. It's simple really. Because, all that reads from your response is that you're happy with the affect NOED has on the game as a whole, since you openly stated a killer who struggles to get hooks is hoping for an endgame boost - so you just backed this point up without even realising it. I hope the Devs see how stupid NOED is in the game as it is currently.

  • Member Posts: 494

    It takes 10 seconds at the most to do a totem. If all do at least one that is still only ten seconds each. Stop gen rushing.

  • Member Posts: 494

    I used Detectives the first time last month. That is pretty cool. There is something to be said about using the latest perk set.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited March 2020

    Just finished a game against a Freddy that played poorly and only got 3 hooks the entire game. I found 3 totems myself (solo), but couldn't find the other 2. I just assumed the other survivors found them. Nope, I finished the last gen and then got smacked down with NOED. All of us would've escapd that game if it weren't for NOED. 'NoEd DoEsN't ReWaRd KiLlErS fOr PlAyiNg PoOrlY'... Yes, yes it does.

    Post edited by IronKnight55 on
  • Member Posts: 51
  • Member Posts: 304

    i love how people complain about noed while rancor exists🙂

  • Member Posts: 140

    Why do you have a problem with noed which is easily turned off but not all of the second chance perks of survivors. A lot of time ds still goes off even after you have hooked someone else. At least noed can be played around.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited March 2020

    "If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors before the doors are activated, then the survivors should have been able to cleanse totems without feeling pressure, thus, not giving the NOED edge to the killer. It's on them if it activates." OMG. Ever heard of "CAMPING"? Finding, downing and hooking the first person and then camping them can be done in under 240 seconds easily, while doing 5 gens + doing 5 totems is already 240 seconds... And thats WITHOUT counting time needed to fimd totems and gens! NOED camper are the problem

    "If survivors allow the killer to get a 4K with NOED in the end game, I would argue that survivors made mistakes during their end game plays (...)". Maybe they just wanted to save the 2 guy from gettimg camped too? I thought that camper were supposed to lose every game and 2k is the "balanced result"... So this would mean that NOED campers are okay in your opinin? "or didn't prepare for the potential NOED activation."


  • Member Posts: 198

    These kinds of claims can be made in favor of NOED too. NOED counters Survivors unga bunga'ing through gens and not bothering to do totems.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    NOED is much worse IMO. Rancor usually affects one survivor. NOED affects all survivors if the totems aren't cleansed.

  • Member Posts: 73

    So when i get 4k before Noed is activate i'm a monster at this game right? I played a game with only 3 perks all time and rekt survivors, so i'm a champ i guess?

    What about Noed activate when you already get 2k and using it for a final push like Adrenaline for secure the escape at the end of the game?

    Or what about an End Game Build like Noed, Bloodwarden, Rancor and Remember me? Streamers like Monto and other guys rekt people even before the last gen is done, with a pure End Game Build. So killer can win with it even without using it

    Noed Reward bad or trash killer if is the only and main reason for his 1 kill at the end of the game. Imho this specific situation is so dumb and unfair because the killer played like a trash with 0 hooks and can get potentially 1k doing litteraly nothing.

    But what about a killer who use it in a specific build playing for winning even before Noed comes to play? They are not trash, they have a specif plan. In exchange of a weaker early game they get a potentially massive end game

    But i guess Noed is trash and unfair anyway, all the time, for you right?

    Personally i use Noed only if i want to play an End Game Build. I don't like Noed alone but i don't complain as a survivor about it. Only if the killer played so poorly all game with 0, maybe 1 hook? Lol

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I tried upvoting this 100 times but it only registered 1. Everyone should be required to read this before playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited March 2020
  • Member Posts: 1,632
  • Member Posts: 4,335

    U don't need totems to escape.

    Playing noed as a standard build is a crutch perk. Like I said play it if you want. But as a killer I don't see why you would go into a match already allowing for the thought that they will even power the gates.

  • Member Posts: 47

    It doesn't reward failure it gives the killer a chance to get kills after the gens get done in 4 minutes

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2020

    No no

    Noed rewards Killers for playing 3 Perks the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 102

    You would have an excellent point if NOED wasn't a hex perk but it is so...

    The argument of "rewarding killers for playing poorly" is like saying that decisive strike rewards survivors for looping poorly. Neither are true.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Hey survivors, let's nerf both, adrenaline and NOED, deal?

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Im not gen rushing lol im a killer main now but when i used to play survivor i did all the totems most of the time but against tryhard slugging billys with infectious fright and an ebony there isnt time when every 2 second someone gets downed. I make it to the endgame aginst killers like that then get hit by noed. I think noed is fine but when used by a good player it becomes op

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