Suggestion - Entity's Cache

Arxaion Member Posts: 104
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

In an effort to reward greed and provide another (optional) objective in a trial, I present to you the Entity's Cache. The Entity's Cache is a small black lock-box (the size of a toolbox) that appears at a random time in the trial for a five-minute period. It is guaranteed to spawn within the first fifteen minutes of the trial. If it has not yet spawned by the time the last generator is completed, it will spawn. After the cache is found and opened, it will dissipate instantly.


When the cache spawns, no indicators are present. When a survivor finds the cache (and begins opening it), a low growling echoes through the trial with its source originating from the cache (no visual indicators). It takes a survivor thirty seconds to open the cache (this progress resets if the cache is left). If the killer finds the cache, a higher-pitched growl can be heard in the same manner. A killer, however, can open the cache within only five seconds (there are potentially four survivors that can find the cache, versus a single killer who has spent valuable time at an objective that does not affect the outcome of the game).

Upon opening the chest, as stated before, it dissipates. A black aura glows from your feet for the rest of the match. If a survivor that has obtained the cache is killed, the cache will spawn again elsewhere. Once the killer has obtained the cache, it will stay with them and will not spawn again.


Ending the trial in possession of the Entity's Cache will reward the player with a random (not weighted by rarity) cosmetic of the character they were playing, or a random charm (chance of obtaining a charm instead of a cosmetic is equally weighted at 50%). Cosmetics and charms can be those that are no longer obtainable, but cannot be from current events (such as the current Rift) or from unique rewards (special codes from events or streamers)

Edit: The cache's reward of a cosmetic would NOT be the full set.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Tbh this feels super killer sided.

    And ofc its not finacialy beneficial for them.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    I figured someone would feel it was killer-sided. Survivors, as a team, can cover much more ground. The fact that the lock-box respawns after a survivor's death gives yet another chance to find it.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Well yes but still only one person gets the cache, no? And if killer comes across it he can interrupt it and claim it for himself because it takes 30 seconds.

    While survivors can cover much ground "technically" they still want to be 1st to find it... thus ignoring the objective most of the time. (unless it's SWF). Heck some even may sacrifice their own teammates to look for the cache just to have a chance to get it.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Survivor-sided or killer-sided, that can be tweaked and balanced by the devs. I’m intrigued by the idea overall and would love to see something like this come to fruition!

    Btw, I think we’re missing a huge opportunity for a lore connection here. The Entity’s Cache? Well, the Entity has been known to take items for itself from bloodwebs. Surely those are stored somewhere, eh? While the devs may balk at the idea of giving out free cosmetics, they might still allow this cache to reward players with a collection of items and add ons. Perhaps the cache would grant you all the materials from one lvl 50 bloodweb for the current character. (Or 2 bloodwebs? Eh? Eh?)

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    It also flat-out adds another objective that, while isn't essential to escaping, is very much enticing and likely to cause some stirs in matches.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2020

    Well without an indication of when it spawns, survivors could be wasting upwards of 15 minutes looking for it. The killer, if he would spend 30 seconds on the lock-box, would then give all four survivors the opportunity to work on objectives safely. That is ridiculous in itself in terms of survivors escaping (this, in addition to the time generally available).

    Post edited by Arxaion on
  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    What if the box required 60 seconds of effort from players? All players. Cumulative. Hear me out:

    The box spawns. A survivor finds it and starts opening it. 60 seconds required.

    15 seconds later, another survivor comes within 4 meters and sees a new interaction appear on screen: “Disrupt”. Selecting the interaction causes the box to phase out and respawn elsewhere. Progress is NOT reset. The next player to find it only has to complete the remaining 45 seconds to finish opening the box.

    The box will automatically phase out and respawn any time a survivor and killer are BOTH within 8 meters of it. This allows survivors to stop the killer from opening it, as well as gives the survivor a chance to run if the killer sneaks up on them while opening.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    That's a pretty good alternative too. I would hope it would include more than just items though, considering the fact that it definitely wouldn't be found in every match. Even if it is found, it is a matter of contesting it.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Interesting idea, though it is inherently killer sided. Killers cannot be interupted from opening the cache and the item can't be taken away from them. It's also much shorter to open. If the killer finds it, it's theirs guaranteed.

    Also people would just search for the cache the entire game instead of doing the objective.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    That last part is also part of the point of this. To draw away from the main objective. If they won't touch generators, maybe they'll add something like this. Searching for something the size of a toolbox around a whole map would be very time consuming considering it would be black, and it isn't guaranteed to spawn at any single point in time. @yobuddd also proposed a better idea for contesting the cache.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Thank you! Yeah, I like the idea of giving everyone a chance to prevent anyone else from opening it, even if it means having to search for it again. This could lead to some saltiness though. I can certainly envision a survivor letting a teammate die because they interrupted a search, lol!

    As for rewards, how about a rarity scale for various rewards? (adjustable, as this is off the top of my head)

    • 35% chance of 300k bp
    • 25% chance of 1 bloodweb’s worth of items (lvl 50 bloodweb)
    • 15% chance of 2 bloodwebs’ worth of items
    • 10% chance of a cosmetic item
    • 10% chance of 2,000 iridescent shards
    • 5% chance of 500 auric cells
    • 100% chance of bonus rift fragments during rift events.

    These are just ideas, but I think this would be enough reward to cause a bit of a fuss over the box each match!

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I like this as idea of distracting survivors from objective! But it doesn't distract anyone, because matches never last 15 minutes.

    I think it should be separate caches for survivors and killer. What if conditions of this cache spawn would be like this: For survivors: no one hooked before 3 gens done (Or harder conditions, because it's casual scenario for low rank killers. Maybe make it attached to high ranks. That will make ranks mean something, in light of the match-picking rework in the future). And for killer: all survivors hooked at least once before 3 gens done.

    If survivors make cache spawn condition, it spawns 4 caches. Each survivor can see only his own cache, so he can't claim more than one. Or maybe make 3-2 caches.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I see where you’re going with this, but there are a couple deeper issues here.

    • First, the spawn was to be at some point in the first 15 minutes, or when the last gen pops, whichever comes first. So it still appears in every match.
    • The idea of setting tougher spawn conditions is nice. Conversely, we could just start the match with it already spawned somewhere. Or maybe make it appear in the first 5 minutes instead of 15, so that it still has a good chance of competing for attention with generators.
    • Tying those spawn conditions to rank is good in theory, but very rarely do we get games where all players are even close to the same rank. If red rank survivors going against a yellow rank killer would prevent the cache from spawning, then maybe rank will conditions need to wait for better matchmaking.
    • I think it’s best to have only 1 cache spawn per match. This makes it a real point of contention between ALL players, even if they’re on the same team. It also makes it feel like that much more of a victory when you secure it, because you know you truly earned it!
  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2020

    You have to also keep in mind that the cache isn't meant to be a primary objective either, given how difficult it would be to spot on most maps. Just giving some rough estimations here, let's assume that the cache is only found in 30% of your matches. Contesting the cache with it being available to one of five people, this gives you about a 6% obtain rate. In other words, you could expect to likely obtain the cache once in every 16-18 games. Hence the need for enticing rewards. Obviously statistics are difficult here and there is plenty of room for outliers.