No reason not to use Spine Chill

Notifications of the Killer’s positioning that are unaffected by blindness, stealth or oblivious. And no cooldown.
On top of a +6% boost on performing actions in clutch scenarios.
Spine Chill is one of the only perks in the game that always gets consistent value in every trial. There’s really no reason not to squeeze it into any generalist build on Survivor
I like to experiment with different perks, but Spine-Chill stays by default.
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If you’re swf it’s not really necessary
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Maybe. If you have an Object on your team who does callouts so you’re basically playing the game with a GPS
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Well apparently it’s not a problem worth addressing at current state so I guess it’s not that bad
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Agreed. Spine Chill is one of the best survivors perks in the game. Counters all killer stealth options. Gives you info on what the killer's focus is, maybe even what perks they have (eg. healing and it lights up? killer has Nurse's). Helps you avoid going the wrong direction in a chase. Let's you know if a killer is potentially camping.
No it definitely is. It tells you if the killer is focused on you. Do you know how often miscommunication happens? "Killer is on me" when they really broke the chase and went somewhere else? Pretty often. And depending on the map, you can't always have eyes on the killer. Plus those situations where you have it and no one else does, you can call out to others when they need to leave a gen/heal/whatever. "Killer is coming to this gen we should leave" now the killer spends an extra 10 seconds looking around for nobody.
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I really like it but I have a brother who disagrees with it's effectiveness by saying "you have eyes, just use them......." and says how you don't know WHERE the killer is, just that they're close and looking at you.
Personally, I find that if I run a perk like Bond, then I can get more information about the locations of everyone, and if I see someone getting chased with Bond, then having Spine Chill and looking in that direction gives me all the warning I need. If I see them, I see them. If Spine Chill is active and I don't then that's where I'm heading.
And it's even good in SWF @Mo4ntus if at least one person is running it. There have been many times where I've called "SPINE CHILL, RUN." right before the killer's been on top of us. No need for Object.
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Love this perk. That 2-3 second headstart can work wonders.
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If I'm ever making a build and I have an extra slot, I always put spine chill.
It gives great information, helps you repair gens, and helps you in chase with the increased vault speed. It may not seem like much, but the difference between a killer hitting you at a window and hitting the wall instead is huge.
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Yep. I agree. It's part of my everyday build. For those who say "You have eyes", those eyes can't see the killer coming if you're working on a gen inside a room or behind a wall. Love Spine Chill.
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There is one reason. There's enough powerful perks for survivors that Spine Chill could be easily ranked below the top 4.
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All of those perks have higher peak value. But lower consistent value.
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I prefer premonition.
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Never really liked it that much, it's fine against stealth killers but against every other killer just seems completely pointless for me.
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@ChickenMcthicken_5 You know if the Killer is coming before their Terror radius kicks in which is especially good on high mobility killers like Billy, Nurse and Spirit. Low terror radius killers like Deathslinger, Huntress and Hag. Stealth killers like Pig, Myers, Wraith and Ghost Face. And any killer using Monitor and Abuse, which is a common perk.
Helps you get a head start in a chase or find a place to hide so you don't get caught. Also, its great at confirming tracking perks on Killers like BBQ, Discordance, Nurse's Calling, Rancor, Bitter Murmur, I'm All Ears etc.
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The 6% is basically useless. If the killer is afk in front of you doing a gen it is going to take 75.2sec instead of 80. Realistically you may get 1 or 2 sec out of it in a trial at most.
As far as the alert it's good vs a couple killers on certain maps but for the most part you should be able to spot a wraith, pig, ghost face etc. coming.
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Depends on the type of build you’re running. Ie currently I play no mither, resilience, iron will, dead hard. Works for me, so why put on SC?
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@Might_Oakk I think you underestimate how far 36m is in this game. For a Standard 32m terror radius Killer, you get an extra 1.15 seconds before the Terror Radius to hide, but probably more like 2 seconds because most maps don't let you walk in a perfect straight line so the Killer takes a little longer.
Indoor Maps and Jungle Gyms maybe give you 10-15m of visibility at most from some directions because of walls, so often times Spine Chill will tell you that the Killer is coming for you long before you'd see it on your own.
And there's another thing Spine Chill does. It gives you the ability to know when the Killer is nearby, but isn't focusing you or doesn't know where you are. Spine Chill is the only perk in the game that lets you know what the Killer is seeing. So you can work on a Gen even in a Killer's Terror radius because you know they're in a chase with someone else and don't necessarily know you're there.
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Resilience and Spine Chill can stack for +15% faster vaults in a chase. And No Mither means that you can't take hits so the advance notice is important.
I'd drop Iron Will for Spine Chill because No Mither already reduces noise while injured by 50%. And on a naturally quiet survivor like Ace even 50% reduced sound will be very difficult for the Killer to hear at all
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I get what you’re saying, but it can sometimes be hard to find a survivor you can’t track without scratches, plus spine chill isn’t always active, whereas I always have the 9%, and yes it lets me know about killer, but that’s what observation is for :P
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I love this perk and I'm so happy that its not used that much or doesnt give a dead giveaway that the survivor is using it
I would hate this perk to be considered "another meta survivor perk" and Im considered as trash for using it
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You underestimate how quiet Ace is compared to other survivors. Killers will walk right by while you're injured WITHOUT Iron Will equipped. The -50% sounds from No Mither on Ace is pretty much Iron Will.
I don't think most people realize that some survivors are inherently better than others even without perks.
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I find spine chill pretty boring to run. I prefer more interactive perks
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Again, I understand, but... a c e
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I guess it's just different playstyles. I dont hide from killers I just move to the appropriate pallet or window. Stealth really isn't very strong compared to looping imo.
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At the best spine chill is a 3/5 a normal perk
oblivius ? Who cares!
stealth ? Just look around and see if the killer is coming
6% boost ? Nice but can’t be the reason to use 1 perk slot
moral of the story ? Just use DS, DH , adrenaline and unbreakable
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I always run Spine Chill. It's much too underrated and very effective combined with Quick & Quiet and Head On for example.
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As the op said most swf would just run object
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I still rate Spine Chill over OoO because you won't get targeted. That and I also play that particular build in solo too.
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"Just look around to see who's coming."
Any stealth killer with half a brain cell isn't gonna approach you from where you can see them clearly.
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I think you're forgetting that the boost applies to vault speeds, healing, and every other action. Getting a whiff at a vault because the killer doesn't realize that you vault faster is really good, especially with Resilience.
Edit: Also, what kind of dumb stealth killers do you face that just let you see them coming and don't even try to hide or approach from an unexpected angle?
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even if the killer can come near to you without let you see him, if you are at least a decent survivor and don't make you grab but take a hit is fine
i trade 100/100 a hit from a good stealth killer for a second chance perk instead of sphine chill
spine chill still not worth a slot imho
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It still amazes me how many people don't see the value in Spine Chill. It's incredibly useful in almost every situation.
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the fact is simple : you can run only 4 perks and spine chill is not in the top 4
p.s: anyway spine chill is a good perk
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I used to run that perk all the time until Kindred got buffed.
Kindred>Spine Chill
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As a killer main. I find a lot of survivors who run it are at the top of the board. Hard to catch them on a gen. The great ones turn into ghost.
Not a loopers perk for sure.
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Spine Chill has saved me so many time so I know when I should be careful about healing in case the killer is running Nurse’s
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I used to run Spine Chill and Self Care, but then I got good at the game and took off my training wheels.
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I agree on solo it’s good but I’m saying that in swf OoO is better
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Oh I understand people choosing to run something different. Of course the top 4 meta perks are pretty meh to me. So that also influences my choices.
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I think "Spine Chill" is very underrated, but i prefer "Iron Will", because it is more versatile in combination with a flashlight. Just a personal preference tho. Both perks act in the same area.
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Of course. It's the only perk that always stays on my build, no matter what. This + resilience is godlike because you can vault in such incredible speed
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I understand completely. For a while the combo of Iron Will and Spine Chill were fixed slots for me.
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Spine Chill is wonderful, but if I run it too much, I get lazy and it becomes a crutch.
I stop looking around, relying on it to warn me. Because I'm not looking, I miss where the killer is coming from and walk right into them.
Granted, I'm incredibly inattentive, so other players may not run into this issue
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You're sort of right, but I find it very boring to use. I'm looking at a perk at all times to know when a killer is coming instead of looking at my surroundings. It makes it a very brain-dead experience, more than it is already, to work on gens imo.
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Spine Chill doesn't tell you where the Killer is coming from just that they're coming.
You still have to look around. If you just rely on Spine Chill and don't pay attention sometimes you'll walk right into the Killer
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I'm surprised those headhunters didn't come in here and start with the "The killer will just look away" nonsense. It's an extremely strong perk, and complety deny's stealth killers of their power and removes an entire horror factor from the game. Literally turning you into spider-man without the webs. One that a killer will very rarely be on the lookout for.
I'm not saying nerf it, but I wouldn't care if it was.
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I don't need Spine Chill because I know how to loop. Best thing to do is not call attention to a perk or use it too much we all know Bhvr has an itchy trigger finger for changing "Meta Perks"
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@Pythonheir Very true. The majority of Killers don't play around Spine Chill because it's not meta enough for them to expect survivors to have it.
Also, the nature of Spine Chill means that Killers won't catch on because if you're using the perk well, they'll barely see you enough to start guessing what your perk slots are.
I had a rank 1 Pig complain about how hard I was to catch and I just typed in endgame chat "Spine Chill Sprint Burst Gaming." She had a super big ohhhhhhhh duh moment because I don't think that thought occurred to her
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My base two perks right now, insert a rotation of exhaustion perks and the last slot is Detective/WGLF/DS/BT based on how my day is going
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Most of the time you'll know exactly where they're coming from based on the map and where you currently are on the map. I personally just don't like the perk anymore. It made me play a more boring playstyle and it took away a lot of the fun.