These killers vault slower than they should.

Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Myers (yep), Huntress, Doctor, Cannibal, Clown.
I am talking about windows after vaulting which you fall. These killers get stuck in the end of vault animation for moments and only than start falling. All other killers like Pig, Plague, Nurse, Legion, etc. fall immediately after climbing/stepping over such vaults.
please fix this.
Well clown is big so there’s that
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All of them are "tall" characters according to the in game info so it makes sense. They are bigger. Why should the clown vault as fast as legion. Also I don't think I've ever seen a nurse vault a window.
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But, why Plague, Demo, Deathslinger vault like Pig?
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They have different vault speeds? Never noticed that.
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They are skinny/not as "thick"/muscular as the other big characters.
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The thing is Plague and Deathslinger have exactly the same vault animation Trapper has. This fact confuses me.