Pointless to have 5 versions of Badham

That map is [BAD WORD] and there is absolutely no point in having 5 versions of it.

I played version 2, then yamaoka, then 5 and 3 in a row.

Do we really need all of that badham? Just remove at least 3 versions of it , two should be more than enough.


  • Immersed_Player
    Immersed_Player Member Posts: 3

    I like the map variation and I mean it was made unique for the killer so let them have their shine.

  • nickofford
    nickofford Member Posts: 105

    At least give them a subtitle instead of a number , trying to remember the difference between Badham 2 and Badham 4 is a lot harder than remembering Badham:bloodstained

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    That's sure is unlucky to play Badham that many times in a row.

    But hey i had the same thing with corn maps.

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    Its easy to fall on it many times in a row because there are five versions of the same map.

    Doesn't have to be five versions, just one with randomized stuff, like EVERY OTHER MAP.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    This is a problem with a solution that doesn't involve removing versions. They can weight the probabilitys of certain maps appearing, they usually use this to make new maps common for a short time after release. Badham could simply be weighted to have all of its combined maps have the same weighting as any other single map.

    I am saying this, however, under the assumption that all maps have an equal chance of being picked and realm's are not considered when it comes to map picking, its entirely possible that before even rolling to pick a map, the game rolls to pick a realm and then rolls to pick a map from that realm, in which case, the chance of getting badham would be the same as getting lerys.

  • mutante
    mutante Member Posts: 54

    Maps are officially named Badham Preschool I, Badham Preschool II, Badham Preschool III, Badham Preschool IV and Badham Preschool V. If you can't tell the difference, see dead by daylight official wiki information here (https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Badham_Preschools).

    Answering the questioning, I see no negatives of having 5 map variations. For me, all variations are pretty much the same since The Kindergarten is the main building on all of them, which is very different from Coldwind Farms maps, where we have Fractured Cowshed or Thompson House or Torment Creek or Rancid Abbatoir or Rotten Fields as main structures.