How are you with murderers and cheats?

Well today our topic is killer play and cheats. If I have to take your general opinion, ruin doesn't do much. However, I see that they have survivor cheats.
u say 'DEDICATED SERVER' and yes they are cheating, they are doing lag switch without anyone knowing it and they are surprised by the direction of the killer. A survivor called me and I went to her. I noticed that he was teleporting before my eyes, I guessed this event and managed to wrap it on the ground. However, I can not hang it, my camera slides left and right, and it is constantly getting rid of my hand and I noticed that these tricks are used on a fake steam account.
How does it feel to play a killer? What kind of change do you think? vs.
I'm sorry, was this strung through Google Translate? It's not very legible.
If you're saying that you caught somebody cheating, you should report it. I know some cheats can get through, a streamer I follow caught one himself a few days ago. But unless you report it, it won't be seen.
Now, it is unlikely. Dedicated servers cause a lot of issues. The survivor may have had a really bad connection, and it showed with teleporting. I've had it happen myself.
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If you suspect a player is cheating, make sure you report them post-game. You can submit additional evidence through support:
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i'm not using google translate but I speak many different languages and therefore I have the possibility to make typos. I can even swear he's cheating, i understand that I no longer want to play a killer here.
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Just like @drimmalor has said, if you see someone cheating, report him. You can attach files to your ticket, so if you managed to get a clip that shows him cheating, that would be even greater. :)
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I reported it, but I didn't get any video because my system is already strong enough to uninstall this game.
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There are quite a few speddhack videos flying around lately. I hope they are looking into these. Because this implies that they can get around EAC.
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My first game on dedicated servers, I was Huntress and kept rubber banding between two points. Survivors could still do gens.
Funny it only happened when I used bloody party streamers.
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They are not cheating. What you are experiencing is caused by:
- Lags
- Bad hitboxes
- Aim Dressing
- Bad netcode (mostly grabs and stalking)
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I like the pun
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It was none of that, It has nothing to do with a dedicated server!
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The video is not mine, but I have experienced the same situation. This is a cheat.
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In particular, I would like to state this again. When I want to hang it, it opens exploit and my camera slides left and right and runs away. I confirm this because this is a trick and I found the subject. I have no intention of advertising but thanks to this method, they perform it easily.It was also confirmed that this method works in version 3.6.0. I was constantly crushed by this method.
@Peanits @not_Queen please I ask you to deal with this problem.
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I can say that in every online game someone will try to cheat you! and killing someone likes it
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I can say that in every online game someone will try to cheat you! and killing someone likes it
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Yes, I can say that the survivors, especially rank 1, are always using it and I experience this disgrace in every game.
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I don't see it happening in every game, neither as killer nor as survivor. So, what are the odds that we have so very different experiences here? I really doubt that you see it every game or you've got to be the unluckiest person in this whole world.
Apart from that, if this lagswitch is really being used so consistently, then it sure is a problem, @Peanits & @not_Queen : is there a way to monitor the latency's fluctuations? It says that the script is turning on and off every 14s as it's the maximum before you'd get kicked. And, there sure has to be a way to detect whether someone is using a cheap combination of Netbalancer and AutoHotkey, isn't there?
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Oooh, should have sent this in the first place.
This is a cheat, you can use it thanks to potato netcode and lack of encryption of the communication between client and server.
You can literally send dummy data and the server doesnt notice for 14 SECONDS lol
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I am rank 8 in murderer, and after the ruin dies, I constantly encounter rank 1 survivor. I'm not sure, but I am missing my attacks using this method. In particular, they enter swf to reduce the likelihood of a report because it is often insufficient when only one person sends a report.
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Something like that happended to me as well and I reported him. I had the video evidence but didn't know how to hide names so I erased it. Anyway it was a Nea I think? She was running and when I attacked, she teleported.
Post edited by Saitamfed on0 -
Yeah, I ran into her, her face must be prestige. You don't have to hide your names, but what they do is a big disgrace! This needs to be resolved immediately! Also, those who do this need to be punished!