Sacrifice Rework

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Some y'all probably thinking, "Reworking Sacrifices? Insane!"

Maybe. But let's give it a shot anyway.



- Survivors will no longer immediately die on hook after the third hook. They also no longer have to struggle in phase 2.

- The Killer now has to fill a "Entity Hunger" meter throughout the match. This meter fills in portions for each hooked survivor.

- Each Survivor hook fills a portion of the meter. But after their second hook it no longer fills the meter.

- Generator repair speed is reduced by 20%. For each hook the Killer makes, that penalty reduces by 5%. After 4 hooks, the survivors begin to gain repair speed as the Killer gets closer to killing everyone. Toolboxes are not affected by this penalty.

- After every survivor is hooked twice, the meter is full, and the Entity bellows. All survivors are inflicted with the EXPOSED status effect. Their next hook will kill them permanently and take them out of the match. Any survivors on hook when this happens are killed.

What this helps with:

  • Prevents Tunneling, as the survivor will no longer simply be taken out of the match.
  • Greatly discourages camping, as you can't just wait for a timer to expire; you have to be actively applying pressure and getting fresh hooks, distributing the pain a bit.
  • Allows the nerf of Moris without making them redundant to fit this theme (Maybe for a Green you can Mori one survivor after filling the bar halfway, and with an Ebony you do the same).
  • Makes every hook valuable, rather than a waste of precious time.
  • Nerfs NOED a bit unintentionally without removing its power, because he can't just camp a hook to prevent an escape for one guy

Here's some after thought edits to help reinforce this idea:

"What if everyone gets put on a hook."

- The Entity will free all survivors that are on hooks if you hook all four survivors and it does not fill the meter fully. It will grant Endurance to any survivor that already have been hooked twice. All survivors will gain a temporary buff of 25% healing speed for 30 seconds to recover. Meanwhile, the Killer will be rewarded with a small buff for the rest of the match: a 45% slowdown reduction during the after-hit animation.  If it happens again, all survivors will die anyway, as he needs to hook all four of them once more to be able to kill them on hook.

"What if you get two really bad survivors every time but can't find the other two who are sitting doing gens?"

- The 20% slowdown on gens while an expired survivor is hooked will keep gens pressured while granting the killer a chance to find the other people. If you keep at it and keep hooking the weak links, it will eventually force those survivors out of the darkness.  But if you can't use your wits to find a survivor with the massive debuff they have, then you're simply being outplayed.

"What if the survivors escape but one is still on hook."

If one person is still on the hook and they are expired, then

Post edited by Rezblaze on


  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2020

    Tunneling wouldn't be even half as prevalent as it is now if survivors played a bit smarter. If a killer is tunneling, let them and crank out generators until they regret their decision. As a killer main myself, I will absolutely "tunnel" survivors if they are unhooked the second I turn my back. I wish they would stop trying to implement ways for survivors to get around bad decisions like this. That's besides the point of the post though.

    I think it seems a little convoluted, considering how much more is going on in a match. I'd rather see something along the lines of removing the hook phases, and seeing all survivors' hook regression speeds increase each time one is hooked. Allow survivors to be hooked more than twice and, as compensation, increase future hooked survivors' regression speeds by 5% (stacking). At some point in the match survivors that weren't vigilant early on will be pressured to unhook survivors quickly, rather than tip-toe around it. Has everyone already been hooked once? Well, then future hooks will regress 20% faster. Are you being tunneled repeatedly? Cool, you aren't going to necessarily die outright from it.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    None of this prevents tunneling or camping.

    My suggestion would directly punish both, as you can't camp a kill anymore.

    Steam Forums seemed to find this idea well received.