
This game is full of grind, we all know this. I kind of like it but my dilemma is this Prestige bit. I’m sure many people op to not prestige, and I get it, but I really wanna one day have all my killers maxed out. I’ve tried different methods but really cannot get a rhythm going. Wanted to see a discussion on the community and how they decided to tackle prestige. Did you play one character till prestige 3 and continued one after the other? Did you cap everyone at level 50 first and then prestige them one by one to the next level? Did you just not think about it and naturally prestige whenever the option became available? Do you only prestige when you have 1m bp so you can give that character a perk boost or do you not care because you mostly only use one specific character for grinding? For getting specific perks you might have continued leveling bloodweb, even after you could prestige because you planned on doing that later, but now if you do prestige you might feel you’ve wasted bp... So do you refuse to play characters until final prestige?

I only got into DbD After Freddy was introduced and I maxed him out but after his rework I sort of lost interest in him and started playing other killers. Right now Freddy remains as my only Prestige 3. I have two Prestige 2 and eight prestige 1 and 7 killers who never prestige, all different levels but only a handful have all the good perks. Right now I thought I’d get every killer level 50 with a strong build and then could play any killer and start to prestige then one at a time. So that only one killer would be out of commission at a time but I’m not at that point yet and I’m afraid that it might be quicker and less costly to just prestige as I go and not worry about my builds until after prestige 3.

so, if you grinded through the prestiges then please share how you did it, if you developed a method for yourself and if you had any regrets while grinding that you made.




  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783
    edited March 2020

    Probably the most efficient way is to use a bloodpoint build; BBQ, Distressing, Thrill, and Beast of Prey on whatever killer you have them on and then just spend the BP on another killer while using your best bloodpoint offerings.

    Make sure to keep an eye out for the perks above while leveling and then switch when you have a killer at 50 to use their best bloodpoint offerings while leveling up yet another killer. Rinse and repeat until everyone is p3lv50. This would let you get the most out of whatever bloodpoint offerings you get while also letting you play every killer so it doesn't become stale.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I personally just prestiged up my main characters, and then grinded them till I had all perks, one after the other. For example, Claudette was first, then David, then Kate, then Feng as survivors, and I'm currently on feng rn. For killers it was Freddy then Wraith then Doctor. Still on doc.

    P3 te characters you like first, and then play those to get the BP for the characters you dislike.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I rarely play and level a character at the same time. Generally what I do is I level a character to around 45-50 while playing someone else, and then when they're ready or nearly ready for prestige I switch to them and play them for as long as it takes me to burn through all their good items/add-ons/offerings, so that they don't get wasted when I prestige (if they're below level 50, I'll level them at the same time so they're ready for prestige when I've finished using up their good items). At the same time, I'll be levelling someone else with the bloodpoints I earn. If I've never prestiged the "active" character before, this is usually when I go for their adept achievement. Then, when there's nothing left in their inventory I really care about, I prestige them. By that point, I've usually got someone else up to level 40+, so I switch to them and it becomes a cycle.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    I just don't prestige anyone I don't see the point lol.

    I would rather just keep all my perks unlocked for everyone and keep stockpiling more and more addons and offerings and items.

    I prestieged my main killer and my main survivor, that's all, and that was literally just because of peer pressure and because the P3 skin on that one killer was actually better than anything else they had at the time.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I would like to see everything decrease with each Prestige. At P1 brown add-ons 2000, a yellow 3000, and a green 4000. At P2 Brown 1000, Yellow 2000, and green 3000 and so on it would be so much better.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    My method is: buy the least expensive items and buy only 1 perk, so the entity starts consuming more quicker, with this method I got from level 50 to p3 level 50 in 4 days

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I think you going to have easier time getting rare addons if you prestige but may get way less uncommon addons(at least its the case for HillBilly). So i think if fav addons of your killer do include uncommon addons better dont prestige until they fix the issue you may regret about it later like me.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Well just popping in to say that I’ve seen a lot of great replies and feel a lot more confident with tackling the bloodweb and prestige. I’ve basically been doing all the opposite things then what was suggested. I played killers with no/bad add ons, played low level killers, bought both perks when able and didn’t concentrate on bp earning perks. Making me grind longer and my games more difficult.

    Thanks again for the replies. Feel free to continue the discussion but I think I got what I needed from my topic~

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    When i got the game i played the trapper. Took him to p3. Not fun at all. First of all you are not guarateed to get the perks you need as a killer early on. They may come early. They may not. And you have to do this two times. So what i did was save up lots of BP when i was near to the 50 so when i did roll over i could take the next 50 but start at 20 or so with some perks to use and some addons. Starting the next 50 with nothing is asking for trouble.

    After trapper i am not goign to p3 anybody. Apart from that i play freddy who is not P3 and the ration of purples i get are just about the same. So its not worth it to me to p3 anybody else. I might p3 survs. I have claudette and feng. Back when i started it was a serious advantage to have a dark and bloddy claudette. Not so much anymore. Most maps are pretty bright with lots of open spots to notice movements

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    I was fortunate enough to get my prestiging done before the Ruin nerf that decimated the rate at which I can gain bloodpoints now. However, I would definitely suggest waiting till you have close to a million bloodpoints before prestiging a character. While you're gathering up bloodpoints, I'd suggest burning through all that character's escape cakes, survivor puddings, or bloody party streamers. Prior to the final prestige, I usually ignore anything on the bloodweb except BBQ & Chili and 100% bp offerings, and just try to choose what kills off most of the bloodweb and what costs the least.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I gave up on Prestiging once I had way too many perks on either side to re-unlock. Too much hassle and RNG praying the Perk I want will appear. I've only prestiged Ghostface to P3, and currently working on Demo to P3. Beyond that, everyone else is 50 until I maybe decide to start prestiging them once I finally have all unlockables done and no more need for BP.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    I prestiged my mains first (Nea and Freddy). Generally, I'm only really planning to prestige either the licensed characters (cause I don't feel like buying cosmetics) or characters I just like the look of it for.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Got all killers to 50.

    Gathered 1m bps.



    Except that I'm currently saving bps for the deathslinger

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    On my old account I had every single Killer on P3 level 50 with up to all perks on rank 3. On this new account I am currently at 1,2k hours and I am just missing 5 Killers, the rest are P3 level 50.

    I personally do it in that way. First of all I level all characters where I want those teachable perks to 50. Then I started prestiging my main or most favorite characters. In my case Spirit-->Legion-->Doctor etc. I take at P1 and P2 all least cost items and dont really mind the good things like moris etc. I try to buy all important perks like BBQ or other farm perks and also all cakes, puddings or party streamers.

    Once the character is 50 I start saving 1million BP and use ALL cakes, puddings and streamers on this character, also all really strong addons or items like ultra rares. When I reached 1million I prestige and do the same over and over. At P3 I level like usuall and take every good perks or items and addons what I need or like.

    You dont have to save 1million BP, I personally do it because its very statisfying pumping all those BP into a fresh Prestiged character, also I would like to see to get out of the early levels as fast as I can because it doesnt look good if my characters are low leveled xD. With this method I manage to finish one character in 4 days. I play alot though, 5-7 hours per day.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168
    edited March 2020

    My tactic on prestiging was weird. I kept the main survivors I played at level 50 with good builds, then I prestiged the one's I never played and got them to P3 level 50 with better builds. I then turned it around and started playing them and prestiged my main one's fully and since then I've just been prestiging the new characters asap 🤷

    I also never prestiged any of my killers, I just got them to like level 45 and that got them all at good builds, so I just saved my blood points I got from playing killer and spent them on my survivors.