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Nerf the doctor, it's not even fun to play against



  • ToastyBois
    ToastyBois Member Posts: 26

    Doc isn’t OP, he’s just a nuisance to play against. Devs made changes to him to make him better cos he was trash before.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That build is notorious for keeping the game hostage. Most Docs don't run it because it's such a dumb loadout so you'll rarely see it unless the killer had a bad day and wanted to make the survivors hate themselves. I'm guessing you're quite new to the game, which would explain why you struggle with the skill checks. His rework didn't make him that much stronger. He still sucks in chases and the only thing he has going for him is his ability to locate survivors easily because he still gets destroyed by survivors who are somewhat decent or on a large map. Another thing I should mention is that nobody's gonna blame you for suiciding on hook against that build on an indoor map.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Even I don't have much trouble against Doc. I think it's because I like to go it alone to do gens so nobody ruins my sneaking around.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2020

    I recommend stoping your toxicity.

    As a Doctor Main with over 2800 hours in this game and R1 award.

    The Doctor is extremely powerful to the solo queue player and unexperienced premades.

    As a 50/50 player, I can say with 100% certianity, that although I'm happy with the buff to Doctor, it is MUCH too overwhelming how even the worst players who are playing doctor can easily 3/4k.

    It is unacceptable: As he was once a killer who entirely depended on the players skill, logical deduction and timing.

    He is now a brainless arena shocker that doesn't require much to any of his previous skill caps.

    BVHR. Please tone back some of his power and bring back the High Difficulty /High Reward that us Doctor players.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    funnily enough, anything he does now he could do before aswell.

    it was just not as easy to do, due to him having to switch stances, though the results were the same.

    the only new thing he really has is the shock blast, which can be easily avoided by entering a locker when you hear him charging it up and you're in the terror radius.

    Doc is a solid killer now, but he is not stronger than a lot of the high rank killers. he just requires you to play a little differently than with other killers - similar to huntress.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    then you are one of the main reasons why the rest of the team also dies and has no fun.

    congratulations, you just ruined the game for 4 others cause you disliked a certain piece of content.

    but of course, YOUR fun is MUCH more importaant than the fun of the other 4...

    sorry, but its because of people like you why i cant stand playing solo survivor anymore.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    This post shows what's wrong with dbd's WHOLE community.

    Super survivor sided post by OP followed by typical killer sided replies. It's rather tedious

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I love the part of your fun is more important than the fun of 4 people :)

    Thats why devs allow killers to get bullied so 4 person can have fun but thats other issue. In my opinion doc is fun to play with and against.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Ok so I'm just going to toss this out here because CLEARLY due to some of the matches I've had with teammates going down very easily to Doctor because they play overly aggressive, that they did not seem to comprehend:

    -clears throat-

    You can go into a goddamned locker to dodge the AoE! There is a VERY obvious sound effect that plays when he is charging it and you SHOULD have plenty of time to get into a locker and avoid the burst.

    Also fun fact: he's been able to block you from vaulting for a WHILE now. They changed that a bit before Trapper and Hag got their first big buffs. This is not new. It just works better now.

    Nothing you have listed is new to Doctor. It's ALWAYS been this way. People have been countering it before his change and they will continue to do so. The only difference now is that you are not constantly passively going insane so you actually DO stand a far better chance now against that build.

    Be smart and use your lockers.

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    He doesnt need nerfed he needs tossed in a dumpster fire and forgotten right along with legion. They arent OP just annoying. Incredibly, monumentally annoying.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    It's called "Calm Spirit" use it.

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  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618
    edited March 2020

    There are ways to avoid Shock Therapy, Static Blast can be countered by being outside of his TR or lockers. If you know you are gonna get shocked in a loop, don't stand by the pallet thinking you're good. Doctor is an average killer at best when you have the knowledge required to best him in trials.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Doctor didnt really go up the tier list at all with his rework. His map got worse, he got new chase music, and static blast is cool I guess.

    Doctor is a low rank stomping machine. and your inability to cope with him really suggests your level of skill.

    As a killer main, I do not play doctor past rank 10, because survs will punish you too hard for it.

    So, in the words of entitled survivor mains such as yourself "git gud"

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    nice reason to nerf becaiuse not fun to play.if u not fun to plat doctor u can play trapper

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    As a good Doc I can confirm it's hard to play against him as a survivor. Especially running those kinds of perks. But there are good tricks to get around him. If you hear his TR then always assume his static blast is ready or soon to be unless you know for certain he just used it. Sneak into lockers or listen closely for the attack to happen. Rely on stealth more often than looping him and just over all be decent at skill checks and he won't be such a threat anymore.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    This tier list junk needs to stop when it needs to come about how good a killer is. It depends on the player entirely if they are good with said killer or not. I can mop red ranks with Doc anytime ;)

  • HauntedMandalorian
    HauntedMandalorian Member Posts: 99

    The Doctor is absolutely having his hand held with the way he was buffed. I play as and against him, so there's no bias here. Playing as him, it's incredibly convenient to use Static Blast and have the Survivors locations pronounced to me. Alternatively, playing against him, it's incredibly annoying because it takes, literally, no effort on the player's part. He takes no skill to use, all while being too powerful.

    The only thing I'd change about him is the Survivor's aura being shown to him while the Survivor is inflicted with Madness III. It being an add-on could be justified, but as a base, it's incredibly frustrating. Because, again, it's too easy for The Doctor and unfair for the Survivor. Instead, I think Madness III should just make the Survivor unable to repair Generators, sabotage Hooks or even search through Chests. The Doctor doesn't need to know where the Survivor is for that to be effective.

  • Whiskers93
    Whiskers93 Member Posts: 95

    Best way to go against doctor is to just get good. Same way survivors say to deal with a gen rush people need to get good.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    only issue I have is you cannot mend in tier 3

    they say it’s to add some interaction or whatev, but in practice it’s just makes for annoying and poor game design