The grind; as we are about to reach 19 killers and 21 survivors.


As more chapters release, 'the grind' becomes bigger and bigger, but there is not enough to compensate for me. I'm a newer player who started playing four months ago. That's ~29 million BP to get every perk available on a single survivor, or ~100mil to get each available perk on every killer. While the rift is nice, over the course of two months, it's 4mil BP, which 3% of the total points required to be able to 'finish' the game. When the bloodhunt event was active in January, I felt like the number of BP earned there would even be a fair standard amount.

I'd hope the team considers this and does more on top of the rift to make earning BP easier, whether that's through more post match bonuses, changes to base BP earnings, more frequent bloodhunts or larger rewards for dailies (maybe 1.5x or 2x rewards) - while this grind didn't put myself off playing, I think it can for a lot of new players in the current state. I mainly attribute this personally to the fact I got into and play the game cause the majority of my friends do, as well as maining killer when I started and owning leatherface from my first day playing.


  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    I just now after almost 400 hours of mostly casual play (casual still getting me to purple and red ranks) hit my last teachable on killer-side. Haven't touched survivors other than a level 50 Meg and their perks from the shrine.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah, the grind's a little too much. I want to unlock all the perks, and then maybe go for getting all perks on a single survivor and maybe a couple killers so I can play around with builds a bit.

    Maybe they could start having weekly challenges in addition to the daily's. Worth maybe 250k bloodpoints. Like "Escape 10 Trials" or "Sacrifice 20 survivors"

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I have about 2K in game and my main (Feng) almost has every perk, but you really don't need to have every perk. Most perks I have I have never even used and it didn't really take me all that long to get Yui to PIII and the perks at tier III I wanted her to have. But yeah if you only play like 2 or 3 hours a week...yeah it might take you awhile to get the perks you want.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Yes! This! I want to re-but the game in pc with all content (which I already have on console) but I don’t because I don’t want to regrind all that. Took me ~1500 hrs game play to get everything.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    I think the best way to fix this is, rather than increasing the amount of bloodpoints you get (because that would give players too many addons), just reduce the level you need to reach with each survivor/killer to unlock their perks. Perhaps reducing them all by 5-10 levels would make a pretty big difference in how much you need to grind to unlock the perks as a new player. They also could give new players a BP boost for X amount of games or something to get them started.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Just giving players more bloodpoints is what drives the daily occurrence of very rare and ultra rare add-ons in most if not all trials I play. Bloodpoints affect not only perks, but also add-ons and offerings, which otherwise would not have been simply gathering in inventories collecting dust. It is impossible for me to use up the add-ons I have without first hitting the bloodpoint cap, at which point I spend the points and gain back more than I lost. It's crazy to me that it's gotten to this point.

    What we need is a separate menu solely for leveling perks. Not only would this allow for more distinctions of rarities in perks (eg. common and ultra-rare perks), but it would allow the developers to pull back on the bloodpoint reins without affecting "the grind". A simple tab where a player can select a perk and click "yes" to a prompt asking to increase the perk tier would solve a host of problems. That way, I can actually think of the Yakuyoke Amulet as Very Rare and not Uncommon, considering how often I see this add-on on The Spirit.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I can totally get behind this too, perks are the real problem, not addons. They already took a step in the right direction by improving perk spawns per bloodweb before, but honestly the grind balance would still be fine if perks only had two tiers at this stage.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I made the suggestion in a separate topic but here's a suggestion I have to help with the grind.

    Every Prestige level gives a +10% (or more?) bloodpoints to help level back to 50 faster, and unlock the perks faster once you reach the prestige level you want. So at Prestige 3, you'd get an extra 30% (again, or more?) after the game has ended.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    That solution exacerbates the issue of add-ons and offerings, which I pointed out is a major problem in a comment above:

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Mhm good point. Then they need to rework how perk resets work with prestige, not reset everything back to 0 every time, it takes forever to level otherwise.