Decisive Strike is ruining the game for everyone

DS has been nerfed, what, twice now? It's still the strongest survivor perk in the game. It's literally game breaking since survivors have a whole minute of invincibility, potentially allowing them to gens while injured and otherwise unsafe stuff like that.
There are 2 different ways this affects how killers play.
1) A killer will get 0k-2k because half the time he downed someone, they still had DS and he had to play around it so he left them to chase someone else, allowing them to get healed back to full for free. He ends up 2-hooking everyone as a result and loses. This isn't fun for either side.
2) The killer decides to play by his rules and slugs everybody for the guaranteed 4k. Yes: DS, I think, is responsible for the rise of slugging. Even this strategy has a counter in Unbreakable or even No Mither. But if the killer is good enough, even the Unbreakables won't be able to save the survivors. This isn't fun for either side.
There's quite a few perks on the survivor side that I have a problem with, but DS takes the cake. I think it's on the same level of overpowered as pre-nerf Mettle of Man, but people are used to it so they make an exception. Perks that punish the killer for doing their objective should be destroyed or reworked. But since that won't happen, I'm left with ZERO hope for this game. If I don't enjoy myself when Deathslinger comes out, I'll probably just quit.
Maybe for you, but not for me 🤗
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The developers have already said they are working on making DS less abusable.
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I guess.. bye? I don't really know what more can be done, I think I saw a post somewhere where they will look into the fact that people run in lockers to use it, and otherwise if the survivor wants to get downed to DS, he will just be slugged and it's his own fault. I get it, it's frustrating, but it has counterplay and it's a way to slow hard tunneling (I got two hard tunnelers in a row today, they still exist..).
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DS needs deactivation conditions.
Otherwise, the perk will be abused by survivors.
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The old DS was so much more preferable. At least dribbling was a thing and also the non obsession had to at least wiggle for it to activate. This current iteration of ds is akin to the far too boring gameplay of holding m1 on a gen.
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DS, BT and all those other survivor perks that killers complain about are FINE. If used as intended. It's just that now killers are starting to take advantage of the devs' generosity when it comes to camping and tunnelling that survivors have now started to retaliate in order to deal with these tactics.
This is a community problem more than it is a game balance problem.
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I'm sick of trying to keep track of who's been unhooked and for how long. It just adds more stress to the game, but so does getting stunned for 5 seconds so ????
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It's being looked into.
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DS is not fine BT is fine but people use to to abuse endurance to protect the other survivor.
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I'd be fine with the idea of D-Strike deactivating on protection hits or if you rescue a teammate from a hook.
If you're doing either you're not being tunneled.
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I run it on one of my builds and the only time it activates is if a killer is going out of their way to target me.
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Perhaps so but the current majority of usage I see as Killer is charging at a fellow hooked Survivor while d-strike is active, going down as you unhook them and giving them Borrowed Time, and instead of an even trade, the Killer nets zero.
Another is at exits, active d-etrike users taking protection hits for their teammates to escape knowing the Killer can't stop them from escaping due to d-strike and close proximity to the exit itself.
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Don't tunnel and you don't need to worry about DS and I never use it myself. I always ran it when you could use it anytime you were downed but only got one shot and there was a decent counter to it. It was hilarious to get downed right at the gate and then boom ds and away you go. And no one said it could only be used to stop tunneling. DS is fine as it is.
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Admittedly a problem, yes, but there's a lot going on there to balance around. The killer also has the option of simply leaving that DS survivor on the floor as it can be considered punishing a bad play. The only real way that I can see the current perk meta to end is simply a shift in killer playstyle, nullifying the need and effectiveness of these perks.
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Really? That's odd... I usually 3 or 4k even with DS. Only buys them like 30 seconds of chase...
So I wouldnt say EVERYONE.
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wanna bet they will look into the "slug to avoid" aspect of it and ignore the other ones?
like, all they'll add is "the timer will be paused while in the dying state"...
though i am hoping they finally do something against these survivors acting like god because they know they have their DS active and you cant punish their behavior .-.
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This was a thread about using a Locker to force the DC check on DS. In many tiles across different maps, gens often spawn next to a locker. So players will abuse DS by running to the generator, and any time the Killer comes close to the gen. The survivor will fast action into that nearest locker - forcing the Killer to just kick the generator, and walk away or open the locker and take the DS (and damage to their chaser emblem) without any counterplay.
What I am hoping is that this means they look into more than just abusing grabs. Because I know as survivor I can time getting on the gen to the killer pressing m1, to force them to grab me off a gen. Same with a window/pallet. I demonize that 60 second timer to try and extend a chase for another 2 gens.
What I think, an idea I heard from Umbra (Streamer go check her out). When a survivor is unhooked. DS activates. If the Killer hooks another survivor it deactivates. UNLESS you're in dying state already when the other survivor is hooked.
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As long as devs allow killers to annoy survivors by tunneling, DS should get a heavy buff to become anti-tunneling. You obviously do not understand the causality. DS is forced on survivorsby killers themselfs. That those players like you are complaining about it shows how ill-minded your ae.
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It’s not ruining the game it’s very NECESSARY to counter tunneling. Do you really think that people are gonna stop downing and hooking the same person? Like what else is stopping the killer from putting you back on the hook once you get off? How is that fair killers just beat someone down like that and then that survivor walks out with no points while you as killer reaps all the points? How about people just stop playing survivor or quit the game in general and you can have fun queuing up as killer for hours trying to find an opponent? I lay people out playing killer man they’re OP as hell. They need to be slower than they are or make their missed melee attacks slow them down for a longer duration.
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i like the idea, but it does have a few open questions:
1) what if 3 survivors got hooked and the 4th unhooks them? do they all just get DS until someone gets hooked again? this would lead to scenarios where its impossible for the killer to avoid a DS without massively slugging anyone previously hooked until he finds that 4th survivor.
2) if you add a timer on it to prevent 1), wouldnt that kill the perk, as it now had too many restrictions at once?
3) if you would only allow the last unhooked survivor to use it to avoid 1), that would still allow for tunnel scenarios, where the killer is chasing a previously hooked survivor when someone else gets unhooked, deactivating that survivors DS and therefore dooming them.
ive thought about the same idea a few times, though i never really found a good answer to those problems...
imo the best solution would be to just make it not work on grabs. that way these annoying survivors that want to abuse it wont have a way to do so and if you really want to waste 60 seconds of your game to slug that DS guy, do it - its gonna hurt you more than them.
i just hate those situations where one guy goes ahead and does an action right in your face (e.g. unhook), you interrupt them and then get punished for their misplay. thats really not fair...
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At the point where I've ignored you and hooked your ally and you then rush the hook I'm at to rescue your friend, knowing that if I down you, you'll escape as well due to D-Strike, it ceases to be tunneling.
That is where the majority of the times where I get stabbed comes from is scenarios like that. If it's supposed to be "an anti-tunneling perk" then it shouldn't be allowed to be used in a scenario such as this and only if the Killer is ACTUALLY tunneling you.
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Killer needs more Penalties for making mistakes. Mori and Exposed need to be nerfed. There shouldn’t be a ultra rare Mori. It should remain situational just like everything else does such as killing LAST survivor with your bare hands after downing him or something like that. It’s just excessive and more often than not playing solo survivor seeing my team get slaughtered way more than I get to escape is just unfair as hell. You as killer don’t need 4K every game because 1) survivors are real people too that are also trying to have fun and getting your ass kicked when you almost always don’t stand a chance because the game has unfair killer advantages due to glitches and excessive killer melee range typically isn’t fun for anyone surviving. I mean, as survivor we get a good chunk of points just by escaping. Survivor players need that. I think more stuns more evasive techniques need to be available to survivors so they can keep killers off their tail. Pallets are great! DS is great! But not enough. Playing killer flashlights don’t seem to affect me too much. Idk why people complain about them. I just look the other way 😂
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I think you guys are just bad and that’s why you complain so much. I get at least 3 every game and I don’t run any perks or add ons because my killers level 2 and I’m just investing all my points in other killers to get their perks. I like the challenge 😈
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1) what if 3 survivors got hooked and the 4th unhooks them? do they all just get DS until someone gets hooked again? this would lead to scenarios where its impossible for the killer to avoid a DS without massively slugging anyone previously hooked until he finds that 4th survivor.
The current version of DS does that already. However the version I suggested would disable the other 3 DS when that 4th survivor would get hooked, unless he knocked all 3 of the saved survivors into dying state prior. Unforatunately I can't really think of a way to fully avoid this situation, but Umbra's idea is still better than the current version of Decisive Strike.
2) if you add a timer on it to prevent 1), wouldnt that kill the perk, as it now had too many restrictions at once?
I have been thinking of timers for the DS check, other people mention like if you work on a generator for 6-20 seconds it deactivates, or like if you go into a locker, but from my own experience I can abuse DS right down to making the killer grab me from window vaults, and pallet vaults to force a Decisive Strike. It would very difficult to work in other rulings to contradict all methods to abuse the perk, let a lone timers for any/all of them. I trust the balancing team at BHVR for that one.
3) if you would only allow the last unhooked survivor to use it to avoid 1), that would still allow for tunnel scenarios, where the killer is chasing a previously hooked survivor when someone else gets unhooked, deactivating that survivors DS and therefore dooming them.
If the Killer followed 1 survivor while he saved 3 other survivors off hook. Then the killer downed and hooked that survivor - that's a very strong trade for survivors. I am pretty sure that's not how "tunneling" works. So yes I completely expect that point the other survivors should be able to be chased. If they the time of 3 survivors being saved off hook consecutively, they shouldn't be anywheres near a dangerous situation unless they literally ran with their head cut off.
You described one problem and then elevated it over 3 points, but the likelihood of this situation to begin with is low. You would have to have a pretty bad team of survivors to end up in this situation, and at this point I imagine the best move for the 4th survivor is hide for hatch, and take the black pip. It also doesn't make sense to me why anyone would think that after hooking the 4th survivor - going after any of the 3 previous survivors would be considered "tunneling". Like don't get me wrong, I'm more than certain entitled players will accuse the Killer of "camping" and "tunneling" regardless how the game works, or what the killer does, but that doesn't define the definition of what tunneling actually is.
Unfortunately if you apply DS to not activate on all grabs, then tunneling will be very easy for killer. Which is also why balancing this perk is so difficult, because it's so easy to abuse. He would just time to grab you from a window, or pallet vault. Stealth Killers like Ghostface would easily just grab you from a gen instead of downing you off hook.
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That's what happens at rank 20. It's really nothing to brag about.
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"We at BHVR understand your concern with DS and decide to improve it since it was under performing with new survivors."
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Only me every game on red-purple rank play around DC and get 3-4k? Almost every time 3-4 people have DC which means "dead perk" for them.
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just because you don't like the perk doesn't mean it ruins the game for everyone
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All I want is for DS to get deactivated if you unhook someone or if you start fixing gens
DS should be a anti-tunnel perk, not a unstoppable survivor perk
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I think DS is super necessary to combat tunneling but I think it should be deactivated while doing certain actions:
Doing generators, Totems, Sabotaging, When you get fully healed, When you have the Endurance effect applied
No need for lockers if the others apply because they can't do anything anyways if they get out but it would prevent slugging
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Yup survivors are so invincible that you cannot touch them or down them at all.
If you take the stun and hook them again they will self unhook immediately. Yep they are very invincible.
DS is not ruining the game, bad killers are.
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Tunneling is ruining the game tbh
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I agree with everything you said but the devs won't touch DS again. Survivor is 4/5ths their customers. If they take out DS, while I think it will make the game better overall, the game will die. If DS was nerfed properly SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many survivors would suck at the game. There's a large amount of players who can't win without crutch perks. They would review bomb the store page, shotgun the forums with "change it back" threads or they would stop playing. Even the devs aren't dumb enough to piss off most of their customers buying their useless cosmetics.
As much as I want DS fixed, I don't expect it to ever happen. I'm actually surprised it got reworked to what it's at now. The only way I can picture the devs truly nerfing DS is if no one was playing killer. While it's at a low right now, there are still some left.
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Yeah DS is easy to counter and to avoid.
But like NOED on the flip side, it is just a perk in the game. Perhaps we don't like facing it but there are counters and it is in the individuals right to play the perks they want.
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If DS deactivates when someone else go hooked I would be very satisfied. Most of the time the unsluggable and unpickable survivor calls my attention after I hook another survivor and after the down he still has DS.
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Maybe if hitting someone didn't rocket them across the map and out the exit gates I'd go after someone else.
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Its powerful yes but not op. Killer main btw
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last night this guy was messing with me the enire game. I didnt even care about the game anymore just wanted him him hooked......he gets unhooked stands still. so I hit him and he gets his little invincibility. Runs to the exit gate. I knock him and grab him but wait he just breaks free lol.... That game pissed me off. Was having good games before that tho. Its just stupid.
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