Since Killers like to brag about 4k'ing with broken stuff..

Let me do the same on Survivor Side once and hopefully you realize how stupid it is. Been seeing too many threads from Killers where they 4k while using a mori with the strongest add ons and think they are good or when they're proud of making others DC by facecamping, tunneling and slugging.
It's ridiculous how you can turn the match in your favor easily by bringing a certain item with add ons or offering (survivor/killer sided map or mori) so you might as well stop with these posts where you stomped a team or killer and had to rely on that stuff in order to win.
Yes i am doing the same here now but it's just an example. It was clearly over for the Killer from the beginning with all this stuff we brought in.
Who was bragging about 4k'ing with broken stuff?
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You'd be surprised. I remember seeing people bragging about a 4k against a "sweaty toxic swf" with 4 blink/omegablink ruin noed nurse, prayer beads spirit, even insta-huntress with old tinkerer back in the day.
It was, and still is, pointless. Imagine bragging you only lost 1 gen with old forever freddy.
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One of the more recent cases was when someone facecamped and slugged with NOED as LF, basically trying their hardest to make the game as unfun as possible for Survivors and being proud about it & post it here afterwards.
Then you occasionally get a Killer here who does exactly what i said. Bringing a mori with the strongest add ons and a mori only to brag about 4k'ing as well as complain about the Survivors not following the killers own made up rules to justify it.
Would rather not have to mention names tbh.
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Lmao, you can literally see me running Detective's Hunch to prevent that from activating since they all run it now.
Still doesn't change my opinion that it's a stupid perk and could use a requirement from the Killer rather than getting rewarded for being bad.
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'grats. You bullied a rank 10 with 3 toolboxes and a key and you feel proud enough to make a thread about it.
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The thing is.
If a Killer is camping someone or tunneling while ignoring the rest, you are forced to rush gens and won't have the time to do totems as well. The other day i was the one being tunneled and barely bought them enough time to finish the last gen but Killer gets rewarded with NOED after and wins by slugging them with it. Most NOED gamers rely on camping/tunneling the first guy they find and hope to get the rest with it since they won't have time to do totems as well.
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If survivors bring a bunch of toolbox then the only way for the killer to even the playing field is to bring a mori. Survivors bring stuff to make gens go faster, killer needs to bring stuff to make kills go faster.
1 or 2 survivors with toolbox. Bring an ivory.
3 or 4 survivors with toolbox. Bring an ebony.
That makes the match fair. Otherwise the killer is at a disadvantage since gens already go fast enough without tool boxes.
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I think you are interpreting it kinda wrong tbh.
Someone is happy that they 4ked against a toxic opponent, thats not really the same as bragging.... and usually its about beating a team that is equally well equiped if not argueable better.
Not to mention a well equiped survivor team is infinitely better then a well equiped killer.
You however played against a baby killer....
The same threads do happen both ways though, a survivor team beating a toxic killer against the odds is also proudly shown on these forums every now and then.
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Classic eye for an eye I see, very nice line of reasoning.
But it's your right to abuse the busted stuff in the game, it's its fault after all, as a Spike myself I think you should do whatever you think it takes in order to "win"; I just dislike the fact that instead of trying to have a competitive attitude you are dressing this style like a petty revenge.
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2 Rank 1s, a rank 2, and a rank 4 against a rank 10 Huntress with extra hatchets and reload speed.
Honestly the only way that'd be vaguely unusual is if they brought Irri head, Infantry belt and a Mori.
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Ur just a toxic entitled survivor main u should be crucified!!
u do u fellow Gamer
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We're reaching new levels of pettiness here that I didn't think we're possible
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You could at least make a screenshot with a high rank killer. If it was a spirit with a mori, you would even find sympathy. So basically you did your 4 escape bragging thread wrong.
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Nice. 100% broken as it can be. 4 man swf with toolboxes bnps and key against loopable killer. It was damn easy to just spread out and fix safe gens somewhere at the corner of a map leaving killer 3 gens but still escaping ... Perfect example .
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ehmmm... no? You can even pick the gens you finish to have the best possible setup for the last gen. And then you can cleanse totems even if the camped guy already died.
I also don't think that MOST Noed users tunnel as bad as that. I even see enough people that play completely fair without tunneling anyone off the hook, because they know they get some more downs at endgame. It is really not like every single NOED game is the same. I more got the impression that people like to think "if 4 survivors reach endgame, the killer is bad. period" and then blame the NOED
And actually this is the first "I stomped other team" thread that I cicked into. Is it really that common to make a "counter" thread?
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Entitled survivor mains don’t really exist in any greater quantities Than entitled killer mains.
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RIP Huntress..
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Bad wording because my english isn't the greatest. What i'm trying to say is it's a very popular perk choice for those Killers who play like that. Because that way you get it to activate the majority of the time especially against a solo team.
Once again, the screenshot is only used as an example of what the Survivor equivalent would be of those match results that Killers post from time to time. Don't have anything against this Killer nor do i think it was a special accomplishment since we had all these items, it was just the best example.
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Nice, turning this into a noed discussion thread eh?
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I dont get this, i would hardly call this stomping the killer considering you got under 20k points with all that, I mean if you was at the top of the scoreboard yeah but its not that impressive. Not being a downer or anything or trying to be disrespectful just saying. Also technically take away your escape points and you have just about the same amount of killer points.
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Thread about four people SWF with brand part toolboxes and key bullied rank 10 killer. Really toxic.
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So, you are making a thread, mocking people who likely haven't been on the Forums in 6 months.
Anyway, I 4K'd 25 games in a row with Legion at Rank 1 a month or so ago. Does that mean I'm playing OP Killer with broken add-ons?
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Ok bro you dont play survivor, leave this to intellectuals who actually play both sides because there are a lot more factors to dull totems, its a waste of time, they can be hidden, it may be hard to tell if there are any left, god i hate people who only play one side
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Bro its sad that that huntress probably played good, seeing as green rank killers are equal in skill to almost red rank survivors, she probably got likr 6 hooks
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"Guys look at me! I bullied a rank 10 killer with my swf! GG EZ indeed baby killer"
-Op probably
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Played against you before as well, just saying.
Stop being bad at the game and begging devs to nerf Survivors more.
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Did you not read the title?
That's the whole point he is making here.
Survivors can also use overpowered stuff and then brag about it like some killers do. That's what he is saying here.
Kinda funny seeing people here who either didn't read or have some kind of problem understanding what the post says.
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I have no idea who you are,also when did I beg devs to nerf survivors "more" ?
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Welcome to Dead by Daylight, where pettiness and toxicity transcends all planes of existence.
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I usually do not have any problems cleansing totems.
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Lmao I didn't make the thread, I was responding to someone on this thread.
And no, it doesn't. Especially if it was recently; Legion needs all the add on help they can get. Old nurse and un-bugged spirit, though, didn't.
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First of all, you bullied a rank 10 player as a rank one with toolboxes and a key. Good job, you should be proud of that hard won victory. Secondly, you claim in other comments that "all killers run NOED" in an attempt to perk shame them, when even in your example picture the killer didn't even have it. Great job.
Also. You didn't prove how "stupid" it is to brag about bullying someone with OP addons. All you did was prove how petty you are, and how busted SWF is. Both sides have access to busted things. But SWF + BNP turns this game into a bully simulator. And the funniest thing about all of this? A 3 toolbox team like yours is exactly the kind of team a killer should bring a mori for. If survivors are allowed to speed up generators then the killer should be allowed to speed up kills.
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My sentiments exactly.
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That's fair, I didn't look and I apologize.
Yeah, I did that run about a month ago.
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I don't think killers brag when they win with that stuff. Survivors on the other hand...
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No killers are on here bragging about 4k'ing with broken stuff.
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Except for that No Ed is still rewarding the killer for doing nothing. Just because you can prevent it doesn’t take away the fact that you can literally afk and get it to proc.
Prevention does not mean skilled.
Imagine if Adrenaline pro cc’d from your hooks. Would be something else wouldn’t it?
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I love seeing all the hypocrite salty killers rn lol. Well done OP. I dont take killers seriously when they post the "I 4kd against toxic survs" like really bro? A toxic surv does nothing but butt dance. A killer can use actual game mechanics to ruin a match. Most of them will bully the easiest surv and tunnel him to death. Even if it's obvious hes low rank. ######### can a surv really do? That's right. Pretty much nothing but butt dance.
It's sad killers feel so oppressed and victimized that they are proud when the play with the most boosted stats and items. And they can always forever say they lost not bc they got outplayed but bc the game is always surv sided.
Keep complaining about swf when more than half your games are against the shitstorm that is solo.
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Hm I dont see any broken stuff there honestly, if you know how to apply pressure and how to play your Killer properly then it would be possible to kill all 4 of you there. Seeing the huntress using Iron Maden and the yellow faster reload addon together shows that she definatly dont play alot of huntress... so most likely she wasnt good. To make it clear, Iron maden and the addon dont stack.
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Wow not only did the bait threads get through, but they made a person post another thread as a serious response 🤣
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Congrats you have shown you can sink to the level of those you despise. Great post!
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LOL, exactly. Glad to see you understand.
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Omg dood lol. It's not swf that's busted its ######### matchmaking and op items that apparently only killers are allowed to use. How many times do survs get ######### over bc matchmaking and ranking didnt give us all good survs? How many free wins have killers gotten to take advantage of that? You're soooooo bias.
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So like why can't we just let them be happy about getting a win? Why do we need to make a whole post saying "yeah I know you're happy, but I hate that you're happy so here's actually why you shouldn't be that happy". Just let them be happy with their wins.
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Notice how no one here really engages with you or votes up a single post you make on these forums? It's because your points are biased and unearned, given you have no experience at all in this game. You new guys come on here crying about Mori's and NoED and calling intended mechanics toxic, while conveniently absolving yourself of all associated toxicity.
If it's that hard for you to play Survivor, why don't you play killer for a few days, consistently. See how the other side lives, especially at high ranks, instead of speaking from a place of ignorance?
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Dude what the ######### are you bragging about, you just beat a rank 10 huntress using toolboxes with BNP.
Like, come on, I would kinda comprehend your point if that huntress had brought some crap like iridescent with infrantry belt, but she brought a pretty average build
Jesus, this post is making me cringe so ######### hard.
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So your solution is to justify those posts by showing how OP and broken survivor stuff can be?
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Yeah, I guess I am using broken common add-ons on demo
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ita always a true testiment of your skill when you need overpowered stuff t obe able to win.
just had a Wraith game on the Disturbed Ward against a SWF (their behavior made it wuite obvious they played together) and they literally were only able to win against me by using a skeleton key (ash had it and suddenly everyone started running around trying to locate hatch when one died to their 3 gen. and when ash found it, suddenly nea, the last remaining survivor at that point, literally ran straight over there. and yes they noisespammed me to make sure i understand how they had outplayed me like true rank 1s and that i had lost).
thats just as sad as those killers running red mories, tunneling you off the hook and insta moriing you with 4 or 5 gens left.
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"It's ridiculous how you can turn the match in your favor easily by bringing a certain item"
playing survivor is an advantage
playing SWF with no perks or addons is still an advantage over a mori-noed killer.