What is the purpose of BORROWES TIME?

What is this perk for? An anti tunnel perk? And anti camping perk? Is its purpose to punish camping? If yes, why are stealth killers not getting punished? If no, why are non stealth killers getting punished?
Someone explain to me why it was smarter to stick the effect to terror radius instead of actual distance to the hook
its a perk for hookfarming without getting punished.
and quite honestly, this does not need another buff.
at least allow some killers to be able to counter this perk..
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Killers are designed to catch up with survivors no matter how good they are, ballets will run out at some stage anyway and you will catch up always, question is why would you target the guy getting unhooked!
so how to counter it? hit the other guy while he is unhooking and now both are injured so chase the new guy, allow the player got unhook to play a bit? is that bad?
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The way to counter bt is to not tunnel or camp in the first place then the perk is useless and you won’t get hit with it. For it to activate you have to be in the killers terror radius. So saying “at least allow some killers to be able to counter it” is pointless. ALL killers have a counter to bt......just move away from the hook.
but if you just want an easy kill where you don’t have to do anything but stand in one spot and take 1 swing as soon as someone is off hook then by all means go right ahead.
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*hooks a survivor and turns around to leave or maybe kick a gen nearby*
-> someone literally starts unhooking them in my face
-> i hit the unhooker, but they get the animation done
-> BT guy bodyblocks for the unhooker
-> i am forced to go for the guy that just made a huge distance, as the other one has DS and is probaply already sprinting at a locker
-> i just got heavily punished for their massive misplay and lost all progress i had previously made
but yeah, just dont tunnel, 4Head.
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I use it to secure safe hook saves for the Benevolent emblem.
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This right here. I have a problem with BT because it encourages these kinds of plays. You're not camping, you just hooked the guy and he gets a free pass. Then you have dedicated servers that throw a wrench into it. I swung at an unhooker from behind, yet the server decided, 'no,' and had the hit register for the hooked survivor, completely bypassing the unhooker.
Personally, I feel BT should have some kind of token based system. Maybe requiring a certain amount of safe unhooks, or heals, before activating. Or if the unhooked survivor is hit, the rescuer receives the damage. At least something that actually makes it a risk, and not a free pass.
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You have to bait the unhook.
Unhook only until the bar reaches 90% then let go, it still sends the "Unhook" notification to the killer, bringing him out of stealth, get the unhook and BT is activated.
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Technically wouldn't DS or Unbreakable be better anti-tunneling perks at this point? DS counter picking you up and unbreakable counters being slugged?
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It's definetly more consistent than borrowed atm.
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I'm surprised people are even running it now, Unbreakable and DS seems much more effective and have the added bonus of preventing slugging to boot.
I think this is why the devs aren't that interested in addressing BT right now, there's too many second chance perks as it is.
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...not really? you got 2 hits off of that, someone in deep wound, and that survivor who hook rushed was obviously not on a gen so that only leaves 2 people on gens. if anything that’s extremely good for the killer, unless youre in endgame and the exits are open.
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Nope. That's what I do. If a survivor goes for the save, and I am still in close range. I go for the savior, because most likely, the one getting unhooked is an innocent victim of someone's stupidity.
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it should be based on distance
people who disagree just want muh ohpee toxic survivors to be weaker
its just consistent game design
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Again, guy is hooked, so you run up with killer still there and do unhook cause ohpee toxic sURvIvOrS can do that :)
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they already can, its only undetectable, like freddy who are immune to it
its inconsistency at its finest
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This is a question many of us have asked.
Some killers and insidious could still negate its use even before undetectable was a thing.
It is why there have been posts for a long time asking for it to be distance based rather than on terror radius.
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But there are killers who counter it
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It's a survivor perk that allows them to remove any map pressure that killer might have atm
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This doesn't make sense. U aren't applying map pressure by camping the hook.
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For the killer its bad injured guy can still do gen so for the killer its better to kill the guy that is already injured
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Yupe then they come and complain about DS and its OP, people should learn how to have fun and stop sweating, a hit is a hit, this guy or that guy you get their hit points, if you lost the game you didnt lose the million dollar contest, if you won the game you didnt win the world cup, just make some points, have fun, say gg at the end of the game and move into the next, stop being sweatlord and stop being salty
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You are not making sense. I never said anything about camping.