Do you guys make a mori first list?

Let's say a toxic survivor just did toxic stuff in game and in postgame chat, if you see their names again in the next lobby or somehow memorized it, would you bring a mori or make their lives harder?

I'm tempted to do so, people just called me out for camping a survivor in Endgame. Even called out my play time


  • Big_Trash_Panda
    Big_Trash_Panda Member Posts: 72

    No as I don't use Moris.

    Another problem with Moris its the go to move when bad blood happens, "next time I see this guy i'm gonna mori him, muhahahahaha" So you got the BS that is dead after first hook + added salt.

    If i encounter that kind of certain survivor mentality (survivor rule book), I don't wan't to mori them, I want nothing to do with them, using a mori would still require putting effort in to play killer for them, i'd rather send them back to the survivor que.

    Survivor wait times are the real killer............

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    sometimes but mostly when the survivor is hot garbage (like dcing on first down, sandbagging, etc.) but i don’t actively search them down to do it

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    If I see a key I equip a mori and kill them asap.

    Other then that I rarely use them.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Nah. I think it's pretty sad that some players keep a "mori list." Just move on.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I cannot remember which survivors I have a hate boner for. After awhile they all kind of meld together into a big pool of douche. Honestly I just sporadically use a Pink Mori when I’m feeling slighted by my last game, a Green Mori if I feel I see a problem child, and a Yellow Mori if I’m on a hot streak and want to turn survivor hard mode on.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I rarely remember anyones name after a game.

    So, no. It doesn't apply to me

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No? I don't have any reason to remember player names, regardless of what they do in-game.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    only if the following criteria is met

    1. I brought an Ivory mori
    2. the survivor was extra toxic (teabagging at pallets, flashlight clicking, and/or being a bad teammate)
    3. they don't reach struggle on first hook. It'd be a waste on someone on death hook
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671


    Just giving karma a helping hand.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    The best way to get mori'd by me is to just be really bad at hiding. My thought process is simple.

    "I want to use a mori this game."

    I don't tunnel either because my killer side attention span is really, really poor. Show up twice and be dead.