Survivors ducking lobbies~

Just a general thought I had and wanted to get some community feedback.
If survivors could see which killer was locked in their game, would they start dodging lobbies? Which killers would you avoid? Do you think they would bring in specific tools and perks to help them against a specific killer?
With queues as they are I doubt many survivors would dodge lobbies if they knew who the killer was.
If lobby times ever improved, I'd guess spirits, freddies and legions would get dodged more often than others.
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Yes. Certain killers I know are going to tunnel me a lot harder than others despite the fact I get tunneled to hell anyway. I am not dealing with a Freedy while playing Claudette period. I have seen i happen too many times. They will be in a chase but if they see me, they're leave it. I've seen one stop their mori when they saw me walk by just to run after me and mori me. I've had Freddy's hunt me down to hell, ignoring everyone else just to kill me and sat there in my 4 man group watching them allow everyone but me to farm despite the fact I was the one who brought BPS and no toolbox. Just no. ######### Freddy and if I had the option to not deal with any of them I would take it.
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Yes they definitely would. And this is just me going by the immediate disconnects I get when some Survivors see I'm playing as Doctor or Hag or Nurse.
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They would dodge Killers they don't like to play against and counter the ones they choose not to dodge.
Every Trapper would play against Small Game.
Every Hag would play against flashlights.
Every Doctor would play against Calm Spirit.
Every Ghostface would play against Spine Chill. So on and so forth.
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I figured the response would be like this. I’m new to the community so I was a bit shocked to see some people really giving others a hard time for dodging lobbies full of SWF set ups or keys. Seems to me that if survivors had the appropriate information they would also react/adjust/leave, just like the killer would.
Anyway, appreciate the responses. Personally, I would dodge pig. She always jump scares me and I have the worse RNG so...POP!
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It's fairly rare for people playing a casual game like DBD to be the type who enjoy a challenge, so many will take the easy way out if presented with that option, regardless of what role they're playing. And even if they don't dodge, it makes sense to use all the information at your disposal to be as prepared as possible for the match ahead, which in this case would just be too great an advantage.
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I don't think we should see the killer. Having four survivors load up Calm Spirit every time I load Doc would end all Doc use.
I do think we should be able to see the name of the player though. If it is someone you know is really toxic, you can avoid that person. It would lend to having to pay for your rep. Example: There are roughly 5 I know I'd dodge. These people outright admit the only reason they play the game is to try to upset other players and ruin their enjoyment of the game. They don't care about BP or pips, just being as toxic as they can be.
I'd rather avoid those players.
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This is why you can't see what killer your up against. Also I think survivor que times would get worse because people WILL dodge killers they don't like. It's already been proven. Look at all the people who suicide on a hook.
No one would play against bubba because they expect basement face camper
No one would play against Nurse cause there's that small chance it's a god nurse
Billy/Huntress/Spirit won't find games because they are strong killers.
Doc wouldn't get games because so many survivors suck against him
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While I agree in theory, if you play against certain players a lot and know what killers they favor, you could still alter loadouts to counter their go-to killers which still gives an advantage to survivors that they don't really need.
I gotta be honest, I fail to see how a killer can ruin the game that much for a survivor. Even if they facecamp, you ######### on hook, they are penalized because now they can't get 2 other hook actions from you, leading to a likely entity displeased or at best brutal killer, and you're in another game long before their game ends. Even killers being toxic backfires on them.
Survivors on the other hand can make a killer's life miserable for a lot longer by just refusing to do gens and continually bullying the killer with flashlights, body blocking, sabotaging hooks, etc. until a killer either remembers they can open the exit gates or they disconnect for a penalty.
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You can already see who you're facing on Xbox and Pc, not sure if it works on Playstation aswell. The amount of times I've gotten a Message getting asked to farm and they sure do disconnect if they don't like facing me.
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nah, it woudnt happen, because:
Doc -> ok, everyone have Calm Spirit
Spirit -> ok, everyone have Iron Will
Hag -> ok, everyone take out flashlights
Plague -> ok, DH, no healing perks, DS, BT and genrush/ Vigil/ extra survival perk
Trapper -> toolboxes/sabo/trap tracking perks/DH
Any stealth killer -> Spine chill
and so on xD
A lot of killers or their unique playstyles (for example, spooky Myers) would instantly die.
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What about Nea? Would you dodge her?
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Absolutely. Survivors used to be able to see killer profiles. Queues were much longer but most would rather wait than play against legacy nurse.
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I would dodge any Plague, Hag, Freddy and Oni lobby. I hate those killers. I wouldn't dodge doctor, I'd just load up Calm Spirit. :)
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I'm not a fan of bing bong...
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Survivors would definitely tailor their perks if they knew what killer they were playing. Way too big of an advantage.
I'd probably avoid anyone playing Wraith, cause most Wraiths like to go invisible and camp.
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I actually like not knowing what killer you're about to face because it could be any of them. I'm thrilled when it's certain killers I like and disappointed when it's killers I don't really like. (I don't DC tho which is good)
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If they knew i was Wraith, i'm going to be forced to equip Franklin's Demise, cause they'll abuse the ######### out of his current bug.
Also, i'll never see an Object of Obsession again, which saddens me.
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I think people dodge killers they find miserable to face far more than ones they find a challenge. I personally despise Plague. I've never had a fun game against one. While I love facing Billy. He's honestly the perfect killer to me.
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I would NEVER dodge, I want to play, but if I knew which killer I'm going against I'd just pick perks based on that, so...
Now, right now, I hate waiting 10+ mins to get in a lobby, I would never dodge cause of this... But, even if this was fixed, I wouldn't cause I like the challenge
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I'd be flattered 🤭
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I would respectfully disagree. The killer can do more to ruin the experience than anyone. I started as a survivor main. Played about a year and had many a nights ruined as the victim of constant tunneling or hatdcore camping. I'm talking being zeroed in on from the start to where I could not do anything in a game but sit on a hook. Many of those killers expressed their intent to avoid any care of BP or pips and only wanted to ruin the experience for as many "whiney survivors" as possible.
So between that and the sad BP differences, I switched to killer and have zero regret for the past 2 years. I can't remember the last time a group of survivors ruined my enjoyment through attempts to be toxic. Maybe when I first started and I would sweat over performing well. After a couple of months I realized I could still get lots of BP vs super toxic SWF.
As killer vs 4 man hit squad toxic SWF I can get well over 20k BP and rarely no kills. As a survivor with a hard core basement insidious Bubba I could get less than 1k and feed a troll pos his enjoyment by watching me die on one hook. I have to hope the team of solos have BT and can coordinate well enough or I'm done.
Nope, I'll take the killer role and lots of BP for 500 Alex.....
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Interesting Warlock. Maybe I'll contemplate a switch. I do feel a bit guilty though when I've played killer and someone dies. I know, I know. :)
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The only time I'd dodge a killer is if I've already played the killer several times or if it was plague and I wanted to do a healing build, but I could see a lot of people dodging spirit, freddy, ghostface, seeing they're considered to be the most annoying/boring killers to go against. And if they were to endure the pain those killers can bring, they'd probably bring iron will against spirits for obvious reasons, genrush stuff against freddy since he's known for his immense generator slowdown (despite the nerfs), and probably information perks, denial perks and healing perks against ghostface since a lot of ghost faces like to use sloppy butcher and nurse's calling to deny healing.
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Honestly I don’t think it matters. I’d just do what survivors do so killers don’t dodge. Have one killer instead of survivor w tool box or flashlight out till the last few seconds and switch. Then they can either DC and take the penalty or deal w it.
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i would dodge every single freddy and doctor.
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Here's some food for thought: what if you could see the killer, but as a trade-off you couldn't change your load-out once you're in the lobby? That way there is no deliberate countering.
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being able to see which killer would help people with emetophobia or those who have a fear of electricity (me lol) but it will probably be taken advantage of unfortunately
i would bring calm spirit for doc and avoid the chainsaw dudes because i honestly am not good enough to play against them
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Again, if a camping Bubba is going to not leave the hook, you can just ######### on hook, ends the game for you, screws the killer even more than camping is going to, and you're off to the next game. Worst thing that happened to you is losing an item and if the bubba was planning to camp you as you say you were losing that anyway. Even in this way you keep your BP as opposed to a DC.
Your logic gets even less coherent when you claim you switched to killer main and suddenly stopped caring about doing well, so they can't ruin the game for you. Well by that logic why did you care so much about playing survivor to the point that a camping Bubba was so toxic to you? See the double standard here? If you are a killer main trying to do well a toxic SWF 4-man is going to be a nightmare, if you are a survivor trying to do well a camper is probably going to be a nightmare. The difference is a survivor can get into the next game the minute they die, survivors are stuck with a toxic SWF 4-man until those survivors decide they want to leave.
Bottom line at the end of the day survivors can just yeet out of a game they don't want to be in anymore, while a killer is literally at the mercy of survivors to finish the gens until they can leave the game outside of a DC.
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They absolutly would, and that's why the Killer is hidden from survivors. It would be too powerful for survivors to know the killer they are going up against, or what the killer is taking into the trial.
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I can honestly say I've never found myself at the mercy of the survivors. Both sides can be toxic, at least as killer you get rewarded significantly more BP for your efforts.
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Some would, but unfortunately I think you're giving the community too much credit by generalising there. I suspect that a lot or even most of those who dodge specific killers, or would dodge them if this were implemented, do so because they never learned to play against that killer and think they're "too OP". I can easily imagine people dodging killers like Spirit, Oni, Freddy, Hag and even Nurse or Billy for that reason.
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I'd dodge the chainsaw boys, I hate going against them lol and I'd definitely change perks depending on the killer, like Iron Will for the doctor.
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I'd dodge bubbas all time. Red rank bubbas are so gross.
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Oh some certainly would. But I know given a choice, I'd rather face Freddy, Billy, or even Spirit than I would Plague, or Legion. I honestly believe people would dodge killers because they find annoying far more than because their powerful.
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It was already shown to happen when the game came out.
Survivors in the past could see the profile of killer players on steam and since there wasnt that many they could check achievements to see who they played the most and block those on Steam who may have camped and use the info to help counter the killers power.
I was glad when it was changed and still hope that seeing survivors profile's will be removed also.
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They would change perks and items and also addons. The idea of not knowing Ur killer gives an unexpected thriller / fear. Not knowing what's locked inside that map with u gets u on the edge of Ur seat.
Also, if I knew there was a doctor or pig with me in the lobby, I wouldn't leave the lobby .... I would just pull the plug off my PS4🤣🤣 seriously .
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Thankfully traps will no longer be able to be sabotaged with the next update
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Personally I wouldn't based on the killer but rather based on my fellow survivors I will dodge. If there's multiple flashlights and bright clothes I'm nopeing the hell out of there because I've had so many matches where I die at end game on first hook because of reckless plays from clickyclicky teabagging neon Megs and Neas.
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I probably wouldn't dodge, but no doubt I'd bring stuff like Calm Spirit vs Doc and such because.. why wouldn't I?
In the past there's a particular player I'd dodge if names were visible too, as they had a hate boner for me for some bizarre reason. But I don't think they play anymore.
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I would dodge hag 100%. Any smart survivor would alter their perks if they get a particular killer. I don't think people would knowingly face a spirit and not equip iron will.