The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Will this be the last chapter?

Just wondering and would like to gather the communities thoughts on the matter. Frankly I think that they could have stopped 3-4 chapters ago and bank it all for a sequel or something (down the line of course).

Honestly, I would much rather be done with new content for this game in favour of the games health. If Behaviour was desperate to release something new, make it a "Paragraph", like Leatherface or Bill.

Again, just my thoughts and opinion. Would love to hear everyone elses thoughts on the matter.


  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    Probably not, they have a lot left i’d assume. Besides if there ever is a final chapter i’m sure the devs would announce it and call it “The Final Chapter” or something like that. I don’t want it to happen cause i’ll cry but it will eventually.

    Also like @Divine_Confetti said, i’m for sure there’s gonna be some kind of sequel, or updated version of DBD once the new consoles come out. It would just have to be really good or have something going for it to stay relevant though.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Yeah, this it. Cowboy rides us off into the sunset.

    We done yeed our last haw.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm pretty sure they're not even thinking about sequels yet. Peanits said something the other day on stream to the effect of "if there is a sequel, I hope it won't happen for a very long time" which makes me think it's not currently in the works. Right now, it seems like they're still very much in the swing of releasing new chapters, new Tomes, etc. I think there's still a lot more they want to do with this game before they even think about developing a second iteration.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    I really think they'd have to make a goddamn amazing sequel to get people excited to lose most the roster, skins, perks, and everything else they acquired over the years.

  • Big_Trash_Panda
    Big_Trash_Panda Member Posts: 72

    Is there more money to be made with more chapters ? I believe so, so yes there will be more chapters if that is the case.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I wish it is, it will not be.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    I don't have a problem with more killers. I'd be cool if there was eventually a couple hundred killers. But I do wish they would put more effort into things besides killers. For instance, it is way past time for alternate game modes to be introduced.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416
  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49
  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723
    edited March 2020

    Just give us a new game mode already. These chapters hardly feel like new content at this point.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    There wont be a sequel any time soon if at all, you guys do realize it would cost wouldnt be worth when theres nothing they would get out of it. What actual benefit would there be?

    Almost like asking when is there gonna be a WoW sequel, probably just gonna be expansions my dude.

    Also think of it this way, how much money to reobtain allllll the liscenses for all the guest characters? Why would they do this? A sequel wouldnt be different enough to be warranted when they can just upgrade graphics, fix their code, etc.

    Not trying to be rude, but I think a sequel is highly unrealistic..for now.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    They already made a sequel and it was called Deathgarden. Instead of it being geared towards making it as easy as possible for Survivors to win they did it like it's supposed to be and made the Killer the Power role. It failed because the Survivors don't like actually having to put forth even the most miniscule of effort.

    Yea and as far as I know people with Overwatch 1 will still be playing with the people on Overwatch 2. It's looking like it's just gonna be a graphics overhaul.