I played 143 games as rank 1 and here are the results (Most frequent killers I faced)
My friend and I were debating on which killers we faced the most, so I decided to start gathering data on the killers. This data was collected from 24/02 to 06/03. All the games were played as rank 1 or rank 2 survivor, I did not include games where we faced against killers that were lower than purple ranks because that would not represent high rank killers. I have separate data collected for the games where the killers were also rank 1 or rank 2. I'll include that on the next update because there weren't that many because of the matchmaking. This data includes killers that were 8< in rank. I have played 143 games as of today and will keep collecting further data as long as I stay in rank 1 and rank 2.
Here are the results and I think there are few surprising ones for you all.
Personally hillbilly was the most interesting. I remember playing against hillbilly like every third game a year ago. Now I only faced billy four times. I also thought Spirit would've won but it was Freddy, and that Nurse would've been more frequent.
What do you guys think? Expected results or were there any few unexpected ones? Do you feel like the killers you face go with this data collected?
EDIT: My platform is PC and timezone is EU UTC/GMT +2
I think lime green was a poor choice.
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I don't face Freddy as frequently as you do, otherwise pretty accurate as I never see hag or plague
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Wow, I see Hillbilly quite often, usually P3 with insta-saw add-ons too.
I also rarely see Nurse, so I'm surprised she's not in the bottom 3.
Thanks for sharing your data :)
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Interesting data. I'm not in red ranks, so I don't get as many Freddy's I don't think. I'm in purple ranks.
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should state your platform and timezone, also there just arent many red ranks killers compared to the amount of red rank survivors, plus alot of people just stopped playing killer. interesting results, very different from mine but im guessing thats due to platform and TimeZone
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Freddy's gen pressure ability makes him the most viable killer IMO. i use him when i wanna rank up fast.
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Freddy's played more because he's the only balanced killer in the game right now. He's not weak in gen pressure, he's not weak in getting across the map quickly, he makes looping difficult, and he creates a second objective for the survivors to slow the games speed. All the while not being the best at any, and easy to counter by people who know how to.
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What platform is this? And region?
I will say I do face a lot of Freddys (Xbox, US east coast), but after that I would say Wraith, Doc, Ghostface, and Myers would be the next most.
We used to have a lot of Spirit's like 6 months ago, but since Ghostface came out he has slowly replaced them. Doc is super popular right now, both because of his rework and because of the Rift challenges. Myers and Wraith were always super popular for some reason.
Though I will say I haven't face that many red rank killers lately. A lot of killers I go against are green ranks, maybe purple, so if I were to account for that things might be different. I'll have to wait and see what your other chart says.
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Time to nerf Freddy, killers are playing him too much.
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Console or PC?
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First, before anyone lynches me Freddy is not brain dead to play. But thanks to his teleport, snares and a few addons he can give good results even if you aren't great at killer. If you are really good then of course mastering him will give you even better results. But I think that is why he is possibly the most played.
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Thanks for this very amazing contribution to the discussion. Very helpful
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Anytime you need a colour pallet expert, just give me a call.
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This is your region.
I have a mixture between literally everyone.
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I will write your name, what is your number?
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I'd be all for that...he's so boring and formulaic. He's incredibly boring to actually play too.
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It depends on the day I think. I've had days where I've faced multiple legions at rank 1 but others where I haven't seen him for a week.
On console I've had billy and freddy the most. Doctor and Trapper were popular today. Didn't face a spirit in 20 games as survivor which is surprising.
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Maybe it’s a stretch but it could be impacted by the popular streamers. After Tru did his day of GF and day of Wraith twitch/YouTube I remember facing a lot of those killers for about a week or two, it’s actually what caused spine chill to be in my base all the time now.
Simolarly I know Monto does some “odd builds,” and I see that killer a lot the day or so after even if the build isn’t the same.
I think people almost forget about killers, then they see someone playing it or face them and are like “oh yeah Demogorgon is a thing.”
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I get WAY more Hillbillies than any other killer and almost no Freddy.
You need region and platform. I'm in Aus Xbox so my Nurse stat is going to be lower than your Plague after all.
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Yeah hillbilly was weird. I used to have the same experience versus him like you do, but now after a break and starting this, it hasn't happened. Nurse was kinda weird also while gathering the data. Of the 50 or so first matches in the beginning I didn't face nurse once, then suddenly faced her like 5 times out of 10 games and then again 50 or so games not facing her.
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I feel the freddy one was weird as many people have reported not facing him as much as I did, and also I didn't face hillbilly almost at all, when some people face him all the time in reds.
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Thanks for reminding, I forgot! I added the edit now. PC and GMT +2 EU. The games were usually played between 6pm-4am
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Probably why most of the actual red rank killers were exactly freddies, im gathering different data of just red rank killers but its taking longer to get more results
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Im collecting separate data on just red rank / only rank 1 killers and now it seems that almost 40% of them were freddies. Im going to collect more data to get bigger results and update in the future
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With the way matchmaking is going, I’d like to see a scatter plot showing the various ranks of each killer you faced. For example, you faced 23 Freddys, but how many of them were red rank?
The reason I bring this up is because you may have been going against a lot of casual players. We would probably see a trend of a select few red rank killer characters, as these players are intentionally trying to be competitive against survivors of your skill level.
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Forgot to add that info. Edited it in now, EU GMT+2 and PC. Like you said red rank killers are only a few but im still collecting separate data on them. Freddy is interesting because out of the 35 or so red rank killers ive faced, almost 40% were freddies. That being said, ill still collect more data. maybe 100 or even 200 red rank only killer games but it'll take a while. Ill update this when that's ready
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added the info now. EU gmt+2 PC
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I answer this question here. I need more data on just red ranks but its coming maybe in a month or so.
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I remember that time when tru3 talked about GF and Wraith, we did face a lot of both. But once they realised it wasn't the killer who was good but the person behind the killer then they became less popular.
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On Xbox I see far more Spirit's than Freddy. I'd say 70% of my matches are VS Spirit. Very rarely see Freddy these days, which is a shame because all the killers are fun to play against, but it seems people only choose the killers that are 'easy'.
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Right! “Man Tru got 4K almost every game Wraith must be OP... oh wait now I just realized Tru was gonna 4K against that team with any killer.”
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And just so noone thinks I’m calling Tru the greatest player ever, a lot of other streamers could be inserted in that statement as well. ScottJund, Tofu, Otz all play weaker killers and get consistent 4K because they are good gamers and understand DBD after thousands of hours
Otz getting 4K with Trapper, Scott with Oni and so on doesn’t mean anyone can just pick them up and crush people
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The forums are funny to read. I would love to see them linked to peoples profiles so we can see exactly why they see things the way they do. It's funny when someone with less than 500 hours is complaining about doctor being op but also watches youtubers saying they are average lol
Tru3 and a bunch of youtubers will say using noed won't help you get better at the game but people who watch them will also complain that it is needed at red ranks.
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Have you seen fungoose. Had a streak 116 games 4k with plague no add ons.
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Wraith 4th?
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probably due to truetalents wraith videos where he 4k'd every time
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Ghost face is surprisingly higher than I thought because I rarely see him in games nowadays and I also play on PC at purple ranks.
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Hillbilly was the only true surprise for me in this list. Thought honestly that more people play him.