"The game is survivor sided"

4ked against 3 man swf. All swf members have over 1 000 hours and there s one solo player with 150h.
They struggled to fix 2 gens by the way thanks to "nerfed" ruin.
But i guess those survivors just did some mistakes which led them to total destruction.
The game is and will stay for me as survivor sided, because they nerfed my loved main killer for the reason "unfun to play against" (aka. for teh survivors) until they change that and ->he makes fun to play again, also for the people that have use him for more as the ordinary m1 playstyle.<-
How many general things they change in the time between, or how many other killers they buff, or survivor things they nerf in the time between I don't care, because I still have not with my choosen main the same fun as before, because he was "unfun to play against".
Until then I see every 4k post just as a troll post, because it is besides the point for me.
Edit: I should explain that 4kn are not the thing that is important for me to have fun. If I do it while I have fun, its ok, but I couldn't really care less about that.
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Few days ago I played vs Legacy Nurse with her best addons in Blood Lodge and 3 of us escaped as all survivors were good and knew how to split up.
If survivors are bad you will win blind folded as a killer, but if survivors are even decent you will lose no matter what.
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Lol, 3, 1k hour survivors and one 150 solo. I would dominate that team too. When I open the profile and see nothing but 2.5k-5k hours, that's when I know it's not going to be a fun game.
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With this 1 game sample size we can conclude that SWF has a 0% win rate and it's not a problem.
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So in order for survivors to be good they need to have 2500-5000 hours?
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"If survivors are bad you will win blind folded as a killer, but if survivors are even decent you will lose no matter what."
That s false.
So survivors need to have 2500-5000 hours to be good? I thought survivors were so braindead to play...
Yes you d dominate that team too calm down.
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Depends on the killer really. I'm used to perfect survivors, so anything less than perfect isn't going to cut it.
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Where are you getting those "SWF is not a problem " " SWF has 0% win rate" ? Clearly from other thread. Stay on topic.
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Killer player or ?
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By that logic, she's supposed to 4k every game just because she's a legacy nurse with good addons?
Obviously can't win them all.
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Killer biased mindsets are going to claim that the game is survivor sided even if they lost only once out of 100 games.
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Blood Lodge is best Nurse map in entire game so I feel you absolutely should 4k everytime in that map and in maps like Lerys you should be happy to catch even 1 survivor.
In the game I posted Nurse actually "won" the game at one point, but 1 Unbreakabill won the game for us. I didnt even get to use my Unbreakabill as other survivor had it so she would actually have to win the game 3 times before actually winning.
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So you barely escaped and you posting that as an example of " if survivors play good they will always win"?
Unbreakable has easy counter just dont leave them on a ground for long. And you can still slug if you need to but just dont leave them for long.
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What's the topic? "SWF does not win 100% of the times because everybody has some bad games"? "Look at me, I won against 3 SWF with a tag in the Steam name"?
I'm sorry but I think this whole thread is pointless, I'm happy you had a good game but that's it.
One match we cannot even watch does not make any point so this is pure masturbation in my book, not a discussion.
No input in OP, nothing, just some sarcasm about the "Surivors' mistakes" thing. Simply a terrible thread, borderline bait.
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What is this supposed to be proof of? We don't know the map that you played on and the survivors were basicly 3/4 due to one dude with 150hrs. So what is it that you try to accomplish with the thread? Devotion 9 and you act surprised that certain maps give diffrent advantages/disadvantages depending on the killer you play? o.O
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I ll read that for you . "THE GAME IS SURVIVOR SIDED". Sorry if you dont think so just pass by. But if you having the same mindset then how is this game survivor sided when 3 man party lose when they cheat? Lose so badly.
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How about you show me a screen shot of that with you playing as Clown and add a couple of toolboxes into the mix while you are at it, then you can make sarcastic posts like this one. While you're at it, make it a map like Rotten Fields too.
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This kind of thread is useless. A single match doesn't prove anything and won't convice magically people stuck with an opinion of its contrary.
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How would the game went, if you lost ruin in the first 20 seconds?
Ruin+Surveillance is really good, but a bet just like old ruin. Except old ruin only needed one perk slot.
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Are you really not getting they are making fun of you for your silly thread?
You want to counter a long standing accepted truth, established over many games...with 1 game, aka a sample size of 1...
I .... I dont even know if I should bother, you dont seem to understand any of this.
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Read the title.
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I ll read that for you. The game is survivor sided. Dont respond unless you think so. If you think so then how is this game survivor sided when killer can destroy survivors when they cheat?
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So because specific killer lose against specific build specific map that makes the game survivor sided?
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You say that those survivors were good and knew how to split up.
Then you say "In the game I posted Nurse actually "won" the game at one point, but 1 Unbreakabill won the game for us. I didnt even get to use my Unbreakabill as other survivor had it so she would actually have to win the game 3 times before actually winning."
You admit that killer won but you got carried by unbreakable but no matter that you re the person saying:
"If survivors are bad you will win blind folded as a killer, but if survivors are even decent you will lose no matter what."
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I think I understand the thread now but you really did a poor job of letting everyone know that you were interested in asking the community why/how is the game survivor sided.
For me: the game is survivor sided and needs to be the power role because each game consists of more survivors then killers. Four to One. Purely from a business stand point, it’s more important to keep 4 happy over one.
How? Well, no one clear cut answer here, it’s just an obvious thing that they have taken multiple opportunities to cripple killers and buff survivors. Enjoy your new Insta-heal perk~
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*Plays Hillbilly with ruin and discordance*
"tHeY StRuGGleD tO FiX tWo GeNs"
Yeah no ######### mr Billy main...
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Yeah I did, doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Are you actually trying to say you won against swf and they struggled to do gens is proof that the game is not survivor sided? Is that really it? There are so many flaws with that i gave you the benefit of the doubt you know.
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Exactly-The OP
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I didnt know equipping those perks will not let survivors to fix more than 2 gens.
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Old Legion got changed cause he was super exploitable and had no counterplay.
"The game is survivor sided"
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@Reborn2020 Just out of curiosity, how did you photograph the end game screen? I know what screenshots are but the way the picture looks makes me curious.
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You're playing one of the only killers that benefit from ruin, plus discordance enhances Billy's insane map pressure. You also main Billy so I presume you know how to flick and curve with the chainsaw unlike M1 Billy's.
Don't play stupid with me because I'm not dumb like most of this games community.
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Two exposure effects and an instant-down power. High mobility character. Higher rank than all the survivors, with two of them in a whole colour category below. Arguably strongest add-on combination outside of the hated insta-saw. No toolboxes, two survivors without items at all.
I'm not seeing a strong case for your argument here. And I'm of a neutral standpoint for 99% of what I say, or aim to be.
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This thread about cheaters now? Last game i played against Spirit with wallhack. No injury, no scratch marks, not in BBQ radius - he still directly teleport into me. So not only survivors "cheat"
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So? I can also play Legion and 4k, send the screenshot here and say that this game is killer sided? You see the point?
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The new Legion had also an exploit, even if it got not called an exploit but imo - to oneshot someone in a specific situation with a killer that has no vital attack while he uses his special abilitie is an exploit.
Still they were be able to fix this exploit without changing the current playstyle of the Legion. So, that shows, they can fix exploits without changing a killer if they want it and the Legion had counterplay if we take specific situations by side.
And also devs said that they changed him because he was unfun to play against. This sentence is not my invention - he got said several times by the devs.
And that means, that he got changed because a part of the survivor playerbase has dislike him. You don't need to be Einstein, to come then to the conclusion that this was maybe a survivor sided decision.
You know... Everytime survivors crowd up to nerf a killer, or a killer abilitie they have maybe success then with what they wanted to see, but they also wake up the people that were silent until then. As someone who was happy - I had no reason to be mad at bhvr. But in the moment they had put this rework to life, they had give me a reason to be mad about them and that is just 1 example.
We can the same also say about other killers and their abilities.
Some survivors maybe think that they can cry all day for a nerf, without any disadvantage - but the more they do it - the bigger the disadvantage will be for them. Because people and parts of the playerbase that have never raise their voice before, start then to do it, because bhvr makes their gaming time to a very unfun experience.
Post edited by Talmeer on0 -
What you want to say?
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Just to play devils advocate you cannot expect people to take the point you are trying to make serious with a single game. There is a fellow forum user who is taking their games (for various statistics) in 100 game intervals and even that is a drop in the bucket to the amount of games being played daily.
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So you’re saying a good killer can’t win against decent survivors?
I think even decent survivors make mistakes and also have potential to get bad maps, loops etc. just as much as a killer can.
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That person contradicts himself. He s saying "If survivors are good at least decent they will stomp any killer". But at the same time he said that game he had good teammates and they knew what they were doing. Then he also says that nurse actually won the game and that they got out only due to unbreakable carrying them out.
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There should be an option to see who is in a SWF group at the start of the game, even though you technically can already do that if the people don't have their profiles made private.
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From my experience with Nvidia I'd say you're using the screen filters to make Dead by Daylight tremendously brighter. Which when factored with your perks makes it no surprise that you got a 4k.
This thread is about you attempting to say that the game is not survivor sided since you triumphed in 1 game at high ranks with a fairly easy to play killer. However, I find that this alone does not properly address the concerns of the killer community.
You set up your perks in a way that considerably increased your odds of success and claim this disproves balance issues however you have shown us no gameplay nor have you shown us what map this game was played on either.
I'd wager you only triumphed because of your perks and filter. I'm not going to ask you to try and play hundreds of Hillbilly games with various perk builds to prove the game's balance state. But I will say that if you think you're going to convince anyone with a single post-game screenshot of you using a good perk combo to get a 4k you are sorely mistaken.
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You wish killers to win with bad setups? perkless ? addonless? Only then game is balanced?
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Killers should be able to win without using good set ups.
If killers are required to use specific set ups just to win then something is wrong.
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Finally. This is what i wanted to hear to laugh hard .
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When all 5 players are optimal, the outcome will depend on capitalizing on each other's mistakes, that solo player could easily have wiped out the group.
Dumb post imo.
On an optimal level, the game IS balanced; Especially when you're using one of the strongest killers in the game, would it be the same if you were Clown or LEgion?
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It is balanced fine on optimal level i agree but majority here thinks that the game is so unbalanced . People like Peasnt want killer to do well without perks , addons . Then they want the game to get finished before it even start if killers start to use addons. It will be like mori against solo nowdays but way way worse that people wouldnt want to play at all against such crap.
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so you just unjustify a quote because you got one match with 4k...
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if the survivor group has a weak link then its not that hard to win as a killer. in your example there was a clear weak link.
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I finally encountered 4 man swf . Almost the same result.