Let's talk about amazing things

No complaining about dbd, no salty threads. Just good things that's happened to you because of dbd. I'll go first, I've picked up drawing since I got into dbd and now I'm getting somewhat better at it.
I had the nicest back and forth with a survivor I murdered yesterday. He told me GG, I told him it was noble of him to draw me away to let the other player survive (they were together at the end game so they either both go for the exit and maybe both die or he splits off, forcing me to choose) and he was very pleasant and humble about my praise.
It was a very happy back and forth that you just don't ever see in a competitive game like this very often.
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I’ve had survivors message me when I was afk as killer asking if I was doing alright; which actually led to a decent conversation considering I was depressed at the time and needed someone to talk to. Strange match that was. It’s nice when you get the non toxic survs. Gave me some faith in the community.
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My daughter brought us into the game. And now my wife, daughter and I have a pretty strong SWF. We have a lot of game nights where we play and talk and spend time together.
Also since I switched to survivor, after long time killer, I have empathy for killers and always send gg wp. I have made many friends this way and it often ends in pleasant conversation.
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DbD got me into Saw. I own the entire series now. I'm not really good at locating good stories or movies and I was steadily getting more and more into slasher fics in general thanks to that. It really buil up the momentum into the slasher genre for me although Saw edges more to Dark Thriller. It still falls into its sphere for many.
Saw 3 was the best by the way.
I got to say that the Devs have great taste. Amanda is way more complex, interesting and actually scary than Hoffman or whatever that guys name was in the JigSaw one. I like how they capture her tendency to sneak up and suddenly grab her victims and her violent, sudden temperment with her Ambush attacks in game.
I also gave Nightmare on Elm Street remake a rewatch when I realized this freddy is meant to be based on the remake. It's actually is a pretty good movie. The scenes, lighting and the story itself are pretty decent. Too bad that they barely use freddy dream powers because when you actually watch the sets and scenes in dreams they really do capture this weird...subtle....lighting...camera work?...little things to make it feel sort of out of normality.
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I found 2 really good friends and I met one of them aldeady in real life. Couldnt imagine playing without them anymore.
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I get to experience more of my favorite slashers. Specifically Myers and GhostFace. I've also made friends with a lot of Myers and GhostFace mains who have been helping me get better at looping. They're really sweet ^-^.
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Well, most everyone here has been super nice to me and I've made some good friends on the Forums so that is pretty cool :D
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Ive met several friends playing dbd. We jump on discord and play various games. Warhammer, town of salem, payday2, vermintide, goblins inc, rainbow siege, table top simulator.
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Saw lost me after the third one. It felt like a cheesy day soap how Hoffman kept being a mustache twirling villain. Also all the characters were samey. Couldn't tell the difference between a few of the detectives honestly.
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My girlfriend and I bonded quite a bit over DbD, and enjoy sending funny DbD posts and memes to each other. We kind of compliment each other's weaknesses when we play too. She's much better mechanically than I am. I still can't moonwalk after 1.5 years of playing, and it's a miracle if I 360 a killer. She tends to not pay attention to things like underused perks though, and that's usually my field of interest. When Plague had just come out, she wondered why she kept randomly screaming. I had to explain what Infectious Fright was xD
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I'll always remember the time I got stuck as a killer not too long ago and instead of the survivors being an ass they felt bad and two killed themselves for me. Thing is my challenge was to mori survivors so i’m surprised they did that, as yes we’re friends to this day :)
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Got new friends thanks to dbd. We are a 5 person group and hopefully soon we will meet up.
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Yeah, I agree. Hoffman was everything wrong with saw I feel after the third. In the first three there is this entire philosophy and theme of life and death. Legacy binding it all together. Impending death, what will you do to stay alive, what do we do WHEN we die and what is the key thing that seperates the two. Saw had a bit of a second wind with the 6th movie because we reexplored this theme with the helath insurance victim.
And most importantly it was John Doe final wish- and so some of his philosophy shined through in it.
Then we got Hoffman who somehow can take out trained special agents with a pencil. Hoffman who is this big lumbering, generic badguy sneaking around like Michal Meyers. Hoffman who's all traps pretty much were "This is justice" and "Yeah but I didn't like them though" as oppose to Amanda and original jigsaw who believed everyone should be tested in the end.
That and after 3 EVERY...SINGLE....MOVIE...would have the same plot. There's a detective. The detective finds some clues. Victims die. Detective gets duped at the end then he dies. The only detectives that were worth anything was Tap-since he actually survived a brush with death- and that FBI guy...who COULD of been cool since he didn't give damn about death. The dude was everything Jigsaw wanted from people. That lunatic straight up performed a...what was it...triachanomnity or whatever it was with a pen on himself from an inescapable trap. He could of been perfect foil good guy for saw.
But nope. Wasted to make generic hoffman seem like a mastermind.
Sorry. Nerdgasmed there.
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It made me realise that certain games can have a negative affect on my personality.
I guess it happened with other games in the past but with the nature and toxicity of Dbd the effect was much stronger so it finally made me confront the truth.
I was irritable, anxious, neglectful of family and not sleeping well. All these thing have improved since I started playing other games.
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I've made a lot of really awesome friends, and joined really fun communites like Cahlaflour, Tru3Ta1ent, Biet, and FunGoose.
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This game being offered on ps+ for me was an amazing thing. I've spent more on dlc and cosmetics than the actual retail cost of the game, and that's great. I don't think i would have ever just purchased it off of the ps store because 'it might be fun'.
The casual nature of the game fits perfectly with my weekend-lush-who cares gaming playstyle. Matchmaking definitely has issues, and I'd like to see ps4 / xbox crossplay (help mm'ing).
Overall, I'm happy the game exists.
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DBD made me question things in other games in terms of balance and counterplay - even offline games (i.e. boss fights). It's really an interesting subject once you start listing variables such as strength of things, possible actions and reactions and their impacts on possible outcomes etc.
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Since I'm so bad at winning chases, at some point, I just stop and start twerking/tbagging, and every once in a while !! The killer will stop, nod, and go after someone else, hehe. Those are my favorite.
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Playing Peek-a-boo with Ghost Face Killers is always hilarious fun. I have made many new friends from just this game and even helped a few toxic people change their ways. DBD is amazing.
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About the only good thing i can say is this game has helped my anger management, because nothing can piss me off more.
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People post a lot of salty endgame chats, but I've personally met a lot of fun weirdos after a match. I've met more new people on DBD than any other game I've played. Although, I did have to private my Steam account to prevent salty "you proxy omega camped me by killing my friend" comments, those were still fewer than the fun meme comments I've gotten.
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Good things about DbD?
Ok, to be honest i'm very thankful for the Game. It became my favorite game. before DbD, it was Tekken for over 20 years.
It helped me trough the darkest time of my life. I met so many nice people through my twitch streams, and the Devs are such nice persons. I got the chance to meet Mat Coté last year. Such a great human. Like all the other Devs.
Thx DbD :)
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I absolutely love this game. Its one of my favorite games of all time and on par with PUBG and Dark Souls when it comes to how much time I have spent learning the ins and outs.
I definitely have more fun as a killer but sometimes playing as survivor and just messing around with the killer is a blast.
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I think that the best part of this game is fact that it brings a lot of horror fans together. Or some kind of it at least. I once played Steve, saw there were 3 girls (including nancy) so i write "ahoy ladies" (like steve said in season 3 of stranger things), and all 3 of them respond in pretty much the same time "scoops ahoy!" xD.
Or other time when i was playing demogorgon i chased survivor to the upper floor of building, he jump down... in the second i was using demo special lunge. And guess what - i learn how to fly. In the same match but later i set one portal at upper floor and go back to chasing survs. I get one of them, hook him, walk away and travel through portal to upper floor. Someone go to unhook him... and i jump from the air right in both of them xD. And i did it few more times, even once or twice i get a hit or kill. After the game all of them say "gg wp killer", so i also wanted to say something nice and tell "thanks to one of you for learning me how to fly on demogorgon", and they all laugh how funny (but also scary at first) it looks when i was flying toward them with incredible speed like rocket. These things (and people) only in DbD xD
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It's amazing how long it's taking to fix the sounds.
It's amazing that after millions of dollars in sales, simple bugs are still rampant in the game.
This is kind of fun lol
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Ill never forget. My first game on PC. I had just bought GhostFace because he was my main on console. Fortunately for me, the SwF group I matched against checked my profile, and saw my low hours. They added me to a group chat, and actually tried to help me learn to play the game. I was so in shock at the gesture, that I just went along with it. I still play with them to this day.....
Always remember folks, for every toxic ######### who teabags and flashlight spams, theres always a genuine player, whos in it for fun.
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Welp here I am to ruin the fun
*insert salty paragraph here about game balance*
And that is why I'm right....
:D ok, this is dumb...
Still gonna post. But still dumb.
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The games where we all mess around and nobody tries too hard are always nice and make the day a bit better
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Dead by daylight was my gateway to horror/slasher movie genres. Now I am a big horror nerd.
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DBD made me realise there's more to life than lobby simulator :)
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I met my best friend Sarah through Dead by daylight. Without this game i probably never would have met her. Thank you dbd devs
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I love those intimate moments with Michael when he stares deeply into your soul and then pops tier 3 and Mori’s you. I always feel blessed to have Daddy Myers put his hands upon my worthless survivor body.
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Got really into cosplay because of dbd. :)
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I got a girlfriend because of dbd buuuuuuut she left me 😂
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Since playing SWF on comms my ranking has rocketed. Now I am really in the red ranks and still can't loop well lol
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Why does survivors all way get there way
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In general, I have so many memories with Dead by Daylight in the short time I've been playing it, which is what keeps me here - the thrill of the chase is what I love in this game, which (while latency can still be frustrating) really gets my pulse racing. That's having fun.
I've also been given props for gameplay before and had nothing but positive commentary in postgame chat before. If there's a good group of survivors I'm against, I make sure to give credit where it's due.
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Met a guy 3 years ago during a funny game (i was billy he was a Dwight). messaged him a "gg" he sent me a funny meme and we have been real life friends ever since.
(Skipped a lot of the story but basically we lived close enough to one another we somewhat regularly get together outside of the PSN realm.)
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I met my wife on dbd!
just kidding. I’ve only been playing since October. No real stories. Just like to play and don’t feel a lot of pressure to win like a lot of people do.
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Yeah, I’m not a great player either, and when trolls IM me to call me trash I always say that I’d rather be a trash player than trash in real life.
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Man it's amazing how much better my life has gotten since I unistalled.
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It’s amazing how much better my life has gotten since you uninstalled, too! Talk about coincidence!!
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Dude that's amazing im so happy for you
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The new general Survivor Item changes are such a cool QoL change.
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I've run into both fun killers and survivors many times, and the game has reinvigorated the love I have for the horror genre, which I forgot I had since I mostly watched horror movies when I was younger. It's brought together me and some irl friends, giving us a real chill game to play as we just listen to music and talk. So there are definitely some positives that have come out of me playing dbd.
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Thanks for the addition to my personal folder. Here's one of my favorite Myers gifs as thanks.
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DBD was introduced to me by my now ex gf, and best friend. We used to play together with a younger guy around 13, and his squad of friends in kyf matches every single night. when that friend group eventually broke apart due to age differences and time, me and my bestie/ex gf would just play endlessly in swf together just chilling and ranking up. I will forever remember the first few weeks of playing the game and how ######### scared i was all the time. how i walked into her mirror myers and had my heart stop etc etc.
Now days almost a full 3 years later, i still play it with her frequently. I became addicted, whilst she still had her wow addiction and quickly wracked up more hrs then her or anyone else could have imagined at the time. I've made plenty of friends through this game, and seen people come and go. Survivor mains talked me through my depression, and killer mains have made me a far better survivor and person, by both critiquing and complimenting my gameplay, and teaching me how to not get mad at a video game (Not saying i get gamer rage, but i used to get pretty uppity before. I play both sides equally.)
This game introduced me to all the horrors i missed out before my time, and got me into horror whereas i likely would've been to chicken to dip my toes into it before. it gave me a place to vent my fustrations at life as killer, and to passively play the day away as survivor.
I owe this game a lot. And whilst the community might not always be the best, or most fair to one another, its one im glad and happy to be a part of as i likely wouldn't be alive and kicking had i not found this game.
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I love a good genuine scare in this game. even tho I have played this game for a really long time I still feel genuine fear sometimes. This was a good clip i got where I screamed when a ghostface sneaked up on me.
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Feel ya bro! Don't take it to heart.