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General Discussions

This game is screwed

Completely screwed. The players are at each others throats at all times, there is no 'fun', the devs dont seem to listen anymore, players are leaving, surv wait times are insane, killer matches are terrible, matching is absolute horse ----. Barely anyone is actually HAVING FUN. THE LITERAL POINT OF A GAME. This game has gone down the toilet, not a doubt in my mind.

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  • Member Posts: 258

    I'm having fun as well. Even moreso now that I know the salty Survivors can't send me hate messages after the match which probably pisses them off even more.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    How many people do you know that are not having fun? Please just speak for yourself, since i have A LOT OF FUN. And i also have no problem with queue times, killer games and i see that devs are definitly listening.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I've started to enjoy myself again on this game. I was taking it far too seriously and letting my losses get to me, and now, meh, if I die, who cares. I try to mess with killers and survivors now, and just create some fun. People are too focused on the end-game objective and miss out of fun times!

  • Member Posts: 286

    No no you have it wrong.. Just stup up and buy new dlc !! Now !!! Yeah this game is a real joke

  • Member Posts: 4,104
    edited March 2020

    The problem with DBD is that the community divided itself. Survivor mains and killer mains are the root of the issue. Both groups have no empathy for each other and have become entitled because of it. The rift challenges were a good attempt to force people to play both sides more, but I am beginning to think it didn't work.

  • Member Posts: 474

    The 'mains' I think cause alot of the issue; if more people played both roles equally, I think toxicity may go down a little. Then again, there are alot of people think that being a 'troll' is actually something to aspire to. I don't get it but I still enjoy this game very much. If the Survivors sweat all gens out in 4 minutes, open the gates and do a little dance or something. It's only as fun as you make it

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    I'm still having fun. Never stopped.

  • Member Posts: 471

    It's not the communities fault that this game is so unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    Hell yeah u right, that game died by A SINGLE NERF, "pretty good job" BHVR you screwed up the only good pressure perk on the game

  • Member Posts: 474

    Corrupt Intervention, Thanataphobia, Dying Light, Overcharge, Pop Goes The Weasel and eh..Surge I guess, to name a few lol but the perks aren't supposed to cause pressure as much as YOU are

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    Ok but tell me which one gives trapper a good reason to be played, he have no map pressure and these perks are too weak, Corrupt intervention only bocks 3 gens, thanataphobia gives only 16% on MAX lvl and they can still heal, dying light helps more survivor than killer, pop goes on the weasol needs you find a survivor first then makes pressure and it is not a lot. Also none of these perks is worth to bring as ruin was

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    The forums are probably made up of 10% of the total population.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Some Killers are meant to be played differently @USELESS. Trapper requires setup, sure, endgame snowballing with him is hilarious though. All it takes is proper trap placement and then herding them towards them. You can't win ALL the time. Again though, you seem to think the perks are supposed to do all the work and that is simply untrue, they are PERKS.

  • Member Posts: 471

    If they dont buff killers the game is over. Survivors just need to learn that actually surviving will be a rarity and take skill.

  • Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2020

    I agree with you to an extent @ApeOfMazor, alot of the Killers' POWER needs adjusting. You're supposed to be feared as Killer, bullying the Killer with DS and Head On (for example) shouldn't be a thing. Could you imagine if Diversion actually stunned if you hit the killer? Gross lol but the part I disagree with in your post is 'the game is over' because $$

    Post edited by Dpooly on
  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited March 2020

    No, actually killers have to learn that 2K on average is what the devs want for this game, and it is the way the ballance should be.

    But you might be right tho, killer mains wont accept balance, they need to have the ez 4K every round or they come here and cry like babys.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Wanna quit pointing fingers @xEa? It comes from both sides equally, 'nerf this','that's op', etc. People seem to forget that this is JUST A GAME.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I will when there is a reason to. By the way you are right, not only killers are complaining about every bullshit, survivors are not much better.

  • Member Posts: 494

    pfft..i play both sides. Survs have it far too easy and killrs far too hard. This game is bullshit at times and just full of frustrations built in with bugs and matchmakign that pits the best against the worst. Nice matchmaking. Been this way since day one and thenew MMR is goign to be like this. Same MM as now but rank hidden so you cant complain. They cannot possibly rate skill in this game. It is far too random.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Ah yes. A token "DBD is dying" post.

  • Member Posts: 94

    It’s still fun to me, screwed but still fun.

  • Member Posts: 806

    To this thread poster and everyone else who likes to complain their butts off for no reason: it's not worth it.

    Don't waste your time complaining because it won't do any good or bad.

    If you don't like the game, stop wasting everyone else's time with your complaints and leave.

    There are people who are having fun, including myself and many others who replied to this thread.

    If you don't like it, go away and never come back.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Just had a match where I played as Mr. Puddles with party streamers and we all partied and got messed up lol was alot of fun. These games are few and far between but necessary to break the monotony. Like I said earlier, it's as fun as you make it and a good chunk of people seem to just wanna stress and rush or just plain be dbags. HAVE SOME FUN!!

  • Member Posts: 822

    It didn't work because 80% of the challenges are for survivors and killers were forced to sit out, they totally ignored all feedback from the first rift and made this one substantially worse, it's honestly impressive

  • Member Posts: 494

    They boast 5 million copies sold. Where are they all? Think they all left for greener pastures?

  • Member Posts: 494

    Try running base killers. I have been. They are so pathetic it is not even worth doing unless you are a god at playig killer. We are so addon dependent it is not even funny. Ive been playing perkless and addon less and getting destroyed every single game. Killers are a joke. Points pinata's

  • Member Posts: 494

    Most of those you mentioned have conditions attached. Hooks and hits. Gotta find them first.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Overwatch has 40 million players/copies sold, alt/smurf accounts included. Where are they all? Why are the wait times pretty much the same or even longer than in DBD? Hmmmm...

  • Member Posts: 474

    @fleshbox, agreed on your second post. I mentioned above that they need to look at the Killers' powers and buff them. They did a pretty decent job with Doctor's overhaul, he's still kind of annoying because the range on Static Blast is a little ridiculous (esp. on smaller maps) but overall, eliminating the stance switch and reworking Madness was a HUGE improvement. Now if they could just tweak some other Killers to be a little more intimidating, that would be awesome. As far as the comment on the Perks I listed, isn't everything conditional? I don't quite grasp your point there, not being rude, just inquisitive.

    @Godot What does Overwatch have to do with DbD?

  • Member Posts: 806

    @Dpooly It's a comparison. Even though the games are totally different, Dead by Daylight is still doing better, at least in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 494

    I am leaving. Do you know if games can be permanently deleted? Gone forever? Never to be able to reinstall? I wasn thsi POS gone for good now. Its a waste of time and i am leaving for good.

    One less killer. Enjoy your ques come sabo buff.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    He seems to be one of the good non-toxic ones, if I remember some posts of him back in the day.

    So he will, or should at least be missed.

  • Member Posts: 806


    Maybe he will be missed by others. Not by me, though.

    Everyone that complains will not be missed.

    It gets them nowhere.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited March 2020

    Well, I have the strong believe that complaints are a very strong pillar for a solid game, if the devs make the right decisions based on those complaints.

    The gaming history is full of games which once were hated and are later loved and vice versa, depending on how serious the devs have take the complainments.

    But well, thats my point of view and I can understand it, if not everybody sees it on the same way.

  • Member Posts: 471

    What the devs want doesnt really matter if players don't want to play.

  • Member Posts: 597

    Meh i play it cause not many good asymmetrical games out there. Im looking forward to the resident evil one.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Speak for yourself.

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