Do you prefer dream pallets or dream snares?

I feel like dream snares are more powerful as they can be placed anywhere and can mess up survivors at any point in time (not just mid-chase)
But then again, seeing a survivor drop a pallet to stop me only for it to turn to blood in front of them is priceless, and makes it a lot more fun than using dream snares.
That being said, dropping a fake pallet mid-chase does kinda suck for the survivor lol.
Which one would you guys say is more powerful, and which is more fun to play with/against?
Neither I prefer wet dreams
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Snare freddy is stronger than pallet freddy
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Prefer Pallets.
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You can play around fake pallets, but snares will win you the chase no matter how good the survivor is.
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I think anyone that's a really experienced killer will tell snares. They are guaranteed to work on all maps and will shutdown loops,while pallets depend on the maps,and survs can just remember all the real pallet locations
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Snares are superior in every possible way. You can shut down loops and jungle gyms very quickly.
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Snares, as they're not restricted to only certain parts of any given map.
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I know that dream snare is stronger but I'm really bad at using it and I love to use dream pallet with Enduring + Spirit Fury combo.(Even survivor can reach to the real pallet, I still can make it suddenly disappear like a dream pallet)
So I prefer dream pallet.
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Dream snares definitely feel stronger, and those are the ones that I dislike playing against more.
When playing as Freddy I like using the Fake Pallets as I find them more fun to play with rather than the snares.
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Snares have more benefits and are stronger
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Snares are better in terms of gameplay advantage.
I like to use Pallets with Brutal Strength/Bamboozle/Fire Up in my build.
It's my "Freddy's Failure" build @_@
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Snares for sure. When a survivor ends up booking is to the ironworks window or something, its not nearly as miserable to continue the chase since they can only loop it at most 1 time.
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I prefer the snares. Pallets never feel like they actually have an effect for me, and are more "for fun", since most of the time the survivor would be hit anyways if they were in an area with no pallets to begin with.
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This! I think Snares are “better,” but the enjoyment of a survivor camping a fake pallet just to eat the hit makes me smile no matter how that game or day is going
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I prefer pallets, but it's very situational. Ever since the rework, I've never utilized the base snare. I attach an add-on to give me more BP and ignores slowing them down because I don't need it.
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Btw do pallet addons stack the number you get?
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Snares are way stronger then pallets, but pallets can be a lot of fun. For me it depends on my mood.
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I agree snares feel stronger. I prefer using them. Pallets are fun tho', so it's a nice change of pace when i use them 😀
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Pallets for sure. Even if Survivors don't fall for the pallets, the tend to just avoid all pallets in fear >:)
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Pallet freddy stops loops faster.
I guess it is a preference. I play both but i prefer pallets. They rely on pallets heavily so i love it when i get them. Drawback to pallet freddy is maps with no pallets.
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Pallets are a gimmick, you can use snares anywhere and in the middle of a chase
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I love pallets nothing brings me greater joy
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Dream pallets for solo's. Snares for swf.
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I didn't think you could be bad at using dream's the most intuitive and easy to use ability in the game lol
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Definitely snares. Dream pallets are just glorified Calm pallets, and are kind of situational. You can use snares on any kind of loop, whether it be one with a window, a pallet, both, or neither, whereas dream pallets can ONLY be used in loops with pallets.
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Snares are stronger as they can work anywhere but pallets are more fun to use. It’s really satisfying to see a Survivor run to a pallet and drop it only to realize it’s fake!
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Dream snares are more powerful, while I find pallets are more fun. So I always play snare Freddy. Because nobody's allowed to have fun when killer wants a win, including themselves.
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Dream pallets!!! But I confess the snares may have an outstanding use, as much as i read in the forum.
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I only play pallet freddy. Snares are more powerful, but boring.
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I prefer pallets because I enjoy the thought of a survivor in a nightmare scenario where they're surrounded by several pallets and only one is real. Cue intense sweating.
Also they can protect your totems if they're using Small Game.
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Snare's are so much better to use, helps cut down chase length and force survivors to use Dead Hard
Pallets don't work often if the survivor remembers what pallets were thrown down