General Discussions

General Discussions

Where does one submit a griefing ticket?

Member Posts: 112
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

So when I joined the lobby to wait for a killer I saw 3 Dwight's with matching Cosmetics and I went yea cool fair enough swf the killer won't have fun vs them but idc not my business I just want to finish my mission(unhook 12) and I waited for the killer with them.

The killer came and we all entered the match, I spawn outside in the ColdWind farm map in the edge with the solo Gen behind the sack of hay, I find myself near that Gen and decide to go find another one since I never feel comfortable on said generator.

I run to the shack that I saw during the spawn camera turn... I see the three Dwight's run into the basement together... I remind myself yea they are swf probably going to loot the chest in the basement as a threesome for some reason, I ignore them... 5 seconds later I hear a heartbeat I hug close to a locker in the jungle gym between where I spawned and the shack... "It's a Bubba! Oh cool haven't played against one today maybe he's a good one I can learn from by playing against" I said to myself as he didn't check the jungle gym for signs of life, he then went to where I spawned I was like "cool he's going to leave and waste his time searching for the Dwight's... I wonder where they went so I can regroup later" then I go to the shack and start working on the Gen... 50% progress and the heartbeat starts raising... "Damn he's coming" I said to myself as I tossed the last BBQ pringle in my mouth, I get off the Gen and he sees me and naturally you either panic run or you try to loop, I tried to loop him around the shack and truth be told Im not too great at looping (Im learning from zubat and Tru3) so I got downed as I dropped the pallet and I went "ah whatever atleast I get points even though they're little" and when I get downed I always look around with the camera to find where my teammates are and if they are near me or far from me but I found no auras at all I was like "what in fresh hell? Where are they? Distortion isn't a survivor perk"

And if you read above I mentioned the basement was in the shack.

And so down we go to Bubba's basement and as soon as Bubba got to the end of the stairs there they are forming a line behind the hooks crouching and nodding their heads.

Seeing that sight I knew they were either working with the killer or trolling seeing as how the killer didn't even try swinging his hammer at them or revving up the chainsaw at them (kinda was excited to see the domino effect on those trolls)

So I got hooked then they all ran to me to and cornered me from all 3 sides and proceeded to nod their heads to me on hook...the killer left around 60% into the hook stage, at 50% they unhooked me and naturally I would escape but I went to the back of the basement hoping the Dwight's would atleast heal me so we can go on with the game but nope here's the link to what happens next

I would love to send a report ticket but I tried finding the tab that let's me there yet I couldn't find it so if anyone can help A. K. A mod(I wrongly tagged someone... I'm sorry whoever you are)

Sincerely yours.


@not_Queen @MandyTalk @not_Queef


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