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What if a replay option was added?

Member Posts: 3,022

Was just watching Scott Jund's recent video about player entitlement. In a nutshell, he points out that part of the toxicity this game has is due to a lack of knowledge in what the other side is going through during a match. They may call an action one thing, but from the other perspective, it's something entirely different. Linked it below, for those that want to see.

So, what if a replay system was added? Where you could go back to a playthrough, and watch the match from various players perspectives. They could pinpoint areas they felt, at the time, were 'scummy.' Or see 'omg, he was hiding there the entire time?' Heck, players might learn something, from both sides, at seeing particular plays.

It would only be available when the match was complete, of course. Maybe even have the ability to save a few replays? Just give a way for both sides to view what the other is doing, and in some cases, thinking when actions happen. If that hooked survivor sees the killer was going after somebody else entirely, only to be led right back by that same survivor, they might see it wasn't camping. Or the killer who was looped for three minutes could see the way the survivor was using the tileset, and learn from it on the next match.

Basically, remove some of the toxicity from the community by giving the option to be enlightened on what can, at the moment, be viewed as toxic. I know it wouldn't clear up truly toxic players, or plays, but even a little bit could help. Players may even learn something, and become better for it, down the line.

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  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I would settle for a crude map overlay that showed totem placement and player movements, etc

  • Member Posts: 512

    there would be even more dedicated hits than there are now

  • Member Posts: 258

    Yea this would be all I want it for. It's like you saw them turn the corner then they're just scratch marks or anything. It's like they activated an invisibility perk.

    @Peanits this new forum sucks, by the way. The battle I gotta go through with this thing is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 914

    I don't know if anyone of you actually remember the game Evolve, but it had a very neat feature in the post-game screen:

    Something like that would be not too much hassle to implement I think!

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Do not want, mostly because I don't want people to see how much of an idiot I am >_>

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I think it would be a great feature and espcially beginners help to understand why they have been spotted by an killer, or why they haven't hit an survivor and so on.

    Also it could help to bugfix this game, because we could send the devs then the replays with bugs. Same for reports. If someone had use an exploit - bhvr could direct see it then in the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    It's a darn shame the only thing I know that could potentially do this is Nvidia Shadow play. However, it only records your perspective so you'd need a full team of survivors and a killer all playing KYF games seriously with the software recording for a taste of what this would look like.

    Then again, if anyone wants to do some science in KYF I'm down since I maxed out my BP and dailies for the 10th.

  • Member Posts: 581

    That's not a bad idea at all. Would enjoy that. Could replay a good match to see what you did right,or a bad one to see where you went wrong. There's also plenty of matches I'd have liked to share,but failed to capture,for whatever reason. They get so many suggestions though...and there's bigger issues...but still,it's a nice thought.

  • Member Posts: 5

    That would be pretty nice, instead of just the general spectate option, implement an extra option that let's you replay up to current events, which will let you watch and even speed up the replay up the till live replay. Good idea!

  • Member Posts: 158

    I did not know that that existed. But now that I do, it would be an awesome addition to the game. Not only as a learning tool, but an awesome addition for any streamer who wants to add a level of depth to their play VODs.

    Or just being able to go back and watch your own recordings along with a bird's eye of your map moves.

    Heck it might even actually give peeps some new perspective. Though I can, and I say this without irony, already see the conspiracy theories.

    "Devs made a flawed replay that hides the killers scummy play so we can't see!"

    "Fukkn Devs, this map SHOWS how all games are surv sided and now we have proof! JuSt aPpLy pReSsUre."

    Lol... sigh

  • Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020

    I would love a replay option.

    1 instand new match, 2 a chance to learn, 3 putting your money where your mouth is with the GGEZ endings.

    As long as those who agree (hit a check box) are put in a lobby, with the rest of the space filled with new randommers (In case not everyone voted in favor) there literally would be no negative to this.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Great feature, easy to implement, DBD is is on UE4, that has BUILT IN 3d freecam replays

    Not sure if it will be added, because it would show what is REALLY caused by latency and what is caused by bad hitboxes

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