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Is billy op?

Since i started playing billy 3 weeks ago i get ez 4ks 90% of my games. So is billy op? Im not calling billy op or asking for nerfs im just curious cause its so ez to 4k with him. I used to main leatherface and got 4ks only 40% of my games. Im on xbox


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  • Member Posts: 278

    What rank are you?

  • Member Posts: 375

    Yeah bro billys op, this is fine tho.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Meh. Hillbilly is just a killer that punishes survivors for not being near a window or pallet. Since he's not a big player anymore people just see captain zoom and forget to treat him properly.

  • Member Posts: 647

    Hillbilly is probably the strongest of the traditional looping killers. He can't ignore loops like Nurse or Spirit, but he can make them very short if he lands chainsaws. He also has some of the strongest map presence in the game and is one of the few killers who can win consistently on large maps like Coldwind Farm, Ormond, or Crotus Penn Asylum.

    Does he have weaknesses? Of course, chainsaws can be juked around tight corners or changing direction last minute, back revving is a learned behavior. He's really rough on maps where he can't zoom around from Chainsaw to Chainsaw, he's probably one of the few killers that doesn't jump for joy getting Hawkins, and not too thrilled for Lery's or the Game either.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Is Billy op, no, not particularly, his insta sawing is super unfun though, and I feel like removes the skill you need with him, I think he'll end up seeing some changes at some point, but I'm hoping it's only addons, or a hitbox change for the saw because that thing feels insanely wide sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    One would need to define op.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Billy stomps noob survivors hard, similar to Oni. If even one survivor is not very good on your team, you will lose against a good billy.

    He can certainly be frustrating to play against, but that's more due to how many bad survivors there are even at high ranks. It's never fun running a billy for minutes at a time and then your teammates go down the moment they are found.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Billy's add-ons are definitely too strong. Carb guide should be nerfed imo.

    His base kit is perfectly balanced though.

  • Member Posts: 221

    Yes, he is

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    No just stay close to pallets, windows and hide. A good team won't have a lot of trouble with him.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    The skill of the players you go against definitly matters. Billy is op against bad and mediocre survivors, but a joke against good ones.

  • Member Posts: 478

    Long text alert!!!

    Billy is op. Consider this, insta downs with relatively quick recovery if missed so even on tight corners, he can still just gain alot of ground to basic attack, seeing as how he's one of the fastest killers without chainsawing. Should even be fine getting directly behind you for an easy chainsaw. This can be used on any map. He has ultimate map pressure. Punish loops. And unless you're a good enough survivor, it's difficult to avoid chainsaw if the Billy is good.

    Any character that can potentially snowball a game is op. Right now, its Oni, Billy, Nurse, and possibly Spirit but that's it. Huntress only with 3 instadown hatchets.

    Literally got snowballed getting only one gen done while I'm purple. Three teammates were a mixture of 2 reds and a green. Got a 14 Billy that had all game achievements (clearly just de ranked or smurfed), anyways, got snowballed and was super toxic bragging gg ez 4k. Never made a mistake, slugged everyone and even had Iron Grasp and agitation so you couldn't even outplay hook distances.

    Every killer can get 1-2 free kills if they camp, tunnel. Billy can most times just get 3-4 because of his instadowns.

    Lastly, end game collapse vs Billy= you're screwed. No point no matter what the distance. He can just sonic over before you get a light up. That's why people nowadays look for keys in chests when they couldn't find the hatch. Collapse was good idea, poorly designed.

    So yes, Billy is OP as hell and needs a nerf soon. They did it to Nurse and Spirit although they are still really strong, they just require more effort and skill to play, still capable of very good games.

  • Member Posts: 478

    I'm sure I'm possibly just being dramatic but considering every game I face against a Billy, unless I'm in a SWF group or a REALLY solid team. No matter how good I may be. Games are just boring with him because of how free and easy he is. He's most likely going to get you unless he is really bad. Against randoms, he generally gets 3-4k easy.

  • Member Posts: 256

    So wait, are you saying all killers that can actually punish huge survivor mistakes in a way that matters are over powered?

    So for killers to be balanced they need to give survivors enough time to recover from mistakes no matter how heavy they are and any killer that doesn't allow heavy mistakes is too strong?

    If that is true then sorry, but I have to say those are not good reasons and actually shows a problem with other killers that lack that snowball potential.

    You seem to underestimate his chainsaw cooldowns, since most of the time if the survivor isn't in a HUGE deadzone they have enough time to go to a pallet by the time billy recovers. If you use the chainsaw to catch up it shaves time off the 10-20s it would take for a 115% killer to catch up yes, but billy can't combo a missed chainsaw into an m1 most of the time. Him having map pressure is strong yes but... isn't this the kind of map pressure every killer would need? He can get from one side of the map to the other fast but he can still only be in 1 spot at a time, while there are 4 survivors.

    The argument with the rank 14 billy isn't really valid either, since if the billy never made mistakes and he capitalizes on your mistakes, he should dominate and the problem seems to be with the matchmaking and not billy.

  • Member Posts: 835

    Is any kind of Billy op vs good survivors? No

    Does decent Billy with insta saw or crack addons punish bad survivors heavily? Yes

    Basekit Billy is most fun and fair interaction between 2 sides there is so if you really want to nerf Billy then nerf insta saw and crack Billy, but keep the basekit as is.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Basekit Billy is good. A little on the stronger side, but not blatantly OP.

    When you add Carb Tuning and Primer Bulb, yes. When you add Exposure perks, yes. When you only get downs with your saw, yes.

    The devs can fix ONE of these problems.

    @PodgeNotRodge I can snowball very well and easily as Pig. Does that make her OP?

    @xRem that's a different issue. Matchmaking a low purple with a lower performing killer (Demogorgon) against reds with possibly an OoO SWF squad doesn't relate to Hillbilly's power level.

  • Member Posts: 306

    If you from Poland and want to tunnel Billy is perfect killer for you. Why Poland? Because almost every time if killer is a player from Poland he facecamp, tunnel. This information is accurate on 146%. 

  • Member Posts: 408

    If you think Billy is op, you're delusional... He can be looped, and needs to get close in order to hit a chainsaw

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    When did they ask for a nerf huh? Maybe if you got past your own personal killer bias, you might actually be able to contrible to the conversation.

    Or just keep pushing that narrative that all the killer mains on the forums do. That's fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Im not asking for nerfs. Billy is the only killer i enjoy playing so im curious if people want him nerfed

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Im not asking for nerfs. Billy is the only killer i enjoy playing and i want to know what people think of him

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2020

    Short answer is no.

    Long answer is no 😛 imo he is well balanced as he can be outplayed by good players. He has good map pressure on most maps (indoor ones can be a pain) but can still be looped for a long time.

    Billy has always been extremely fun to verse for myself as he keeps you on your toes.

    The only thing he does is show standard 4.6m m1 killers to be weaker at the start as he doesn't have the 20-30s walk time to gens like they do. This causes balance issues for the lower tiers as changes to the maps and objectives will just strengthen him but I would say they need to bring the others more up to his pressure as his baseline shows what is needed and not touch how he is.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    He's not op. Not even close. You can loop Billy into another galaxy if you have map knowledge and you're a decent looper.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    imagine if my comment wasn't directed specifically against the OP but rather others in the thread

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    No, his base kit is mostly fine. I do think his chainsaw hitbox is a little too forgiving though imo.

    Main issue with Billy is just his addons. His insta saw addons are pretty busted.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Hell no. Why am I not seeing more "Ghostface OP?" threads on here?? He causes the most disconnects.

  • Member Posts: 478

    If that's how it is for you then you must be bad. I've seen plenty of vids at this stage to see snipes xD but oh well. It's a shame it's either your killer main or survivor main. Why cant people be intelligent main and think about both points of view. Literally just had a two Billy that got two free kills cause he camped and he was terrible with a chainsaw. Weren't even duping it, he just got behind our ass and sawed. I played a game with no perks or addons and got 3 and I dont even play him. Billy op xD end of.

  • Member Posts: 375

    The point is that even with all that, it's not even close to what survivors

  • Member Posts: 314

    I got 99 problems and a Billy ain't one.

  • Member Posts: 175

    No, its not any monkey that can pickup billy and instantly 4k, billy takes practice, and if you're playing agaisn't a good team, said monkey would be lucky to hit 1 chainsaw.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I did the exact same thing as the OP. I had ONE bad game against high purples as a low green, then started smashing everyone of a similar rank.

    It's not that he's OP but he's too easy to play for what you can get out of him.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    worst thing is,i'm pretty sure ur a billy main aswell. Toolboxes are fine :F

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    My memory is messed up then,thought you said you played alot of billy :F

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    100% no. I love playing as AND against him.

    Curving with the saw makes my nipples dance.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    He is actually the most balanced killer in the game

    His power has counters, his power has decent map pressure and can one shot down

    He is actually the killer to make you focus on him to make sure he is not about to hit you with a chainsaw

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I don't think so. He severely punishes bad positioning and forces you to stay conservative at loops. A decent Billy will obliterate less experienced survivors but have diminishing returns in higher level play.

  • Member Posts: 48

    No. Billy isn't OP, he punishes mistakes just like any 1 hit killer. If one good survivor catches a chase, he can easily get 2-3 gens popped unless a mistake is made. Run your loops correctly and a 4k for the Billy is nearly impossible.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Billy is strong but not OP. He is probably what most killers should be balanced around. Powerful but counter-able. I've seen billys tear through groups with the chainsaw while others looped him so well he had to M1 them to death.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Hillbilly is one of the harder killers to master and he is very strong, but never really op . The only thing i would change are some of his addons. Make tuning guide and engravings ultra rare and Thompson, Primer bulp and Death Engravings purple. Or rework his addons at all.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I played hillbilly at rank 1 almost exclusively until Oni came out. All of Billy's charge addons are ridiculously powerful for their rarity and need to be nerfed. CTG is easily one of the top 5 most powerful addons in the game, and things like spark plug and primer bulb do wayyy to much for being a brown and yellow respectively, especially seeing as they have 0 downsides. Base Billy is perfect, he's a killer that a new player can learn and excel at low ranks with, but will get stomped at higher ranks unless they starts to learn tricks and techniques that separate the average Billys from the good ones (Curves, slides, even stuff as simple as feathering at pallets). And all of his other addons are perfect: engravings have a powerful effect while also containing a big drawback in charge time, and his turn addons change how he can be played and buff his power without being oppressive. It's just the charge addons that make builds like instasaw and crack billy overpowered, because they negate all drawbacks of his power basically for free.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Hes pretty good but not OP, and the reason you do your "ez 4ks" is because you were playing with bots. Even though billy is a good killer, his most weakness is that he can be looped, you can force him to M1 you (which often happens to me).

  • Member Posts: 227

    He's OP when compared to the other killers. So maybe they're just all really undertuned?

    But like, look at Oni. Oni is a super strong killer that can snowball. But he has to collect blood to gain the sprint & the 1-shot. Hillbilly... always has sprint & 1-shot. And doesn't have a bar for his run either.

    That's the difference to me. Billy has base kit abilities that other killers have to power up but he doesn't. By definition, that makes him better than them.

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