Callout to devs; You've made your bed, now lie in it!

leyzyman Member Posts: 355
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Is this what dbd is supposed to be like...

I've been thinking about this in the back of my mind for a while. The way we are treated by the devs just isnt right. It's their game, yes. But if they want to sell their product, they should listen to us.

Think about it, before flashlights were needed a while ago, insta-blinds were a thing. It took a Developer getting humiliated on stream to get them changed.

Let's look at these problems we are facing now due to game mechanics:

For survivors: killers that are tunneling and camping them on the hook. Making the enjoyment of others nearly impossible because they die on hook 1 from no one being able to rescue. The fact that slugging is so rampant; I understand when there are survivors nearby or the generators are close, but when people are slugging and doing 1 hooks, that isnt really a fair thing. Some survivors are even so toxic, they attack their fellow survivors and ruin their games; purposely blowing up gens, dropping all pallets, sandbagging, purposely leading killers to them, ect.. The problem with moris being strong enough to cut survivors down a hook state.

For killers: Survivors are running rampant with the gen times, as it is possible (I've had it happen) to get a gen done before the game can recognize it. Meanwhile, the killer is still walking to that part of the map. People constantly t-bagging at the killer and harassing them. All the 2nd chance perks being attacked can make you (at best case scenario) swing 17 times per survivor for 3 survivor (I did calculations in another post a while ago. I can make a post explaining my math later if requested). If you want a 4k, it is almost mandatory to slug. Sometimes, having a 4k game and not popping. Rampant swf games.

There are a lit more problems like bugs, exploits, wait times, ect.. I just dont want this to last forever.

Why is it that these things just keep running rampant, and either 1 thing gets fixed or they add a perk to fix it, and inevitably change it later to not fix it? From what I've witnessed, the devs refuse to change and listen, on top of not knowing their own game

Humans are like this. They have ideas of what should be done. They want their product the way they want it. But, they wont listen to most ideas that aren't easy bandaid-fixes.

Remember earlier I mentioned that it took a dev getting humiliated on stream for an issue to be fixed? How bad do you have to be at your OWN GAME to get decimated that badly. And with more options, it just keeps getting out of hand.

I challenge the main devs of the game. Each make a rank 10 and a rank 1 accounts. Give all perks and all items with all addons. Play both sides, and so some solo and some swf games. Do not say "hey, we are testing by playing games" and go in blind. Use new accounts. You do not "play for fun" but play to pip. You want to win.

You will face anything. It could be a killer who is friendly, is farming, or facecamps you. It could be survivors that are clueless or are coordinated. You could get teammates who are good, terrible, or evil. By the end of the day, you will see everything currently wrong in this game.

Why am I doing this, and probably gonna get in trouble: because I love the game's idea. It is such a blast, but the way it is treated it is destined to fail. And obviously, the devs dont see eye to eye.

I am not talking to people like @Peanits, I mean the higher ups. The people who make the call on this game. They NEED to see how bad this game is on both ends. They need to experience the 20-30 minute cue times as a solo survivor. They need to see how bad 150 ping really is. They need to have 3 gens go off after 1 chase. They need to feel how as a rank 10 killer, you still face off against red ranks.They need to suffer like us, and understand what we mean all the time.

Post edited by leyzyman on


  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It doesn't take one person to make the game it takes an entire team. The one Dev you mentioned was not the one reason why flashlight blind were changed it was most likely discussed before hand, you never know it could have been planned before the video then coincidence happened.

    I doubt the Devs or main Devs will do the challenge you placed on them. Others, like yourself have done so in the past so I don't see this one done either.

    Some of the 'Devs' stream Peanits(even though you said not him, Not_Queen and McLean(Game's programmer). There could be more.

    I agree that there are problems, no ones gonna disagree about that but i doubt they are gonna do the challenge that you want them to do. You can see how they play if you go and watch them if ya want.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    You also forget that just because some people don’t like a few of the things you have listed doesn’t mean the game is somehow “bad”.

    Many of the people who complain about being camped or tunneled also forget that this is a mechanic of the game. Same with the people who tunnel AND THEN proceed to complain about DS and gen times because they couldn’t keep their eyes off one survivor.

    In essence yes the game is not perfect but if you are from way back when insta blinds existed, then you would know that the game has come very far. This is mostly due to the devs efforts to improve it.

    Don’t just diss it because of the “bad” parts.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Nah man that BS. After that match they got changed otherwise they would've been in the game way longer. Look at old DS. I get survivor mains I mean I pl play survivor but you have to look at the whole spectrum not just one half.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    I second this notion. I have fun sometimes playing both sides it really just depends. I agree some balance is still needed but it's not too bad. I don't slug when playing killer and I still play the way that makes me have fun with sportsmanship. Otherwise on survivor I'll do gen's and try to save but s ok me killers make it harder so I bring more save perks and DS for those tunneling ones. It's not too bad but I would love to see all the Dev's start over and see the results from both sides.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    You believe what you want to and I'll believe what I want to. We don't have proof that it happened that way. Mine's is that it it could have been planned before hand. Then the other which is that it is not. After all that person we are talking about isn't in charge of game balance. They are in charge of a different department. Game balance is a team effort and it takes a while to implement. No matter how small a simple change can seem to be, it takes a while for them to change it.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It's not black and white. As we see only one side of the story, we don't see the other. It's possible that they had planned to already change it and it would start in the upcoming update. However, he already went over there to stream before it could go live, went in an off season of between updates There could be so many other variables to take account on.

    I am not saying you and the others are wrong in what you believe. That's the only physical evidence that we have to go by and we don't get to look at the 'truth' behind-the-scenes.

    While they 'messed' up in the beginning at least they are slowly, very slowly trying to fix their mistakes from the past. Uncommon to most popular belief, they want their game to survive as long as they can because they do care even if it doesn't come off that ways sometimes. So they are gonna try to do their best to fix things, even if it takes a very long while.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    The gen times are the entire reason killers play like that; double the base repair time and the game is fixed on the spot

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Chickens LAY eggs...people LIE in beds.

    Lay means "to place something down flat," while lie means "to be in a flat position on a surface."

    -- just saying

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355
    edited March 2020


    I'm a math person, not super gooders at english

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    Most killers: 4k in purple rank but safety pip

    Legion: 2k and pip

    Survivors: No survivals and 2 gens done, everyone pips!

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I think most of these problems would be solved if the Killer and Survivors played off each other better.

    The Survivor's pressure in a match has far more permanence. This is what leads to tunneling and camping, barring just straight maliciousness or 'just getting that one kill'. Because for a Killer, you don't have permanent pressure except when you kill a survivor, and what better way to do that than to take out the weakest link and reduce a 1/4 of time wasted?

    The issue isn't really anything the Devs have put out, the issue is the gameplay loop; the Devs think this current sacrifice mechanic is viable. But it isn't. I don't think it has a real future. The Survivors have a quota to fulfill as an objective. The Killer doesn't have a clear quota... except maybe bloodpoints. The Survs and Killer are playing two different games, really.

    I think reworking the sacrifice mechanic altogether would help with most of these issues. Here is what I propose:

    • Instead of hooks killing survivors, hooks act as a tally for the Killer; for each hook the Killer makes, he feeds the Entity's hunger and fills a meter.
    • Survivors will no longer die on hook and no longer have to Struggle during the Struggling Phase.
    • Each survivor can fill a portion of this meter twice, but after reaching the Struggling Phase, they are 'expired' and cannot provide anymore progress on the Killer's meter.
    • When the meter is full, the Entity bellows, and the next hook the Survivor receives will kill them instantly. If a Mori offering was burnt, the Killer can bypass the hooking process and kill them outright.
    • All generators are slowed by 25%, which increases by 5% each time the Killer makes progress on the Killer meter (AKA every fresh hook). At around 5 hooks, the survivors begin to gain generator repair speed as the Killer gets closer to meeting his goal and being able to kill all of them.
    • Hooking an expired Survivor will reduce the generator repair speed back to -25% regardless of current progress, incentivizing rescue of expired survivors to draw out ones the Killer has not freshly hooked yet.
    • If all four survivors are hooked before the meter is filled, the Entity will free all survivors, granting them Endurance for 15 seconds and 25% healing for 30 seconds to recover. The Killer will gain a permanent buff for doing well; a 45% slowdown reduction on missed or successful hit animations (So during the cleaning animation you're 45% faster while moving).

    I think using this system would have many benefits. For one, it directly opposes Tunneling and Camping as a tactic, as the Killer gains nothing from Tunneling a single survivor except what he can offer. You also can't camp and wait for the timer to expire, as the survivor won't die on hook until the Killer feeds the Entity's hunger through pain and misery (which, additionally, is lore friendly to the Entity). It changes a lot but doesn't change the ultimate gameplay mechanics, only the Killer's ultimate goal with a few balancing changes thrown in. Furthermore, the match pace is now determined by how well or how poorly the killer does, allowing more play time between survivor and killer and avoiding deaths on hooks that interrupt the Survivor's fun while being chased around by the Killer. It extends match length and gives us a better experience overall.

    I think utilizing this would solve most of the toxic issues we have, as both sides have a clear goal, rather than one side having a clear objective and the other having a vague idea of what they're supposed to do. It makes it still asymmetrical but similar enough so that they play off each other better.

  • NecroGoatLord
    NecroGoatLord Member Posts: 34

    The only reason there is no competition is because Friday The 13th can't add any content to the game. But even in its current form FT13 is a better game in the fact that Neither side is OP.

    Sure you only face off against Jason, but which form & from which movie?

    Another thing that gives it a win is the in game chat. When in a certain distance of others they can hear you, but so can the killer lol

    If FT13 could add more I'm sure there'd be more more playing it.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Yeah. Sadly issues with legal really dug the game's grave.

  • NecroGoatLord
    NecroGoatLord Member Posts: 34

    Still has a player base but not as big as it could've been.

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Damn, where is the "vote down" button? This isn't an e-sport, they should be playing for fun.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    SWF over Killers over Solos

    The main problem is the devs not even trying to give solos the same information that swf gets and then balancing killers around it. Solos and killers suffer while SWF players have fun.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328
    edited March 2020

    It's our own fault. We still buy DLCs and cosmetics. If we want a change we need talk with our wallets. I personally stopped buying anything for a long while. In fact, I never bought auric cells. I only will when some major issues are addressed and fixed.

    Thankfully I have over 50k shards, if I want a killer or survivor I can get it for free anytime as long as not licenced.

  • oliv
    oliv Member Posts: 7

    Sounds like most the problem the OP has with the game are people playing the game being douchebags. You can't fix being an ass with a patch.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    token "game bad, devs bad" post, didn't even read through it

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    "Many of the people who complain about being camped or tunneled also forget that this is a mechanic of the game."

    Well maybe it shouldnt be part of the game. This is what people mean whan they say that the game is "bad". It has things it shouldnt have, and doesnt have things it should.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    By different department, do you mean the department of the entire game? If you think he can't control the "direction" that the "game" goes in, you might be mistaking his job. In all likeliness, he's the primary suspect for why the dev team constantly decides to apply band aid fixes instead of fixing core gameplay problems.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Why shouldn't it be a part of the game?

    If you think it's a bad thing for the game that's fine. It doesn't mean there aren't people out there who can deal with it.

    Same goes for killers who don't like things that survivors are able to do.

  • TwoFace
    TwoFace Member Posts: 5

    I uninstalled the game about 3-4 months ago and I've been playing since you couldn't kick gens as a killer. Imma say this straight up. People are MOSTLY what make this game bad... But combine that with crappy matchmaking, a horrible ranking system, and giving both survivors and killers perks and items that are easily abused only amplifies the issue. Devs should be concerned about this, but they don't seem to be.. I check the forums once in a while cause I have faith this game can be fun again, but the logical part of me knows it may never be... RIP DBD

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    The other thing with F13 was everyone went in on the "Same" side. No one knew who the killer was gonna be until the game started therefore the wasn't the clear divide a game like this has.